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Love Question

Do you agree with me on this?

There's a guy at my school whom I think likes me. He's stared at me before(this happened with another girl too) and touched my shoulder friendly-like. I told him to stop staring and to not touch me, and he said he just wanted to be friends. So we agreed and were kinda-sorta friends.

A few weeks later, he continued staring, and even replied to my comment of how I don't like to sing in front of people with "I bet your voice is beautiful". I was sort of flattered, but also annoyed.

I think he likes me, because guys my age never touch girls unless they like you. I don't "like" like him back. Do you think he's flirting?
 IntrepidKeris posted over a year ago
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Love Answers

inuyasha15 said:
well i don't think so. guys should respect girls to me i think he might be a little pervert touching you and all. Or he could be playing around.
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well i don't think so. guys should respect girls to me i think he might be a little pervert touching you and all. Or he could be playing around.
posted over a year ago 
completely agreed
yukikiyruu posted over a year ago
When I told him to not touch me, he never did it again. So...I'm gonna go with playing around. :3
IntrepidKeris posted over a year ago
xenriquegrl said:
From the looks of things, he's probably playing with u, especially if he does that 2 other girls. He's probably trying 2 get u all nervous so that he can do God knows what 2 u. Try talking 2 him and if he doesn't stop, tell someone u trust. If he really makes u feel harassed, tell the cops. I know I'm going a little overboard here, but u never know. Futur rapest maybe.
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posted over a year ago 
LilysLittleTwin said:
I think you may be overreacting. You said "friendly-like", and to be honest, he's probably not interested at all.
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posted over a year ago 
ecpjll said:
Oh very much so. The question is, does he really like you or does he just want a girlfriend or perhaps just sex? I don't know how old you are but i'm guessing somewhere in your teens. So to summarize...yes there is NO QUESTION that he is flirting, he is BIG TIME but his reasons could be varied. Boys that age are just so weird and hard to understand.
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posted over a year ago 
We're in eigth grade(not in the same class thankfully), so he probably thinks I'm cute or something. I also go to a Christian school.
IntrepidKeris posted over a year ago
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