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Love Question


I still love Jordan, even though I went to a different skool for 3 months, and so I was doing prety good, not thinking 'bout 'im, 'til I had a dream. And he was in it. Now i miss him more hen ever. And my "friend" who asked him out for me? I think she's been lieing to me. When I told her I liked him, then she started to. Then she told me that he liked her, though she's given me no evidence to support this fact whatsoever. But get this... Then she told me they were hanging out after skool one day, walking in the rain and sat on a bench. Then she told me she KISSED him!!!! I'm sad, angry, peeved beyond belief, confused and hurt. Jordan's actually pretty nice to me(when I went there)And we were starting to get along, until...I don't even know. I think she said something to him, but I'm not sure. I don't know what to do, think, or feel anymore. ANY advice will be GREATLY appreciated, and thank you to whoever does help me!!
 PUNKMUNK posted over a year ago
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Love Answers

Hellohoudini said:
Get both of them in the same room and talk...its the only way to see who's being shady and who's not...and remember it may not be all her fault...Jordan could be playing both of you....

Good luck!
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posted over a year ago 
You've got a point about him playing both of us...Thanks for answering, though now I don't want to face the fact he could be to blame.
PUNKMUNK posted over a year ago
Karthigesh said:
Your friend doesn't deserve your friendship, she is doing this just to get the upper-hand, my suggestion is simple, you need to talk to Jordan and find out the story from him, talk to him and ask him if it is true, about what your friend has told you, and if he said yes, I suggest you let this matter go, and by that I mean forget about this guy and this friend of yours.

When you talk to Jordan, tell him how you feel as well, take this as a chance to really open up and let all your feelings out, if he truly cares for you he will listen to you and help you out, nice guys are out there and if he is one, he will not let this friendship you have with this girl compromise anything.
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posted over a year ago 
Thank you!! I'll go down there today and talk! Thank you again!
PUNKMUNK posted over a year ago
minnie1 said:
i agree wit the other comments he could b a player nd trust me dnt waste yhur time on em cuz i had a friend who did dat nd now she started to like hym nd look wut happened they went out nd i tried 4 days nd mths to get hym bak nd it sorta worked... soo lyk d others said try nd compare there stories nd then get them to tell yhu the real story together nd c who is lying nd whos not.....srry if im not that much help!! :(

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posted over a year ago 
Even though I had some trouble reading it, thank you for answering! :)
PUNKMUNK posted over a year ago
Frazeree said:
Don't make enemies of the friend, just stay friends but not close friends. Probably you won't want to trust her 100% though. Just give it time with Jordan..Hope I helped! :)
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posted over a year ago 
Yes indeed! TNX YOUZ!!
PUNKMUNK posted over a year ago
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