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Love Question

please help !!!!

I ♥ a boy but he has a girlfriend but she doesen't♥ & she is sooo evil and she hates me and i always cry when i see with him .... please help .I love him so much . He is sooo nice and special 4 me:'(...
 paaaris posted over a year ago
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Love Answers

Hellohoudini said:
He has a that means he must want to be with her...if he wants you then he needs to breakup with her matter how much you think she is evil...doesnt mean he doesnt love her and doesnt mean she doesnt have feelings...put yourself in her shoes...would you want another girl going after your boyfriend? I know it sounds harsh and I dont mean to be but all you can do at this point is let this boy know how you feel about him and then back off dont want to be known as a boyfriend stealer and I'm sure he doesnt want to be known as a cheater.....

Good luck!
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posted over a year ago 
xenriquegrl said:
Hang around him. Talk to him, buddy up to him. 4 now, at least try to be his friend. Maybe he'll see that u r more worth it than her and he'll You'll see, it'll work out:)
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posted over a year ago 
Sorry, and he'll come to u! The worst thing u can do though, is talk about her, don't ever try to say how mean she is. He'llget the wrong impression.
xenriquegrl posted over a year ago
oh!!!! thanks .....that's right :-))
paaaris posted over a year ago
pinkberry99 said:
Start hanging with to him nd bring her up nd ask why he likes her.Then tell him how mean she is.
If she always hangs out with try to get her away from him.idk how but try. Good Luck!!! ^_^
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posted over a year ago 
Karthigesh said:
Almost every person on earth has gone through something like you are going through right now, it's not easy and even if you feel you are much better than his girlfriend, truth is, you have to respect love and let them be together.

It's never right to force 2 people apart, even if they might not be right for each other. Maybe in your eyes they do not fit, but in THEIR eyes, they are perfect to each other. This is hard for me to say because I know what you are going through, but the best thing you can do, is slowly try to move on. It won't be easy but trust me, things always work out in the end. It might not be in the way you want it to, but life will sort itself out and you will be happy.
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posted over a year ago 
oh!!!! thanks .....that's right :-))
paaaris posted over a year ago
Hills1021 said:
i've been in this possition. just text him and talk to him on the phone and just talk to him normally and dont bring her up. eventually he will forget about her care for you and things will go from there but be his friend and help him out. Girl play hard to get go on a fake date after 3 weeks of talking to him on the phone nightly and it'll make him jelious. best of luck! :)
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posted over a year ago 
skytail127 said:
if he is with her there is not much you can do. just befriend him and be there for him. be patient and eventualy they will break up and then you will have your chance. i understand it can hurt to see someone you love with another girl, but you just need to be strong and be a good friend for him. and try to save your tears for wen your alone, then you can grab some icecream, turn up the music and let it out. remember this too shall pass.

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posted over a year ago 
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