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Love Question

How do I know if this boy likes me?

 CourtneyKatara posted over a year ago
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Love Answers

Gamerace5 said:
Well...if he spends time with you and, if he tries to show-off when your around, or if talks about you with his friends, then he probably likes you. If he does none of this he either doesn't like or is REALLY shy, the easiest way to tell though is to just ask him so if you have the guts just walk up and ask him...
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posted over a year ago 
scogburn said:
If he tries to talk and joke with you. Sometimes they will do somewhat mean things like try to trip you or put stuff in your hair.. they do that because they might be in denial about liking you and trying to get your attention. He might try to touch you, but don't ever allow a guy to touch you inappropriately, even if they are playing. If none of this fits, try talking to him and see how he reacts, if he does not act interested in talking much, then, probably not or either he is really shy.
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posted over a year ago 
Jillywinkles said:
It totally depends on the guy's personality. once I had this desperate crush on this guy who seemed to be giving me all the signs--but he was a naturally very out-going and touchy-feely person, and I was just fooling myself. All you can do is flirt outrageously, really let him know that you like him, and if he still doesn't respond then he's just not into you.
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posted over a year ago 
peterslover said:
You talk to other guys right? Think for a there anything, anything different about how he looks at you compared to the other guys? How about his reactions towards you? Does he touch you, on the hand, your arm, shoulder, when you two are talking? Anything that is different? That could be a sigh that he likes you.
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You talk to other guys right? Think for a there anything, anything different about how he looks at you compared to the other guys? How about his reactions towards you? Does he touch you, on the hand, your arm, shoulder, when you two are talking? Anything that is different? That could be a sigh that he likes you.
posted over a year ago 
delta117 said:
if he likes you you would just now from his eyes

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posted over a year ago 
1997nikki said:
Well he will stair at you then when you catch him he will some times look away then look right back. He will be really nice to you. He will sometimes tease you so you will notice him. He will also sometimes get his boy friends to talk to you. And he get a girlfriend to sometimes to make you jealous. And if he really likes you he will ask you out. =)
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posted over a year ago 
josiane2009 said:
it all depends on the boys personality. iam currently dating this boy and he likes me but i didn't know if it was true or not, but he was showing all the signs.

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posted over a year ago 
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