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Love Question

pffff:))) another "advice" problem over here:/:/

lay back and sit comfortable...I know this kind of advice problem is being repeated and I was sometimes answering them but ...I tried and I cant give advice to myself:)) I dont know what to.."think",precisely.
umm let me start with the question :
what does it mean?
So, this year,Im in yr9.... I went to a new school and came in the same time with a new guy: "Markos".
at first I didnt even think about him but then I had a really weird dream with us hugging and kissing.
the problem is...his just the really bad-guy:)))
the smoker and druggy guy who get's into the principal's office quite alot.
in lesson's I caught him staring a couple of times and now it's just akward...
1.the staring
2.the smiling
3.the...akwardness when we stay next to eachother.
it's obvious I kinda..fell for him and my friends say we two match...pff:)))
ummm...but 2 days ago
he commented something..which I didnt quite understand I thought he was somewhat saying something bad...
and I said: "Markos its not your business<.< or something like that (as I said it in my language)
and...I was expecting him to start swearing like guys usually do but he just looked at me while I looked at him...nasty
my friend started shouting at me as she thinks he said it as" defending me"(the subject doesnt matter it was a conv. with a teacher about a mark)
and the staring continued...

I thought of giving props for help but wouldnt that be "forced help"
I mean if someone wants to give me an advice he/she shouldnt expect something back...right?:)
so...whoever has the patience to read this please help me:)
 R33n33sm3 posted over a year ago
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Love Answers

MissKnowItAll said:
I think he likes you. That's very clear.

The real thing is whether you should go for it.

You say he is a smoker and whatnot. If it were me, I'd take it very slowly. A friendship first etc. Smoking isn't a bad thing (drugs are complicated- let's cover that some other time), but you need to determine if he is 'safe'. And I don't mean safe as in 'cool'. I mean safe as in could he ever harm you?

Having said that, it seems he was defending you with the thing with the teacher etc. I'd conclude there that he is rather gentle, but maybe protective. That was probably a good thing for him to do.

The main thing with this is that everything is on the fence. Those are my opinions, but you need to follow your gut and instinct.

Remember, if his 'bad' side does come out in a relationship, you MUST tell someone.
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posted over a year ago 
woaw...gee....thanks that really helped me alot! *votes best answer*
R33n33sm3 posted over a year ago
Thank you. ID
MissKnowItAll posted over a year ago
klarissa03 said:
like whats the problem.? i.m sorry....but i dident understand
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posted over a year ago 
ya ditto...
CullenProperty posted over a year ago
its ok:) I guess Im not a good explainer,my problem is tht I dont know what to do and I dont know if he likes me or not;)
R33n33sm3 posted over a year ago
ruby1000 said:
I think that he likes you. Hang out with him more become friends. I don't really understand the whole conversation thingy but if you offended him or confused him in relation to your feelings then you should clear that up.
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posted over a year ago 
Snerkie said:
Firstly; you shouldn't judge someone if they smoke or do drugs, they can be the nicest person and that sort of stuff is a changable trait.
Secondly; You may be misinterpreting the "staring". He could potentially be stoned :\

Your young though so the important thing is if you do like him don't try and get into his "clique" of drugs and stuff just to get closer to him or get him to like you. Just talk to him normally as you are, don't take notice of the staring and such, just talk and you'll figure out if he likes you more than a friend or is just a defensive person. (also don't always believe your friends, they just want to convince you of something even if it's not true, they're not being mean just wanting you to be happy)
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posted over a year ago 
FearlessSinger said:
He probably likes you. But don't get to close to him cuz the smoking and drugs are something you want to stay away from. Find out what he is REALLY like: What he does outside of school, if he has a girlfriend or two(you know what I mean), if he's just a player, ect. Don't fall for him to easily cuz he could just be playing you in his stupid game. Watch out for him. And don't get pressured into doing drugs and stuff.
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posted over a year ago 
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