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Love Question

New crush

I just started 8th grade. There were 3 new kids at my bus stop, 2 are 6th graders and 1 is an 8th grader. I chat with him sometimes and he's fitting good in my school. Today I just started to have a crush on him. I might wanna go out with him cause he's cute and has a good personality, so what should I do to go out with him? (PS: He's not in a relationship)
 InuYasha11 posted over a year ago
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Love Answers

lolibarbie said:
Just be yourself, number one. Subtly flirt a lot, laugh at his jokes, smile! Is he in any of your classes? If yes - chat it up about the latest test or quiz! If no - pass him in the halls? Smile, wave, or even say 'Hi!' if feeling confident! Good luck! (:
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posted over a year ago 
Thanks and by the way, he's on my bus and in my Jazz Band class! :)
InuYasha11 posted over a year ago
Goldilottes said:
Ok well its good you're getting on well with him and that he must be really nice to you if you already have a bit of a crush on him.
But remember you've only just started 8th grade, so you're, what, 12? and you only just started the crush today! so it's very, very early days to start deciding you want to go out with him, as thats quite a big thing.
I'm really happy for you that you've got your first crush, as i remember my first time too. However, you definitely need to give it some time to blossom into a relationship and not rush into anything. It's good that there the spark, as thats a start. But you have to let it develop on its own for the first little while, as you don't want to scare him off already by being too forward.
Then if it feels right you can go from friends to 'friends with benefits' thenyou can start thinking about a relationship. Trust me, I rushed into things once because I was swept away on the moment, and this was when I was 14. It didnt last because I didnt give the relationship enough time to blossom in its own time. You're young, so you have loads of time for that. My advice would be to just take a backseat at this moment in time and watch as your relationship developes into something amazing. I can promise you it will turn out better in the long run that way.
In the mean time, keep seeing him and hanging out with him, then maybe as early as a few weeks time if you feel ready, you can start taking things further. get to know what he likes, be yourself, smile and flirt, then later maybe ask him if there are any girls he happens to like and watch his reaction. If you feel brave enough you could hold his hand.. and make sure you always sit together with him on the bus.
Good luck hunni x

Lottey <3 x
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posted over a year ago 
thanks, by the way I'm 13 not 12
InuYasha11 posted over a year ago
kk ^^ x
Goldilottes posted over a year ago
bvegas2020 said:
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posted over a year ago 
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