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Love Question

I dont know what to do my boyfriend tells me how much he loves me and stuff but i just found a picture that was recently drawn and it was of another girl and she was surrounded by hearts in it and it says he loves her so what do i do?

That sucks im sorry babe, ok so if this is first time talk to him you may be able to sort it but if not then dump him. He cant carry on doing that to you :)
Katyb617 posted over a year ago
dump him do not fall for his sorry lie and ass !!
zutaraforev posted over a year ago
 Conor_Mancen96 posted over a year ago
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Love Answers

justinbieber57 said:
If this is the first time let it go or talk to him, second time, warn him, third+ time, dump him
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posted over a year ago 
shivers-zimmy said:
That Complete Ass Hole! Confront Him About It! Let Him Make His Excuse! If It Sounds Truthful, You Have Nothing To Worry About! If It Sounds Completely Fake, Dump His Sorry Ass! Use Your Built In Girl Intuition! I Know You'll Make The Right Choice! Best Of Luck! -Elizabeth
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posted over a year ago 
if it is the first time give him another chance
justinbieber57 posted over a year ago
justinbieber57- He Could Be Cheating On Her! Don't Encourage Her To Keep Him Around If He Isn't Faithful!
shivers-zimmy posted over a year ago
Passion_5 said:
look , you must talk to him and know who is that girl , may be he love her but not in the way you think of .
but if it wasnt so u must leave him cause after that he's not good for you
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posted over a year ago 
i got it figured he told me he did love her in that way but he would rather lose her than me and that i mean everything to him also that i meant everything to him he would die for me hurt anyone that hurts me and hes my #1 fan so i forgave him but told him if you do this again i wont be able to accept it and he promised not to so we figured it all out.
Conor_Mancen96 posted over a year ago
jeftelover said:
sucks,ok so just dump him hard!show him your
angry and then slap whos boss!
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sucks,ok so just dump him hard!show him your
angry and then slap whos boss!
posted over a year ago 
LOL. i love invader Zim... xDDDDD
snapeislove posted over a year ago
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