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Love Question


Please help me! I'm in love with my neighbour but he already has a girlfriend and he loves her to bits. I'm absolutely crushed! I really, really want to tell him how I feel but I'm terrified at the same time because of his girlfriend. I mean, what would she think if she found out? And what would he think? I think he's starting to get suspicious because nowadays he spends all his time with his girlfriend and he's literally ditched all his old friends and when I tried to speak to him about it he said, Why do you care? And he wouldn't stop bugging me about it. I think he know's that something's going on. What if he realizes that I'm in love with him? How will he react? I mean, yeah, we're good friends, but I honestly haven't got a clue how he'd react all the same. Half of me wants him to know but the other half is scared stiff. What should I do? I'll give props to anyone who can help me.
 littlelemon posted over a year ago
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Love Answers

FireByrd15 said:
You know what i say? I say who cares if he finds out! if he does and his girlfriend gets mad and he doesnt like u or he reacts in a bad way....then he isnt worth it! becuz no one can blame u for being in love!!! it is a part of life.... if u dont tell him then u will feel like this forever and u will keep hurting u and u dont want that! if u really truly like him then just TELL HIM! find some way u two can talk....with no girlfriend hanging over u. i wouldnt suggest a text message or email. i think u should settle this out in person and show him how u truly feel. i know u might have to contemplate this....but if its true love....then it will all fall into place.
xD (also thank u for asking this question becuz it made me realize something)
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posted over a year ago 
also, one last thing...DONT STRESS ABOUT IT! it will all be fine. and i dont think he would blame u if things fall apart
FireByrd15 posted over a year ago
Ok, thanx!
littlelemon posted over a year ago
r-pattz said:
Do. Not. Tell. Him.

He loves her. Telling him could ruin his relationship if his girlfriend gets jealous, or if he gets confused, or if any number of other things happen. And you want him to be happy, don't you? Yeah? So keep your mouth shut. And plus, if it were to fall to pieces, he might blame you. I don't think you'd want that to happen. So let him love her, let him live. It'll hurt, and you'll want to tell him, but you've gotta remember that he's happy where he is. It's his life. If he loves her, you've gotta accept that.
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posted over a year ago 
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