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Love Question

I need some advice please!

so on july 19th i went away for the weekend with my cousin for her lacrosse tournament and while we were there we shared a hotel room with my cousin's friend and her family. im going into 8th grade and my cousins a year older. Her friend has a younger brother who is a grade younger than me but i have a late birthday in the year and his is early so were actually only 4 months apart but anyway over the weekend me and him got really close and we talked alot (we felt like we could tell eachother anything) and we had so much fun and inside jokes! we got eachothers numbers but we havent texted eachother since the car ride back to our houses and we live an hour and a half away from eachother. i really like him what should i do?
sorry for the really long story!
goofiegirl14 posted over a year ago
 goofiegirl14 posted over a year ago
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Love Answers

TruBerries said:
Other than just texting, did you try to call him and tell him how you feel?

Sorry, that would've been something I would've done lol
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posted over a year ago 
thats a good idea i just dont have the courage to do that haha but thanks for the advice!(:
goofiegirl14 posted over a year ago
magicalfairy said:
I see that u r in 8th accd 2 me, u giv urself sumtym 2 think abt it. jus clear ur mind nd realise dat u really luv him...if it's a YES, den it's nt a hesitation but only a determination jus go to him nd let the true feelings flow from your heart...but u hav 2 remember dat if he refuses u shouldn't be sad if u truely luv him...okay? becoz u hav 2 believe dat he is happy wid his ri8 nw sotuation! okay? Hope it will help u! good luck! ^_^
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posted over a year ago 
thankkyouu(: im gonna think about what to do...i know i really like him i just dont know how to tell him
goofiegirl14 posted over a year ago
u r welcm! jus relax n be cool! everything will wrk out! jus believe urself! :)
magicalfairy posted over a year ago
Spottedleaf13 said:
I say try to get to know him even better and become even closer, possibly by texting or phoning each other. Then, if you feel ready, you should tell him how you feel! If you don't think you're ready, just hang in there, and if he likes you, he might work up the nerves to tell you.
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posted over a year ago 
thankkyou for the advice im gonna try it!(:
goofiegirl14 posted over a year ago
ur welcome!!!! i love helping!
Spottedleaf13 posted over a year ago
xenriquegrl said:
Make the first move! If you got his number, call him! If hedoesn't remember you, move on! There are other dudes out there who'd take you;)!
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posted over a year ago 
aliselee_lee said:
whatever you do, you do but dear dont share everything..this is puppy love m sorry to say may or may not last long so choose wisely on what you share and what you not...
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posted over a year ago 
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