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Love Question

The guy I have a major crush on has a girlfriend now. What should I do?

I have liked him since last summer. He is sweet and smart and cute and popular. He treats girls very well. But, just when I started to think he liked me, and just when I figured that I would have a chance, he gets a girlfriend. I cried to my friend when I found out. Plus, he is in a different grade, so in the school year we never have classes together. I never got a chance to tell him how much I care...IDK what I should do! Help!
I have a similar case and IDK what to do 2...
Aglaia posted over a year ago
me too. to Aglaia
summerlynn1978 posted over a year ago
I would just tell him and see what he says or I probally would just wait till they break up I do not even know even though I have to deal with 2 boyfriends but my 1st one had a girlfriend till the day he was new till the 3weeks till school was out then he asked me and I said yes so we are still dating but I do not really trust him because it is the summer but yeah I am so sorry if this does not help you but that is all I had to say cause I do not want to talk about my second boyfriend so good luck and like I said I am sorry if this do not help you
22478 posted over a year ago
 DolphinLover97 posted over a year ago
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Love Answers

IsabellaAzuria said:
Well try to tell him what you feel about him, don't try to force anything though. Just do it by a letter, through the internet or cellphone message. If he really likes you, he will tell you and leave his current gf for you BUT you may not insist if he tells you that he is happy with his girlfriend. In that case anything you would try to do to wreck his relationship with the girl would make him dislike you. In a case in which he would betray his girlfriend with you and tell you he'll leave her soon, don't fall for that. Either he loves you and leaves her or he just doesn't. I wish you the best of luck for that. Even if he doesn't like you this way, I'm sure you will find someone who will love you.
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posted over a year ago 
that is a great ansewer and I agree with you
22478 posted over a year ago
xBellaxEwardx21 said:
Ok, My bestfriend has almost the same problem alittle diffrent thoguh. He has a girlfriend there is not to much you can do about that. You dont want to break them up even if you like him alot. The first thing you want to do is talk to this guy. Tell him that you do have feelinfgs for him, tell him your willing to wait it out and see how he feels. You never want to pressur someone cause then they totaly wont like you back. After you guys talk i would lay low and give him some space to think. If he comes back and says he has feeling for you to, then wait it out and see where things go with him and his gf. If he says that he dosnt like you, well let it go. But i know how hard it is to let it go, always keep a foot in. Becuase you never know, he might be hiding his feelings cause he is scared. Most guys can not express thiuer feelings beacuse even though its hard to belive. Guys have feelings too! lol so jsut see how things go! ZTell him you ned 2 talk to hima bout it cause apprently you both like eachother as freiends or as more then friends. You two need to work things out. Cause mabye he dose like you but he thinks you dont like him and thats why he choose to go out with someone else. But i know how hard it can be to talk to a guy. Im a girl too! You need to talk to him in person ,that is always the best way. It is the hardest but best way. You ahve to startoff by telling him how you feel. Then ask him if he ever did have feeling for you. He might lie to ur face, being it is face to face conctat and guys can get pretty....ummmm how do you say embarssed with that. But you jsut have to come straight out and tell him how you feel. He might not resepnd the way you want him to but he will think your brave and amaazing for talking to him in person and not over text or email ;) even on the phone will work after you have worked things out. Add me and tell me how things go :)
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posted over a year ago 
22478 posted over a year ago
Lunatic said:
Wait until his current relationship finishes, then tell him how you feel.

DO NOT flirt while he is still with someone. Would you like it if some girl started flirting with your boyfriend? (A: No. You wouldn't.)

