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Love Question

I'm so utterly confused...

I'm sorry if my questions of somewhat the same thing are getting annoying,but I really need help! today in class,i was in a group w/ my crush,a girl named Kendra,and a girl named Jodacie.Jordan(my crush,for those of you who havn't read my questions)picked up kendra,then jodacie said,"Ooh,pick up Mack!"(I go by Mack.)So my crush,who knows full well I like him,came up from behind me,wrapped his arms around me,and picked me up.Beleive me,I could've flown i was so happy!and before that,he showed me some handshake he was doing,then we did the little shake and stuff.he even sat by me after an improv game we did.Before,he had close to nothing to do w/ me,didn't look,didn't talk,didn't really even know I,it's almost as if we've been like friends.I thought he might be starting to warm up to me,but after the bell rang,I saw him hugging a girl,but it didn't look like he liked her.even when I pass in the halls,he looks at me,I catch his eye,he looks away quickly.what the hay is up? Jordan has been the only boy who my heart has actually leaped for when i see him.I reaaly need help,I know i'll end up feeling stupid if my friend finds out i still like him and asks him out for me again and he shoots me down.If you want something in return(like props,fanning,etc.,i will happily do so if i can get some sound advice.)Maybe personal expierience,maybe if you are a guy,maybe if in some strange twist you are Jordan,plz let me know.And I understand I sound extremely desperate,but he's been making my heart leap for joy just to see him in the halls,and I will happily give you up to 30 props for some good advice,maybe a link,something that will definatley help me!Peace,Love,Living In Hopes,PUNKMUNK.
Wow,longer than I thought...lolz.
PUNKMUNK posted over a year ago
HEY PUNKMUNK! again lolz..... its alright u dont sound one is a fool when it comes to love.... :D
FireByrd15 posted over a year ago
 PUNKMUNK posted over a year ago
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Love Answers

Karthigesh said:
Well, I'm thinking maybe he is as confused as you are. When he is with your friends, in a group, perhaps he is more open and social and thus acts friendlier towards you but when he catches you in maybe a moment that only you 2 are in e.g. being catching each others' eye, he might be a little shy or nervous to embrace you as he would have wanted to.

As for the girl he was hugging, perhaps he was just comfortable with her, but that does not mean he likes her. Guys are usually more awkward around girls we do like, so we don't normally make the first move when it comes to a hug or a friendly nudge, for fear you might not like it.

As far as your feelings are concerned, I think you should tell him how you feel. If he knows full well that you like him, he should respect you enough to tell you how he feels as well, because if he does not draw a clear line it will only hurt you in the end. So my advice is this, try talking to him and asking him how he feels with regards to you. Like what kind of a person does he see you as and what he likes about you. That way you can see if he is really into you for who you are, or he likes you as a friend. Either way, the important thing is still you :)

I hope this helps you, and you don't have to give me props. As a guy and a hopeless romantic at that (don't laugh LOL), I'd be happy knowing you had a shot at being happy as well :)

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posted over a year ago 
u know,u RRRRRRRREEEEEEEEEEAAAAAAAALLLLLYYYYYYYY helped!!!!!!!!! and it may be true,imma fan u,cuz you really did help a TTTTTTOOOOOOOOOOOOONNNNNNNNN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
PUNKMUNK posted over a year ago
Thank You :)
Karthigesh posted over a year ago
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