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Love Question

There is this really annoying, over acheiving girl in my grade. She is rude, selfish, beautiful,gets first place in every sport she participates in, is smart and gets academic awards, and, she has the guts to talk to the guy that I like so very much!

I am jealous of her academic, athletic, beauty, and outgoing personality. But, my dream guy looks at her with this undescribable look and eyes. He listens very intently when she talks. But, he smiles, stares, and flips his hair, when I am around. Who does he like?
 DolphinLover97 posted over a year ago
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Love Answers

Jillywinkles said:
Being jealous and bitter at other girls isn't going to help you get the guy. If you forget about the rivalry and instead focus on yourself, feeling confident and doing the best you can in your own life, people will be attracted to you. The jealousy is natural, I know I've felt it myself (ugh I can't STAND people who are so disgustingly perfect), but try to forget about her.
The main thing is not to appear desperate. So don't fawn over him, don't hate on this girl too much, and just try to be the best, happiest person you can be. That is your best chance of getting him :P
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posted over a year ago 
sapherequeen said:
All I'm going to say is that you shouldn't care this much about a guy liking you better then some popular girl. If a boy likes you for you, not because you're beautiful or athletic or whatever your classmate is, then that's what really counts :)
You ARE gorgeous inside and outside, all you have to do is acknowledge this and always remember your beauty until you absolutely believe in it!
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All I'm going to say is that you shouldn't care this much about a guy liking you better then some popular girl. If a boy likes you for you, not because you're beautiful or athletic or whatever your classmate is, then that's what really counts :)
You ARE gorgeous inside and outside, all you have to do is acknowledge this and always remember your beauty until you absolutely believe in it!
posted over a year ago 
well said!
peterslover posted over a year ago
kissthespider26 said:
I am so NOT the type of person to answer this question, considering (no offence, really) that I am worse than you at this. But you can get him. If he smiles at you and winks and you or something, then he must like you at least A BIT or he is just an arse who is a tosser and not worth it. You decide.
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posted over a year ago 
peterslover posted over a year ago
peterslover said:
well, I've seen what has been written so far. I can't say anything better then the above. Good luck, my dear. Ok, one thing- if he is so interested in what she says, AND flirts with you, do you think he's a player? Stay away from players, they care only for themselves and break hearts.
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well, I've seen what has been written so far. I can't say anything better then the above. Good luck, my dear. Ok, one thing- if he is so interested in what she says, AND flirts with you, do you think he's a player? Stay away from players, they care only for themselves and break hearts.
posted over a year ago 
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