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Love Question

I Iike this guy at school but I'm not good at talking to guys soo what so u do

 Vampire-Girl013 posted over a year ago
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Love Answers

mangie1995 said:
First of all just start with small talk e.g "sorry but, do i know you from somewhere?, it's just that you look really familiar.." is always a great conversation opener, but if you're to shy to strike up a converstion, as you're walking near him "accidently" drop your books and if he's worth bothering with he'll help you pick them up and that's bound to start a conversation, but make sure if you like this guy to flirt while you're talking to him and getting to know him, but don't go over the top, just stuff like e.g touch your hair alot, flutter your eyelashes, make flirtatious jokes, let him know you're interested (guys are terrified of rejection) laugh at all his jokes (even if they're not funny) the classic lip touch (touching your lips) while you're "listening" to what he's saying is always irrisistable do all this and he'll be in your arms befor you know it. :)
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posted over a year ago 
klarissa03 said:
Just start by saying hi.
Than later on start saying what's up, and having small conversations with him.
Than start hanging out with him that might work.(:
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posted over a year ago 
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