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Love Question

Why have I never been treated right in a relationship?

In the relationships I've been in, i've always been treated badly when I don't deserve it. I'm faithful and a nice person when it comes to a relationship. I was always really sweet and too nice to them but why do I always get treated like crap when I don't deserve it? :'(
try try and try again never never let them treat u like ur garbige if this happens just walk away
jazzscarb posted over a year ago
that sounded corny
jazzscarb posted over a year ago
Thank you :)
RnBStar13 posted over a year ago
 RnBStar13 posted over a year ago
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Love Answers

Hellohoudini said:
If you LET people treat you badly...they will....when going into a confident in who you are and let others know "I'm a good person and I will not become someone else's door mat...." Always keep your sweetness and your faithfulness but refuse to take other peoples crap!

Good luck sweetie!
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posted over a year ago 
Thank you :) this really helped!
RnBStar13 posted over a year ago
venant said:
Maybe the problem, is neither you nor the boy, but the fact of dating before the right time,

you see, if you give a diamon to someone who doesn't know the value of it, he will find it beautifull at the beginning, but still he will treat it like other stones.

I don't know how old you are, but what i know is that teen guys don't know how to treat a girl, I'm telling you that because I'm a boy, and i was a teen once.
so for me you can't realy blame the boy even if it's he fault, because he is not mature enough to take good care of you.

so my advice is strange, but i'm convinced that it's right, you should just stop dating immature boys, and wait, to grow up enough to date a guy who will be able to take care of you...
that doesn't mean that bad guys don't existe they do, but it's up to you to make the right choice

take good care of you... there are alot of boys on earth but a lil that are good.
but you girls have this tallent to sence it, so don't be blinded by love and be carefull
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posted over a year ago 
Dansea08 said:
I agree with most of the replies that have already been written about your question.I don't know you,I don't know the people you've had relationships with in the past and I don't know the kind of relationships you've had and how you've both acted during the relationship(s).So I am only speaking generically so what I say is just a helpful tool that might help you in your journey,if you want it.OK..As someone else pointed out,"If you LET people treat you badly,they WILL." No matter how much it hurts,you should never give up because there is ALWAYS a light at the end of the tunnel.To avoid making the same mistakes and getting into relationships that are not healthy,examine what EXACTLY happened in EACH one of those relationships.No two relationships are the same but you may find similarities and those similarities are the key to helping you heal and gain hope to develop relationships that are sincere and respectful.No one is perfect but everyone can change if they want to.Before you get yourself into another relationship,make sure you have resolved your past so it won't haunt your future.One of the best ways to figure out what exactly went wrong and what mistakes were made (on both parts),tell the person you trust and respect the most what happened.Be completely honest about what happened and ask him/her to offer his/her advice on the situation.You didn't clarify if your relationships were friendships or romantic relationships but I am assuming its romantic.Correct me if I'm wrong.I really hope you thought my advice was at least somewhat helpful.I wish you luck in whatever path you choose to go to with your future relationships.Last piece of advice is that every relationship will have its ups and downs but what should always remain are respect and trust.Without those two components,a healthy relationship will never develop.Those trusting and respectful relationships are not hard to find and sometimes they are right in front of you,you just have to look at it. :D Best of Luck!
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posted over a year ago 
PaisleyPark said:
I have the same problem. :\

I think it comes down to being too nice. When you're too nice people think they can walk all over you.

That's my problem, anyway.


You just need to find better guys.
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posted over a year ago 
i agree i think it's not the type of guy who is right iv been through the same and im tired of it so just try try not to let them walk alover ur self
jazzscarb posted over a year ago
Thank you :) and yeah you're probably right, people always take advantage over me :/
RnBStar13 posted over a year ago
xenriquegrl said:
It's not you! Sometimes, it's what happens in relationships in your teen yrs cuz guys can be immature as hell but u know what?

It means that with all of the pain you got from those relationships, your better prepared for the futur! And your most likely to get the man of your dreams to come running to you. When your out of school (I don't know if u graduated yet) you start to explore. Just keep your eyes and ears open!

With all of the jerks u had, the perfect man will be right in line! When your with a guy who treats you bad, stand up for yourself! Don't let them get u thinking that u have a problem! It'll totally work out!:)
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posted over a year ago 
skytail127 said:
youve got to demand respect. you deserve to be treated right. dont put up with a guy treating you like crap. if you let him get away with it once, he will keep doing it. if he doesnt treat you right, leave him. dont stay with guy that treat you badly, and eventualy you will find a guy who will treat you right.
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posted over a year ago 
samuraibond005 said:
If possible, date people that you have already established a connection with.
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posted over a year ago 
bvegas2020 said:
Need help in dating? Join whereweallmeet an online dating site with live dating agents to provide advice on how to find the match for you.
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posted over a year ago 
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