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Love Question

In serious need of help!

Okay, so, I just found that my boyfriend slept with someone else on the night that we got together. And three of my friends knew it the whole time. We have been together for 2 and a half months.

I seriously don't know what to do. In the morning when I wake up I'm like it's so over and that I imidiately should break up with him. But in the night when I'm about to fall asleep I just don't want to. I don't know I know I should but still...

Do any of you have some good advice?? It would be much appreciated:)
 Jose_GrAuh posted over a year ago
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Love Answers

Karthigesh said:
As a guy I would want you to dump him, because when guys like me can't find a gf, guys like him go and do things like these behind theirs and it is totally un-called for, but I am going to advice you on how to do it without compromising yourself or your feelings in any way.

Now, first things first, talk to him and force him to tell you all the details of what happen. If he is willing to share, and show remorse, that means he is willing to be honest with you, so listen to what he says. I hate that he hid this from you, but truth is, as humans, we always hide when it comes to things like these because we know if we say it, it will only hurt people. It isn't easy to be honest, and since he wasn't before, this is the chance for him to be.

Secondly, talk to your friends, because friends aren't supposed to keep secrets from each other, especially if the secret involves hurting one of the friends. I understand that they might not want to hurt you and hence didn't tell you, but they should have realized that being honest was the way to go because friendship is built on truth, and not hiding the truth.

Finally, the decision to break up with him or forgive him is entirely up to you, I have helped many girls and couples for that matter through this, and the end result is always mixed. Some forgive and everything is okay, whereas others, break up and move on because they feel they deserve better. How things will work out, we will never know, but the important thing here is you and your feelings. I suggest following this because at least if you decide to break up with him, you can get the real honest truth out of him and get some closure on the matter.

Scars like these will run deep and it might affect things for you in the future, I can't lie to you and say things will be fine, but you have to fight it because you should tell yourself you deserve better, either FORCE him to earn your forgiveness OR break up with him, accept things, get closure and work towards healing and finding someone who would treat you for the angel that you are.

Nice guys are out there, we are just invisible to girls, but we are out there....

I wish you all the best :)
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posted over a year ago 
Sasukes_Gurl said:
This guy sleeps with another girl on the day you get together? That's really low.
And if he has kept this from you for the 2 and a half months, then he is obviously not trustworthy, and he's secretive.
In my opinion, you should talk to him about it, and hear what he has to say, and say to yourself 'is he really worth it anyway?'
And as far as your friends are concerned, I guess they were just keeping it from you to protect your feelings, but that wasn't the best way for them to do it...

If it was me, I would break up with him straight away. This guy isn't worth your time if he sleeps with someone else on the day you get together, and keeps it from you for all this time.

But then again, that's just what I would do. Just do what you feel is right :)

And remember, don't accept some half ass apology from him. You're worth more than that ^^

Good luck :)

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posted over a year ago 
skytail127 said:
ok, the dude slept with someone else the day he got with you, and he hid it from you. that is not waht a good boyfriend does. on you, dump him on his sorry arse, asap.
srry i had to say that.
i understand how leaving him can be hard, realy hard. it took me about five tries to break-up with my first boyfriend. so i do get it. its gonna hurt wen you do it, but there are ways to make it easier on you.
if you feel ready to leave him in the morning do it in the morning if you can, do it wen you are feeling strong. the ideal way to break up with someone is face to face, but that isnt always practical. if you cant reasonable leave him face to face or you lose your nerve everytime you look into his eyes, your best alternativ will be a phonecall, but keep it private. dont spend too long explaining, or you may lose your nerve. just keep it short, simple and to the point. tell him you kno he slept with someone else the day he got with you, he's lost your trust and that you two are over. he shouldnt need any more explanation than that. dont try to be mean but in this case dont try to spare his feelings, either. just get it done, if he wants to stay friends, dont do it, he doesnt respect you and that is probaly not his true intent. just walk away and dont look back. and if you cry, dont let him see you do it.
if your still having trouble listening to some motivational music befor you meet him or even while your on the phone with him may help. and having the moral suppourt of good friends and family can help too.
about those three friends who knew the whole time, you need to talk with them. ask them y they didnt tell you about him. that is kinda crappy of them to do. they left you in the dark, not cool. you may want to consiter weather or not you can realy depend them, depending on what they say. good friends dont hide stuff like that from you.
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posted over a year ago 
shivers-zimmy said:
Do you really want to be with a guy like that? It means everything he told you when you got together was a lie. Did he tell you he really liked you? Obviously that was a lie if he has no problem sleeping around on you.

I know the heart wants what it wants. But listen to your brain this time. Get the hell out of there! It's only going to get worse. Your best bet is to get out now and save yourself an even bigger heartbreak. It's obviouse that you love him because you're hesitating to end it, even though when you really think about it, you just want to hurt him back.

If you think you can work it out, okay. But there needs to be a fight about that. I'm not one for picking fights when theres no reason for them. But you seriously need to consider the fact that theres a huge reason.

Also, I might be talking to those two friends who knew. Maybe they didn't want to hurt you and that's why they never said anything. But you need to make sure their reasoning for not telling you was a good one.

I'm really sorry this happened to you. If you need anyone to talk to, feel free to talk to me-a complete stranger. But I've found it's easier to vent to someone you don't know. Either way, you really need to talk to someone.

Best of luck! :)
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posted over a year ago 
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