Obviously, since he is going out with her, he likes her. Even if it makes you miserable, you should respect that she makes him happy. (Isn't it just hell?)
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posted over a year ago 
that is right
22478 posted over a year ago
LabraLege said:
Popular guys will never admire some girl crying for him :) don't bother.
But if you want to have him you need to be diffirent from his girlfriend. To get his attention. I don't know, maybe you should just change your hair color to pink (it helped my sister) or do something that he would never dare to do...
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posted over a year ago 
she shouldn't have to change herself for a guy. And she shouldn't have to be better then hia grilfriend. She should just beherself! He is friends with her cause she is herself and apprently he likes her too!
xBellaxEwardx21 posted over a year ago
It's not about changing for HIM!
LabraLege posted over a year ago
yeah I agree with LabraLege it is not about changing yourself for a guy so just tell him how you feel and don't do what anyone else tells you just say what you believe in and WHO you believe in
22478 posted over a year ago
Eclipse said:
I would ask him if he knows that u like him or if he likes u and hes just tryfing to make u jelous cause u no how ego centeric guys can be but anyway, i would ask him and go from that.
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posted over a year ago 
That is very true 2, guys liek to make girls jelous! ALOT! haha
xBellaxEwardx21 posted over a year ago
that is SOOOOOO true because my cousin told my boyfriend that I a dating NOW that I liked him and he said I know so we have been going out for about a month now I think I am not sure it was 3weeks before school was out but I love him with all my heart but on the other hand one of my brothers friends asked me out so now I have to deal with both of them BUT I love my first baby first I don't rally like the other one but sorry I agree with you Eclipse
22478 posted over a year ago
peterslover said:
How long ago did he get his new girlfriend? That can make a difference. If it's been months, then do you really want to be the one who breaks up a relationship? If it hasn't been that long, then do you now have the courage to stop him between classes and mention that you care alot for him? Stay true to yourself-NEVER be something that your not just for a guy, or anyone!! I hope I am of some help. ♥
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How long ago did he get his new girlfriend? That can make a difference. If it's been months, then do you really want to be the one who breaks up a relationship? If it hasn't been that long, then do you now have the courage to stop him between classes and mention that you care alot for him?  Stay true to yourself-NEVER be something that your not just for a guy, or anyone!! I hope I am  of some help. ♥
posted over a year ago 
About 2/3 weeks ago...
DolphinLover97 posted over a year ago
well you could still go for it don't be scared if she gets mad it is ok because. I know someone who is going to go to 7th grade with me next year and she wants to fight me because I am dating my boyfriend and she use to like him so it is ok
22478 posted over a year ago
22478 posted over a year ago
cheery_blossom said:
Wait it out, flirting nonstop (subtly) and catch him on the rebound.
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posted over a year ago 
Why would you want to just be the rebound chick while he is still getting over his ex?
Lunatic posted over a year ago
no bad idea
22478 posted over a year ago
sweet_n_silly said:
That happens to me alot. I'm not sure if this is the best thing to do, but I just wait it out. I flirt a little bit, when his gf isn't around of course, and hope they breakup happily. Beware of the gf though!!!! If she even starts to get suspicious, pull back. other than that, don't try to be the one to throw a wrench in their relationship and be patient. When things go sour, which they most likely will, be ready to catch him. That's when the hook drives the deepest.
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posted over a year ago 
hey me too want to be my fan
22478 posted over a year ago
Black_cat_ said:
there are a few ways to deal with this, 1 is 2 tell him how u feel and dont expect anything from him, wait till he breaks up with her and tell him (is risky i did it and it turned out she liked me b4 she got a bf), or hide ur feelings till they go away. all of the choices r hard and most of them dont lead to anything. ur best bet 2 me is 2 just tel him right now how u feel and just see what happenes hun, otherwise ul just be waiting and either hopeing or not knowing
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posted over a year ago 
22478 posted over a year ago
Twili12 said:
Hey, it's okay if this happens to you. You're not alone on this one. Well, what I would do is, just wait until he breaks up with his girlfriend. It depends what age you are at. Like, if you are not in high school yet, them breaking up is HIGHLY likely. But, if you do think this boy may have had or does have feelings for you, he might realize that you're the one he truly likes. I'm sorry if this doesn't help you, but feel free to send me a message.For now, just try and talk to him nicely when ever you see him. Act lady like, polite, smart, and ask him some questions, don't let yourself do all the talking lol! But I'm sure you will be okay. Ask him how his relationship is doing. If he points out some of his girlfriends' flaws, (ex. so and so shops too much. So and so talks about herself too much. Etc.) then try to show him that you're not like that. Well, that's a summery about how I would try to go at this situation, but if you still have some questions, feel free to message me. I'm sorry if this doesn't help. Good luck!
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posted over a year ago 
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