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Love Question

read what's written and pls answer:am I stone hearted?

A month ago I got ackwaited with a boy who was 9years older than me.don't know y,but I agreed to start a relationship with himXDhe was telling me that he loved me,but I just liked him a little bit.but as the time passed,I lost my sympathy to him.last 20 days v didn't meet or talk.just were sending sms.n 1day I wrote him that it was over.he said that I was an egoist,lier n etc...
so I ask u people:was I cruel to him?did I play with him?
defence:I just wanted to give a chance to love.what can I do if I didn't and couldn't love him?I would keep flirting,but he was thinking of getting ackwaited with my family,even marriage @.@so,I ran away><
 _Frida_ posted over a year ago
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Love Answers

dexisawesome said:
look, youre not stone hearted.if he cant accept the fact you dont like him, well he can suck it up!
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posted over a year ago 
i agree!!:)
jackie12 posted over a year ago
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