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Love Question

I CAN'T get over my ex...PLEASE help.

We broke up nearly 2 months ago now and I was surprised when he dumped me cause I thought he was never going to leave me but anyway he did cause he said he needed to sort things out in his life and make it better and stuff and he said he could end up hurting me with mistakes he's made bla bla bla. And then 1 month and a half later after not speaking at all he contacts me and asks how I've been(this is over facebook) I reply to his message saying i've been okay, and then i ask him the same, he replies back saying he's been okay then he asks me what i've been doing so I reply to him and ask him the same. He didn't reply and he started ignoring me. I finally couldn't cope seeing him happy and flirting with other girls and ignoring me so I deleted him off my facebook two days ago but now I'm regretting it....I miss him :'( what can I do?!
Also did I make the right decision in deleting him? cause I have no contact with him now whatsoever
RnBStar13 posted over a year ago
 RnBStar13 posted over a year ago
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Love Answers

Hellohoudini said:
So dont hate me for saying this...BUT you're only me he will not be the only love in your life...if hes ignoring you then you did the right thing by deleting me it seemed like he was just keeping you on the back burner...just in case things werent going well for him or if he just needed to hear that someone missed him....I know its hard...but keep busy and dont make yourself available for him...some guys get off on that knowing that a girl is just sitting there waiting to hear or see him...but if he really wants you ...he will be willing to work to get you I said...I know its hard but get out with friends...get a anything to stay busy and not dwell on him...

Good luck sweetie!
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posted over a year ago 
So what you're saying is that if he really cared he'd be fighting for me? and trying to get in touch with me again?
RnBStar13 posted over a year ago
If he really cared....him ignoring you is a big sign that he doesnt....I'm sorry...I know that sounds harsh...but it will be alot harder on you to sit around and wait for something that may never happen....
Hellohoudini posted over a year ago
sunflowerchild said:
This might not be the best thing to say, but it took me over a year to get over my ex. I just had to ignore him and accept that we could not be together anymore. After a while, for me it was like 6 months, it gets easier. It will take time, you will still hurt, but you will get over him. You might be saying to yourself, "Oh, you're wrong, I can never get over him," but you can. I was saying the same thing when everyone told me I could get over him. But I did. You just have to.... well, deal with it. It will be hard, and I'm speaking from experience here. I went home sometimes, after seeing him with his new girl and I just cried until I felt sick. But I'm over him. It just takes time and good friends. Your friends will be your biggest help.

Hope this helps you some... :)
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posted over a year ago 
Thank you :)
RnBStar13 posted over a year ago
Spottedleaf13 said:
I thought I loved a boy in my class, and it turned out, he didn't love me back. One of my close friends told me to just get over him, and I thought 'No way can I get over the boy I loved for 5 years' but, it's only been a month and a half, and I'm totally fine. What helped me get through it is hanging out with my friends, as long as you have true friends who will be there for you all the time, you will get through. It's also good to listen to music that explains exactly what you're going through, and don't read romantic books, or watch romantic movies. I wish you luck from the bottom of my heart! :)
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posted over a year ago 
Thank you :) but I don't really have any friends, so I can't talk to anyone about it, it's hard.
RnBStar13 posted over a year ago
i'm so sorry.... do u have an older sister? if u do, then she may be able to give u advice, if she's a nice sister....
Spottedleaf13 posted over a year ago
TruBerries said:
Try moving on because there's no sense in drowning yourself in your own sorrows just because your boyfriend broke up with you. Obviously, it's his loss, not yours. Keep your head up and keep moving forward 'cause there's no sense in keeping your mind in the past.

I know EXACTLY how you feel. I've been there before and I know it's a hard thing to get over, but you're just brokenhearted right now, Kiddo, and you can start again.
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posted over a year ago 
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