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Love Question


Plz help me...any advice at all would be so greatly apreactiated. Ok so this guy came to my school near the beggining of the year and I seriously obbsesivly love him. My friends told him I like him but he said it's not going to happen. I've tried so hard to get over him but I seriously can't. It's become like my life goal to win his heart. He doesn't have a girlfriend. When I say I obsessivly love him I mean that...I've stolen pencil crayons from his desk, a peice of gum (not chewed, in a wrapper) that belonged to his little brother, a sticker that i ripped off the back of his sweater, a popsicle stick that was in his desk ect. ect. And also I honest to god dream of him every night (i'm not just saying this) and I have him on facebook and msn and stalk him AND his brothers! I always talk to him on msn but he never responds...just today I realized he blocked me. NOW I FEEL SUICIDAL. HELP ME PLEASEEEE!!!!!
love, Julia
P.S. he's ALWAYS on my mind ALWAYSSS and a few times when people have been sleeping over they told me I have saying his name in my sleep! All my friends say we'd be perfect together!! It seems like everyone sees it but him...
julialovesMJ posted over a year ago
that is seriously unnormal when i like a guy alot i act like i dont really care about him and act like he dont really exist and then after a bit they start going crazy and ask me out. thats how i get guys i like maybe it will work for yout oo. (-:
Conor_Mancen96 posted over a year ago
i don't think you deserve this guy and i think he doesn't like you. But is not the end of the world plus this is not true love, it's just A HUGE crush, it will go only after you'll get him(like you said). You know, guys aren't trophies >.<. Don't worry, you'll forget him when you'll find ur true love ;)
swiddlewiddle posted over a year ago
 julialovesMJ posted over a year ago
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Love Answers

Miranda-Cullen said:
i dont want to b the pesamist here but i had this happen to me this guy never left me alone and i did the same things he has done to u by blocking you and im just thinking that maybe this guy doesnt like you and you should get over him i mean im jst looking at this from his point of veiw and ik that i wouldnt want someone takeing my things and stalking me. i would be freaked out and honestly there are other guys out there u can find a guy that likes you back trust me thats a much better idea and being suicidal is not gonna fix anythng there is allways another option hope this helps
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posted over a year ago 
wow my spelling in this is bad
Miranda-Cullen posted over a year ago
totally agree(: voting you as best answer!!
singingqueen411 posted over a year ago
well thank you singingqueen411
Miranda-Cullen posted over a year ago
selgomez5613 said:
Ask him why he blocked you, maybe it wasn't that he doesn't like you
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posted over a year ago 
thnxx I'll ask him...I do hvae his phone # (im a pro stalker now hehe) do you think I should call him or do you think that would just creep him out??
julialovesMJ posted over a year ago
CALM DOWN!! I had the same problem......We decided to be friends.JUST FRIENDS.
angelchamp3 posted over a year ago
wait till he come out somewhere and tell him that you just want to talk for a minute.
angelchamp3 posted over a year ago
rebaj2010 said:
Well I have a friend just lk u. He is obssesed with one of my friends. I give him advice all the time. What I told him is that killing itself will accomplish nothing and it will only make the guy u lk feel very guilty. You should just give him some space for a while and when ur think it was long enough just try 2 b his friend fr a while longer. And the rest is up 2 u
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posted over a year ago 
PreBanned posted over a year ago
PreBanned said:
Ok, one, don't go to the nut house otherwise my help won't work,k?

Look, just ask him yourself why he won't talk to you. Try and communicate with him, and NO stalking (it gets you no where, trust someone who knows).

another thing, try to ignore the dreams about him, hang with your friends, take your mind off of him. He obviously seems uninterested, but still.
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posted over a year ago 
DxC_lover98 said:
Wow, you're very obsessive. What I would do is STOP STALKING HIM. Trust me, no one likes a stalker. Just show none of your obsessions and STOP STEALING HIS STUFF. He won't like that either. Go on with your obsession quietly and become good friends with him. Don't act like you're obsessed and eventually, when you're REALLY good friends, get him alone and tell him how you really feel.
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posted over a year ago 
13jen said:
actiully if i was in your place i would not show him tht im crazy about him cuz all the guys wants the girl tht they cant have!! be relaxed when ure near him nd dont be like *omg hes lookin at me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! omg hes drinkin the same water tht i drink....* u sure know wat i mean!!! nd if u know his friends, try 2 be friends wiz them he will be jalous and he would like 2 be ur friend...
anyway gd luck wiz that!!!!
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posted over a year ago 
singingqueen411 said:
Okay first SLOW DOWN!! You seem OBSESSIVE over this guy! Maybe he thinks your coming on TO strong! Slow down a bit and maybe he'll feel more comfortable. He's still new to everything so don't SPRINT AT HIM...tip-toe. I hope this helps(: plus you should NEVER feel suicidal cause he blocks you on msn.
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posted over a year ago 
Twilight_Dream said:
ok um, i really think you need some help. if he got so weirded out that he BLOCKED you, then you REALLY need to find a way to get over him. try out different hobbies to get your mind off him. DON'T give into temptation to do weird steal stuff from him. here's an idea, buy a pack of gum. every time you get an urge to do something weird, related to him, chew a piece of gum. it might help. do you want to be labeled the stalker girl? i dont think so! so you REALLY need to give this an effort. and also, killing yourself? that will do nothing. if stuff like this keeps going, youll want to seek professional help.
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posted over a year ago 
bri-marie said:
Um killing your self will solve absolutely nothing except make everyone around you (including the guy) feel guilty. If you're having suicidal thoughts SEEK HELP IMMEDIATELY. I am not joking: seek help now.

Now about this boy:
Stop stalking him. Seriously. That's why he blocked you - someone probably found out about the strange things you were doing and he felt uncomfortable and weirded out, so he blocked you. He didn't like you to begin with, now you're stalking him and he thinks it's creepy. It's not going to make him like you, it's just going to (and is) push him away even more. Stop.

Again, I urge you to seek help immediately.
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posted over a year ago 
jeftelover said:
wow...the same thing happend to me to!!!!:D
lol,its been 4 years and i havent got over the
guy i like!lol!dont worrie you will find someone
els to love.
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posted over a year ago 
fly210 said:
stalker much? no. jk. ok if he says it's not meant to be it's not meant to be. I had a cruch on a guy in kindregarden and he nva really liked me. after a while I got over it. you will too if you wait. stop steeling stuff from his desk and STOP THINKING ABOUT IT!!!! maybe just try to be just friends with him. that could work. right?
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posted over a year ago 
fangs286 said:
honestly its not ur fault this guy is treating u like crap. but heres wat i have to say to this. your friends are gonna be here and help you out. and maybe he likes someone else or is getting over a bad breakup and needs space. and like if u keep taking his stuff its only gonna make it worse. and act cool like ur over it and keep ur head held high! hes probably not the one and if he was, he wouldnt be treating treating you like this. i promise it will all be over soon and u will let go move on. and if he trys to get u, STAY AWAY! he was a jerk in the first place. good luck!
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posted over a year ago 
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