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Love Question

I need help

I have a crush on this guy named Josh, but he keeps talking to this other girl. (nothing all that serious, we're only in the 5th grade.
 GigglesD posted over a year ago
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Love Answers

shmowjow1029 said:
Well u could always u know..... get rid of her....i know people.....and we could make her dissaper.....jkjk or am i????!! anyway make him notice u tlk to him more or just ignore him for a week mabye he will notice and chase after u or tlk to the girl make sure she dosent like ur guy and if she does just hope for the best that he will break up wit her quickly (;
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posted over a year ago 
troublelogan said:
Give it time If he talks to u alot then he problbe ikes you but is scared to tell you.......
love cammie

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posted over a year ago 
r-pattz said:

Seriously, is it that hard?

And if he doesn't like you now, then whatever. It's fifth grade, you'll move in a matter of weeks.
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posted over a year ago 
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