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Love Question

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I Hate This Guy In School Yet He Is A Bit Handsome :) But I Hate The Fact He Thinks Everyone Likes Him Any How Last Night In My Dream He Kissed Me And I Woke Up With A Smile On My Face Yet As I Said I Hate Him!!!!!!!

Do I Have A Crush On Him???


Wait, I saw this question somewhere else... Did you post it twice or was it comeone else ... >.<
Pikafan32 posted over a year ago
Sorry someone else
Pikafan32 posted over a year ago
thank you! <3
Pikafan32 posted over a year ago
 TaylorLautner13 posted over a year ago
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Love Answers

Renesmee_XD said:
Okay freaky I'm in the exact same situation :/
But if your saying it's a crush then it will finish fast.
Just don't dwell or think about him too much, that usually works for me..
Try and tell me how it works out

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posted over a year ago 
ok thanks ha ha i know its weird
TaylorLautner13 posted over a year ago
Pikafan32 said:
You have something called a love hate relationship...

In your situation I believe you're trying so hard to convince yourself you hate him that you like him.

A weird offer, but try getting close to him, if you blush or get a little fluttery inside then you more than likely like him.

Also does he pick on you most? If so then he's probably returning the favor (of feelings).

I hope this helps any

- Re Re

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posted over a year ago 
HA HA thanks
TaylorLautner13 posted over a year ago
Again, yeah Im feeling bored so I just reposted cuz I can >:3
Pikafan32 posted over a year ago
shivers-zimmy said:
Maybe! Check Yourself! You Could Only Be Hating Him Because Every Girl In School Likes Him-Including Yourslef-And He Knows It! I Think Guys Confidence Is Hot! You May Not Think The Same Though!

I Don't Know The Whole Story, But It Sounds Like He's Grown On You! Go With Your Feeling And Forget About Everything Else! Who Cares If You're Supposed To Hate Him! Just Let Your Emotions Lead The Way And You'll Find Your Answer!

Sorry If I'm Talking In Circles! I Guess That There Isn't Much I Can Say For Your Situation! I, Personally, Haven't Been In It! But My Friend Has And I Helped Her Through It! I Hope I Helped You!
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posted over a year ago 
doggee said:
just in a dream he kissed u doesn't mean u like him in real,conscious life! and if u like,think about it again(while being awake ha1-). Coz these type of show-off ppl (boy/gal) dont think of others many times.
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posted over a year ago 
booklover13 said:
my brother got run over by a bus in a dream once o.O i personally dont believe "dreams are wishes your heart makes when youre asleep", like my friend does. so screw what your brain does when its half dead, and listen to it when its awake!! spend time around this dude. if hes a jerk and not worth your time, then so be it!! but if it IS his cockiness or confidence that you like, DONT FIGHT IT. ive tried it, and take it from someone whos been there- fighting your feelings early in a relashionship gets you NO WHERE in the end. so listen to your heart...and you awake brain!! :D hope this helped!!
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posted over a year ago 
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