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Love Question


I'm in love with this guy and I have no idea if he likes me or not. He's always trying to make me laugh and is really smart and is a genius when it comes to the piano. But that's not the point. Anyways, he is my BFF'S brother and everytime me and my bestie are on the phone he gets on and we start a normal conversion. He seems kind of shy and sometimes teases me (I get dumb around him). I THINK he likes me. Does he? Please help!

P.S. My best friend thinks I like him and is always teasing me about it. Is she trying to tell me something?

THANKS! :) ♥♥♥3
 FearlessSinger posted over a year ago
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Love Answers

OakTown_Queen said:
There could be a good chance that he likes you. If you really want to know, you should just ask him.
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posted over a year ago 
That would be horrifiying.
FearlessSinger posted over a year ago
borg3 said:
I think it seems like he's liking u, but if u wanna know it the only way is to ask your BFF or asking him...
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posted over a year ago 
Ehh... It's harder then you think. You see, his mom hates me.... DX
FearlessSinger posted over a year ago
hmmmm, even so u should...
borg3 posted over a year ago
Err.... I'll try. I think he likes me.
FearlessSinger posted over a year ago
nikki5516 said:
I personally think he likes you back. You guys should go out :D
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posted over a year ago 
FearlessSinger posted over a year ago
YES! go out with him! it will be soo cute!!! I think he likes you, by the way he is acts and flirts :D
nikki5516 posted over a year ago
I can't go out with him cuz we are both not allowd to date yet. LOL. But I can see that he likes me or thinks i'm pretty cuz I have a dance class with him and I caught hin staring at me 3 times!
FearlessSinger posted over a year ago
beatles1fan said:
I would wait for a little bit of time and analyze the situation. If you still feel that he likes you, make the first move and ask him out. Start by making a normal conversation and then ask. You don't even have to ask him out. A simple, "Hey, I've heard that from some people that you like me. Is this true?" If you are really good friends, then it shouldn't be too akward.
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posted over a year ago 
We are not bff's or anything but we do talk.. We are also not allowd to date yet. (even tho he turns 15 on tuesday) . I'm 3 years younger then him. But he stares at me ALL the time and everytime I catch him he looks away. I've made him blush a couple of times as well.... hehehe
FearlessSinger posted over a year ago
Then don't give up hope. You could always wait for each other.
beatles1fan posted over a year ago
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