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Love Question

Is there anything morally wrong about this?

I am 15, soon to be 16, and my girlfriend is 12.
For a long time I thought she was at least 16 (A short 16 year old.) and over time I started to have a crush on her. While I had a crush I found out that she was 12, but I still went after her heart and eventually got it. Right now we are in a healthy relationship, but starting late September, it will be a 12 year old dating a 16 year old...
Is that morally wrong?
 samuraibond005 posted over a year ago
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Love Answers

ColieAnne91 said:
I think it is wrong cause a 12 year old should not have a boyfriend. but as long as your not sexual with her till she is at least 16 herself its ok i guess but if you keep going out with her im sure yall will become sexual. so i think it is wrong.
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posted over a year ago 
The relationship isn't about sex....
samuraibond005 posted over a year ago
it might not be now. but eventually it can lead to that && that would be wrong
ColieAnne91 posted over a year ago
yeah that is true, you'll be surprized that it will definitely become sexual when you're a little older.
Goldilottes posted over a year ago
angrybirdgirl posted over a year ago
Mya43 said:
In my opinion, it's not the fact that you're older that makes it, yes, pretty much morally wrong... It's the fact that she's 12. If she was 14 and you 18, I would personally find it a little better. I just mean, I wouldn't let my 12-year-old date anyone, whether he is 16 or 12. But it's my opinion, some people could find this very normal.
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posted over a year ago 
But, where do you live?
Mya43 posted over a year ago
I agree with this answer.
boolander25 posted over a year ago
Oh, and we both live in Virginia....
samuraibond005 posted over a year ago
Mya43 posted over a year ago
DaegFaerchsGirl said:
the limit is 5 years!!! so it is yes and no to me
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posted over a year ago 
sehdt said:
The fact you thought she was older probably means she looked or even acted that way so you can be forgiven for that. I am 36 but look much younger. However once you were aware of the fact may be you should have stopped it. But if you two are having an appropriate relationship for your ages and you know what legally can and can not happen and you do not pressure her. Then I see no reason why you should stop it. Theres 7 years between my brother and his soon to be wife (she is younger) Good Luck
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posted over a year ago 
wolfgurll said:
my answer is no, because i know a couple who is 16 years apart and have a son. and really it sounds weird that shes 12 nd your 16 but hey love happens and all u can do is go with tha flow nd dont make waves and even if u try to leave love will ALWAYS find u trust me i know cuz im 14 nd my bf is 18.
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posted over a year ago 
Goldilottes said:
Well I don't think its morally wrong- It's different and you'll have to be very careful about how far you go with her. But, if she's happy, if you're happy, and you're both being sensible then there's nothing wrong with it just so long as her parents are ok about it (you may need to super-wow them), and that you are prepared to wait, then everything's fine.

One day, if you stay together, that age gap will feel like not very much at all. Theres only a 3 year difference so I don't see a problem, and you seem quite sensible.
So good luck, and don't let things get in the way of your love ^^ x
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posted over a year ago 
Well, to be honest, I don't want sex, that can wait until/if we get married. : /
samuraibond005 posted over a year ago
Oh well then thats cool. but i didn't only mean sex, and stuff. you seem sensible so no i don;t think theres anything wrong with it at all, especially if she looks and acts older.
Goldilottes posted over a year ago
Team_Carlisle said:
Absolutely not! My parents are 18 years apart and as they say age is just a number. Yes there are people who dont think its right. I personally say:Follow your heart.
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posted over a year ago 
2dolphn97 said:
Well no it's not morally wrong ik people that were 16 or so yrs apart & got married I mean if u have sex w/ her now than no but like if you 2 got married it would be healthy it should be fine tho a little wierd ;) honestly because your 16 and she's 12 she probably didn't even think uk she existed :) good luck I hope it works out between u 2
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posted over a year ago 
lolibarbie said:
Kind of. I think it's totally sweet, and it's your life and you should life it the way you want to, but it's still kind of weird. That's just me.
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posted over a year ago 
angrybirdgirl said:
ya kinda

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posted over a year ago 
writer67 said:
many will judge, yet as long as you are both are mature and enjoy one anothers company and spennd the times talking and finding the traits of one another,and becoming great freinds is what all strive for in any relationship, as long as her parents are aware of your intentions of an honorable heart.many are more mature than others. but many hope to find their equals with another. take youyr time enjoy life and the simple things of walks and talks, but remember study still must come first. especially if you want to live happily ever after, i wish you good luck. but b nice in all you do, you may b older, but if you break her heart, things could and would get messy.aim for a future of the white picket fence, and slowly tell one another all of one another, Gog doesnt judge until the day we pass, so be good in all you do. my wife is 13yrs younger than i, and we still do the dating thing,it keeps us or me young;-]

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posted over a year ago 
White picket fence? Nah, we are both Japan lovers. XD Yay Japanese dream.
samuraibond005 posted over a year ago
bvegas2020 said:
Need help in dating? Join whereweallmeet an online dating site with live dating agents to provide advice on how to find the match for you.
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posted over a year ago 
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