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Love Question

If you ever had your heart broken, how did you get over it?

There's no pain like the opposite gender and every once in a while we all get brokenhearted. It takes some more quickly to get over it and some take longer than that. Honestly, my heart's still trying to heal. I guess this is what happens when you fully put your trust into someone who claims he/she loves you with all of their heart when the truth of the matter is that they're really being fake with you.
 LuvelyKysses posted over a year ago
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Love Answers

r-pattz said:
"There's no pain like the opposite gender"
Not true. Heartbreak is heartbreak. Love is genderless. Someone of the same sex can hurt you just as much as someone of the opposite.

What I think it takes to get over heartbreak is normalcy. It just takes time and music to slowly lift you up. But that won't get you back up to where you were before. What cures the heartbreak once and for all is a new love, because if you have a new love, you're heart doesn't ache for the person who broke your heart anymore.
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posted over a year ago 
soxfan89 said:
I Just Look Back On All The Good Times I've Shared Before That Fateful Day Of A Break-Up And I Watch Some Movies To Get Over The Pain!
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posted over a year ago 
Renesmee_Sylvie said:
Really....I don't think you can.if you break up with someone you love you can't,but if it's someone you have a crush on or think you love him and not know then just face it.
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posted over a year ago 
yunique12 said:
stop thinking about what or who broke ur heart
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posted over a year ago 
Dats very easy to say buh very hard to do.....
nemoluvzzayn posted over a year ago
sickla said:
music. fanpop. movies. books. it slowly mended but kinda crooked.
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posted over a year ago 
fly210 said:
well really no person on earth gets over it. they will stop being sad over time but there will always be a little doubt of what have could of happened if they made it. but the way I got over it was tearing off my ken doll's head. (I do NOT have anger problems.)
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posted over a year ago 
Bieberobsessed said:
movies,ice cream, friends, cheer(my fave)..but idk if ur a cheerleader! lol
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posted over a year ago 
FearlessSinger said:
My heart still hasn't been healed. I'm so in love with him it's crazy. No one understands. He likes this other girl and not to be a stereotype or anything but the girl he likes is, of course, tall, blond hair and blue eyes. I really wish he'd know the way I feel. I'm not sure if he likes me or not but everyone says he does but I went to a dance with him and all he wanted to do was dance with this other girl. I almost ran out crying. I won't stop loving him. I can't! Once you fall in love with a guy, even tho you fall in love with someone else, a little but of your heart is still his to hold. I haven't fallen in love with anyone else and I can't even if I tried... So, really, I don't think my heart will ever be healed... :'(

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posted over a year ago 
Wow, that's really deep
LuvelyKysses posted over a year ago
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