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Love Question

I need guy advice... fast! Help me, please!

I need guy advice... help me!
Every time we go to town (which isn't very often, like once or twice a month) we always go to Safeway & there's this same, awesome, gorgeous, older guy who works there & we always seem to be interested in each other, but I'm to scared to go up and talk to him. (Remember, he's at least 5 years older than me, but I don't care about age!) The last time we were there, I smiled at him & he seemed really into knowing if we were okay & that we'd found everything alright, kinda talkitive, more so than any other time. Maybe he was just doing his job, what do you guys think?

I just wanted some advice on how to go up & talk to him without seeming too obvious or young, cause he seems really amazing! Got any advice to spare a lovestruck girl?

(And yes, I'm posting this on a few clubs cause I want lots of people's advice, please help!)
BTW; He works at a grocery story.
CullenProperty posted over a year ago
He's older than me.
CullenProperty posted over a year ago
I need all the help I can get!
CullenProperty posted over a year ago
Thank you guys for the help! I got my plan; ask him where something is & after he tells me, I'll be all like; "Hey, by the way, I really like your Nautical Star tatoos." Hope it works!!! Keep your fingers crosed! :)
CullenProperty posted over a year ago
 CullenProperty posted over a year ago
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Love Answers

shomill said:
I think he's just doing his job.
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posted over a year ago 
Really? Seriously? .... Dang. :(
CullenProperty posted over a year ago
Yeah, I know the feeling. There's so few nice people in this world, it's too easy to develop a crush on someone just cuz he treats you nice.
shomill posted over a year ago
Yeah, but... IDK I still am gonna at least TRY.
CullenProperty posted over a year ago
Muniekax3 said:
Seemz lik he may b in2 u juss a lil..Buht juss start a convo with him as if ur talkin 2 any other friend dnt seem too out dere buht most importantly b yourself cuzz guyz like dat... i hope i helped and gud luck :) !
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posted over a year ago 
i agree with muniekax =)
renesmee13 posted over a year ago
thanks! i'll try... :/
CullenProperty posted over a year ago
piperleoforever said:
Well i'm not i guy and i do understand you girl.I like oled guys to.Why don't you just go and talk to him! Say somthing that's conecting you,how is outside,what day is it (or somthing) and if he doesn't seems to be interestend,than it's his lost...And remember,just be yourself...

I hope i helped becuse i had boy trouble too...So sweety,have fun and talk to him...
P.S. If you're scared bring your best friend with you!!!
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posted over a year ago 
Can't bring my friend... it's a family travel thing... What if I ask him about his tattoos? (Since he has some) do you think that would be too much?
CullenProperty posted over a year ago
animelove30 said:
He is obviously falling for you. You should just be friendly and talk about something random like you could tell him you liked his shirt or haircut or whatever and that will be the subject of your conversation. Once you guys are really interested into what you guys talking about the conversation will keep going and the longer the conversation the better.Because a long conversation gives you guys enough time to really understand each other and he will grow a liking towards you. I do it with dudes i like all the time! And don't worry about the age difference.
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posted over a year ago 
Thanks! :) that's what I'm gonna do; Go up & randomly ask him where something is & after he tells me, I'll be all like; "Hey, by the way, I really like your Nautical Star tatoos." Hope it works! :)
CullenProperty posted over a year ago
good for you !
animelove30 posted over a year ago
:) thanks for the help
CullenProperty posted over a year ago
did it work?
animelove30 posted over a year ago
shivers-zimmy said:
Bring A Friend With You! Then You Can Flirt, But It Won't Seem Like Actual Flirting! If He's Into You He'll Ask For Your Number! It Always Works If You Have Confidence! Friends Bring Confidence! :)
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posted over a year ago 
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