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Love Question

I need help! Pleez I just need a bit of help about wat I should do.

I hav a crush on the same guy a frend of mine has a crush on too. We're both crushin on one of our frend's older brother. He's like really cute, but I also like a boy from my church. both r a year older than me. I hardly kno the one I mentioned frst, but I havent seen the other one for a while now. I dont kno wat to do. pleez help
 Rockgrl posted over a year ago
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Love Answers

DJJesseElectra said:
honestly sugar u should realy get back in touch with the guy from church. you know him and he knows you besides your friend aint gonna be mad at you that waay! or you could go after this new guy but honestly this brother is not lookin to good u hardly know him! he could be a jerk or bad boyfriend. i really believe you need to get in touch with the church fella! hey im bisexual so dont think im all christian gungho! i am christian yes but to a point! anyway get in touch with the church fella if not get to know this brother before u start crushin on him to much!
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posted over a year ago 
you bi ha me to, and im christain
PuNkRoCk123 posted over a year ago
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