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Love Question

Why do I have this feeling that my ex will come crawling back to me?

We broke up at the beginning of April and we didn't talk until the middle of may, he sent me a message on facebook and i replied and after I sent that he didn't reply back and he was making it obvious that he was ignoring me, so I cut off all contact with him. But when he broke up with me(this was back in April) he said he hopes he's always going to have me and stuff, like obviously he wanted to stay in touch. Also he was horrible to me in the relationship, he treated me like shit. So I feel good about getting rid of him, but why do I have this feeling he's going to come back to me?
PLEASE NOTE: This question is a year old. Any "advice" given to RnBStar13 is now moot, as we do not even know how this turned out (???) although I suppose we can still discuss. I saw someone comment, I suppose they realised and deleted. It is an interesting topic, or we can report as outdated to have removed- doesn't matter, just know that this person may not still even be on fp.
Sinna_Hime_chan posted over a year ago
 RnBStar13 posted over a year ago
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Love Answers

141516 said:
mine came back to me he loves me maybe urs loves u
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posted over a year ago 
I doubt he loves me with the way he treated me :/ he was lovely to me at the start then turned horrible. But I just have this feeling he'll come back :/
RnBStar13 posted over a year ago
tswizleswifty said:
I had a bf who was a football player and the hottest guy in my grade but when we started dating he kept sending me txts saying "i dont want to date u any more" than 2 days later he asked me out. That was one of my first bf so i just went along with it. But he started to do it over and over again. I moved schools and weve never seen each other since. I realized how terrable he treated me and i stoped missing him. I now know he was just toying with my emotions. So if he is crawling back after he treated you wrong, take it from me, unless hes changed he will probaly doit again
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posted over a year ago 
Thank you :) and tbh I don't think he'll ever change.
RnBStar13 posted over a year ago
Hinata-Snow said:
maybe because he believes you'll forgive him. and take my advice: don't.
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posted over a year ago 
Oh trust me, I won't lol. He blew it :)
RnBStar13 posted over a year ago
yannaybean said:
cause he is in love with u
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posted over a year ago 
If he was in love with me then why did he treat me badly?
RnBStar13 posted over a year ago
JBfan516 said:
What's kind of funny in a weird kind of funny not like funny haha funny is that ive been feeling the same way about one of my exs. I think it's just that ur nervous about him wanting to get back together with you bcuz he treated u so horribly. Obviously u really liked him or u wouldve broken up with him earlier then it happened so dont really worry about it too much. He may just have mixed feelings about u but as long as u stand ur ground and dont take him back if the opportunity comes up, ull be fine
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posted over a year ago 
Thank you :)
RnBStar13 posted over a year ago
Karthigesh said:
You have this feeling because women know, women have this intuition to somehow roughly assume what a guy is going to do. Speaking as a guy, most men do not appreciate the women they are with UNTIL they lose them, when they do, they will want to crawl back.

The tough part is figuring out if he TRULY deserves a second chance, or is he using you as an OPTION rather than a priority. I can see your feeling towards him are pretty clear, so if he does indeed come running back, tell him you had your chance and you blew it, and I am meant to be with someone else who can love me like no one else can. Thanks for the memories and I wish you the best in your future.

If you tell it to him like this, he will be blown away at how classy you managed to respond and he would be too awestruck and he will just back away. A lady is a powerful creature, use your words and your emotions to really make an impact...
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posted over a year ago 
Thank you! I WILL say that :)
RnBStar13 posted over a year ago
NicoDiAngelo4 said:
ohmygosh, you just practically stated one of my life moments with my ex bf. (and he did end up coming back, and unfortunatly i said yes) and as tempting as it is to say yes, just say no. if he treats you like shit, you dont wanna go back to that. it only leads to problems.....please, learn from my mistkes and say no!

sorryy i suck at giving advice, but i hope this helps! good luck!
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posted over a year ago 
Thank you! I will say no :) and tbh he'll never change, even if he came back saying he's changed I still wouldn't take him back. No it really helped! and it's so weird how that's happened to you too ^^ and thank you xoxo
RnBStar13 posted over a year ago
No problem! And ikr? Glad it helped!! Xoxo haleyy
NicoDiAngelo4 posted over a year ago
xenriquegrl said:
It's watt guys do. For some reason they have a weird way of expressing their feelings. But he's not gonna come back to you if u make it clear to him that u don't wanna start another relationship with him.

It's great that u are avoiding him and if he crawls back to you, just give him a firm ''no'' and avoid him. But if u still want to keep in touch with him, that's ok too. Just don't go back into it no matter how much u pity him cuz he'll just start all over again!
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posted over a year ago 
suzzan11 said:
May be its because he was your true love.I know how difficult it could be to you.But now you can start your journey toward your success without him
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posted over a year ago 
LisaRabiye said:
I received a love spell from and within 3 days he casterd the spell, the spell started working straight away. before i could know what is happening my lover who broke my heart came to my house to ask me out for a lunch" we are back together now and we are living happily, you can contact dr marnish on his mobile +15036626930 to help with relationship issues
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posted over a year ago 
bvegas2020 said:
Need help in dating? Join whereweallmeet an online dating site with live dating agents to provide advice on how to find the match for you.
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posted over a year ago 
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