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Love Question

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See, theres this guy at school who I really like. I find myself drifitng away from the subject of school into a day-dream of him. I just want to know if he likes me back:

1) When he sees me, He's yells "Ari! Ari!! What, I dont get a hug?". Then he puts his arms out for me to go running into.

2) When a close friend asked him on Facebook if he liked me, he didnt reply. I'm a bit worried about that.

3) Everytime someone mentions my name he just starts major smiling

4) He is always saying how I am an amazing singer

5) He gives me that look that you give when you like someone but I dunno if he does like me

What do y'all think?
 Waterwhip posted over a year ago
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Love Answers

writer67 said:
yes he like you, but he doent ant everone involved with it, as its between two and only two, two is a company, and any more its starts to crowd.he wants to be a best freind, and maybe one day move on from there. he wants to suppoirt you and learn all he can of you, for he wants an equal, someone who is there for more than a short time, he wants the forever kind. he doesnt mind people knowing he likes you from his acts, but he is a way your protector of sorts, and he will worry. but he may want a future, so he has to focus upon his studies, he may want many nice things, for his future and maybee u by his side. enjoy your times, dont rush it, go with the flow, but dont get to swept away, you got work and dreams too, maybe u do have a good voice. hope your working on a song for him, but do keep iut secret until your ready to release it before the crowd, he will now by your words. but do have fun, in his company for it seems he enjoys yours. he wants his treasure kept safe and not all over facebook pages, or upon the grapevine of school;-]

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posted over a year ago 
athena305 said:
I think he definitely likes you but is just a little shy. About the Facebook thing, he probably knew that your friend was going to tell you or he just didn't really feel comfortable replying. I know I probably wouldn't. Then again, I'm not a guy. By the sounds of it, he's kind of intimidated by you, so you might need to make the first move. Just ask him if he wants to hang out together and once he sees that YOU'RE interested in him, he'll probably ask you out/whatever else you want.

Then again, I'm definitely no expert but I do pride myself on my acute logic so...I don't know. Good luck!
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posted over a year ago 
2dolphn97 said:
I don't know!!! I know that boys loooove to flirt I guess we never will understand the world that is boy. Try instead of Facebook your friend asking him in person so she can gauge his reaction and he can't run away. Have her start out with you didn't answer my question on facebook than see where it leads you
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posted over a year ago 
harleyquinn17 said:
hes probably just one of those *shy dudes* i know that mostly the guy makes the first move but maybe you should take a step foward and you should make the first move :D
hope this helps!!
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posted over a year ago 
jeniffer2200 said:
Well...yes he does but,he does'nt want you to know or he's too shy to tell you.
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posted over a year ago 
piperleoforever said:
He does :) He is just to shy to tell u that. Just tell him "When do u plan on asking me to be your girlfriend?" Haha,just do it.
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posted over a year ago 
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