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Love Question

Does anyone here think im pretty/cute/handsome? Sorry about my english (not from usa or uk).

Does anyone here think im pretty/cute/handsome? Sorry about my english (not from usa or uk).
love ur hair...its sooooooo cool
Rupa posted over a year ago
you are cute love you:D
e2mma2weasle3 posted over a year ago
u r hot
ljsb posted over a year ago
 play_on_command posted over a year ago
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Love Answers

cuteinblack6 said:
Srry but i think u like crapy. really srry. but its what i think
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posted over a year ago 
yeah thanks for being honest...
play_on_command posted over a year ago
Mabye because im asian and interested in asian guys. or maybe because i have a boyfriend. hmmmmm
cuteinblack6 posted over a year ago
Jillywinkles said:
I don't know what the first poster is talking about, I think you look fine. Especially your hair is quite nice. You're not my type but a lot of girls I know would consider you cute.

Also your English is not bad at all!
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posted over a year ago 
thanks XD.... u like my hair? this is an old photo... its a bit longer now....
play_on_command posted over a year ago
cool, just don't stick it in a pony-tail, I think that's really gross, haha :)
Jillywinkles posted over a year ago
well i use english a lot so i dont think i have an accent.... its not like im from germany.....
play_on_command posted over a year ago
Rupa said:
i love ur hair.....i think u would look better if u had smiled....overall..u r cute
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posted over a year ago 
thanks.... but i rarely smile.... and i dont like taking pictures..... guess im a bit emo (plus ive read all twilight books)....
play_on_command posted over a year ago
ok.....btw a smile lights up ur face
Rupa posted over a year ago
greenchoco101 said:
you look ok
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posted over a year ago 
XD..... thx
play_on_command posted over a year ago
emo_grl_4eva said:
well i'll say this, if i wasnt already taken i'd totally date u
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posted over a year ago 
XD.... thanks but i doubt it.... i believe this is the second best photo of me so im not all that good looking....
play_on_command posted over a year ago
plus im from croatia sooooooo.....
play_on_command posted over a year ago
yeah... why?
play_on_command posted over a year ago
LiilacLottiie94 said:
Yeah you look fine. :-)
and your english is very good too.

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posted over a year ago 
peterslover said:
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posted over a year ago 
thanks smallville XD
play_on_command posted over a year ago
you're sooooooo welcome♥ And I like the nickname you gave me! Sweet!
peterslover posted over a year ago
yeah well... thats me XD.......
play_on_command posted over a year ago
Sweet_Pants said:
Ok, first, don't give a **** about what everyone else thinks.

And second, and being myself pretty contradiction of my eirlier statement, I personaly think you look hott:)
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posted over a year ago 
renrae said:
I'm a sucker for short and red hair. You don't have that, but you look pretty good all the same. :)
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posted over a year ago 
shmalex said:
You look like a dashing Scandinavian (I don't know if you are...but you kind of look like one).

Yes, you're good-looking.
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posted over a year ago 
sorry.... not a viking XD
play_on_command posted over a year ago
9twilightlover5 said:
the way ur looking kinds scares my and ur too pale get out in the sun and put some brown in ur hair make it lookdirty blond u look albino right now and u do have great eyes and nice hair ...
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posted over a year ago 
ummmmm... im not that pale... its because of the flourescent lighting... XD..... and i know i loook scary..... people say im a natural vampire....... btw twilight rules.......
play_on_command posted over a year ago
yes ive read all of the books... benjamin from the eclipse owns......
play_on_command posted over a year ago
khm...... stephenie meyer alert... have u seen any other vampire movies other than twilight? try "john carpenters vampires" or "nosferatu", "salems lot, "frostbitten" or even "hellsing"...i didnt say like the twilight ones... creep????? not sleek and cool?????? geez thanks a lot...... now im gonna be bummed all day long......
play_on_command posted over a year ago
Lauren said:
I think you are cuuute! :) by the way, you should consider looking this spot link Its for cute guys on Fanpop :)
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posted over a year ago 
scarlet009 said:
you would look really good if u had a cute smile on n a merry expression..otherwise you r goo.hairs n style fabulas n eyes i wanna merge in them but i cant figure if the r blue or green?
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posted over a year ago 
uuuummmmm..... it may sound weird but they used to be blue, but now they are green..... and i used to have black, then blond, then brown and blondish now..... :S
play_on_command posted over a year ago
my hair that is...
play_on_command posted over a year ago
MIKEYWAY445 said:
I think you are HOT!!!!!!! Sorry if I just creeped you out lol
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posted over a year ago 
sweet_n_silly said:
HOly hotness!!!!! *faints* it is true that a smile would look better, but DANG, ur hot without one.
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posted over a year ago 
katie_07 said:
you really really look like someone in my year at school... and agree a smile would be better but you still look good :)
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posted over a year ago 
summerlynn1978 said:
Ok. here we go. panda express at 7 on friday. (just kidding but you are cute though.) heres my email address. not really in 1978.
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posted over a year ago 
sasusaku-fan said:
you are cute because of your hair.
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posted over a year ago 
amazingXmooses said:
why do you keep asking this question ??
does it really matter ?

i don't think you're bad looking at all.
but i don't think i could call you hot either :T
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posted over a year ago 
taytrain97 said:
Honestly, I don't think you look so bad. If you were single and I were several years older (lol) I'd probably be one of the girls who come up to you asking you out on dates. ^^
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posted over a year ago 
amethystrose17 said:
I think you are attractive!
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posted over a year ago 
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