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Love Question

Cheating is bad...right?

I know it's bad, it's just their is a group of people who think it's okay. No matter how bad or annoying a person can be, no one should ever cheat on them.

Right? Please tell me your opinion, so I don't feel like I'm the only one who thinks it's a terrible, terrible thing to do.
 dxcfan posted over a year ago
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Love Answers

TruBerries said:
Cheating is not only bad, but the stupidest thing that a complete idiot would do especially when a guy/girl has the one of the good ones. Once the cheating starts, that person will always be a cheater
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posted over a year ago 
I disagree with the last sentence. People can change..
LilMissAddict posted over a year ago
@LilMissAddict That's what you think cause you hope it'll be like that when that cheater guy breaks up with his GF.
Schnusch posted over a year ago
Okay,the only change that I see happening is if he breaks up with his girlfriend for you common sense would tell you that if he cheated on his girlfriend with you then he's bound to do the same thing to you...a.cheat n you with someone else and who knows, maybe the guy is already cheating on you.
TruBerries posted over a year ago
Schnusch said:
Of course it's bad. And anyone who cheats on his girlfriend /her boyfriend is bad.
I also disrespect people who know that someone has a boyfriend/girlfriend and have something with that person. Cheaters are cowards who can't decide who they want to be with. Honest men/women tell you when they have a problem with you (may it be in a communication way / sexual way whatever) and break up with you before something happens with them and someone else.
Well why do you think someone CHEATS on his girlfriend? It's more convenient for some idiots to have a great sexual adventure AND safety at home. Either you have an open relationship or you're honest to the other person right away saying you want nothing serious. Anything else is lying to the one who loves you. And YES not saying anything to someone is a lie as well.
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posted over a year ago 
I agree completely.
dxcfan posted over a year ago
LilMissAddict said:
I think it is terrible..but I am in the situation where this guy is cheating on his girlfriend with me. I feel really bad about it and so does he. She has to break up with him(LONG STORY) and she just won't. She hates me already, and we are cousins by marriage. He is only dating her because she is "open". So I am very confused.
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posted over a year ago 
I wish you all the best of luck. <:)
dxcfan posted over a year ago
adultswimperson said:
Of course, you can only have one girl/guy at a time when in a relationship, because that's the way dating people is.
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posted over a year ago 
but dating is a total diferent thing... like if you are TOGETHER with someone then that one thing but dating is like looking for options
beautygirl321 posted over a year ago
@beautygirl321, What this person is asking is basically the same thing.
adultswimperson posted over a year ago
skytail127 said:
yea, cheating on someone is not ok, no matter who it is.
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posted over a year ago 
Duncan-lover1 said:
i cheated on my boyfriend with a dick head who slept with someone two years older than him yea total ass and now me and the guy i cheated on are just starting to talk again only thing is he dont know i cheated on him i know im a terrible person and i guess i wasent thinking cuz if i was i never would of cheated on him or dated the guy that i cheated on him with confusing? yea kinda i know anywayz im a bad person
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posted over a year ago 
i was so out of it ughhh never again X__X
Duncan-lover1 posted over a year ago
Tamar20 said:
No shit.
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posted over a year ago 
xenriquegrl said:
Think about it. Would u like it if your boyfriend cheated on u? Probably not. So u r right, it's bad. It breaks hearts and is the main reason for divorce and break-ups.
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posted over a year ago 
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