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Love Question

What is dude to do when

he honestly thinks he is in love with someone who is older and is already taken?
I really think i love this girl who has had the same bf for a couple of years now.
I just sort of met her and ive chatted with her a few times then I saw photos of her and my heart sank!!!! but she doesnt even want to hang out with me. she told me to leave her alone and im too young for her!
Im love sick over her, I cant eat or sleep. I talked to my buddy about her today and he told me to give up on her and dont bother her. I really just want to hang out with her even if its just friends. WHAT CAN I DO TO WIN HER OVER????
 highlife posted over a year ago
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Love Answers

Funnygirl77 said:
I don't know what to tell u, all I can tell u is be there for her when she needs u the most. Even though she said to leave her alone she might not mean if then aging... Just be there for her

Hope this helped :)
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posted over a year ago 
thank you
highlife posted over a year ago
rebaj2010 said:
I have the same problem. I'm like in love with an older guy. But what u did is I was straigh foward with him. I think if u rlly care ab her you should tell her. But that us completly up 2 u
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posted over a year ago 
rose12345 said:
Just be there for her and be the best friend u can be who knows maybe she might come around

hope this helped :)
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posted over a year ago 
booklover13 said:
tell her how you feel, but at the same time say you understand if she doesnt feel the same way about you, and youd still like to be friends. if she doesnt come around soon, shes not worth it. if shes dead set on not even being friends, maybe shes not who you thought she was. try not to think about her, and dont wallow. stay as busy as you can, it keeps your mind off of things. but before you revoke to that, try as hard as you can to win her over! dont stop till she treatans to call the cops :)
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posted over a year ago 
animelove30 said:
I have the same exact problem with the guy i like! tell her you want to just be friends and once you guys start acting like regular friend the connection will probably grow deeper.
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posted over a year ago 
shivers-zimmy said:
It Doesn't Sound Like Love! It Sounds Like Infatuation! You're Obsessed! If You Don't Know Her You Can't Possibly Love Her! My Friend Daelyn (he's a guy) Switches Girls A Lot! He Never Dates Them, He Just Likes Them! I Always Talk him Out Of The Stupid Crushes! I'm Going To Try And Do That For You-
1. She May Be Beautiful, But There's Always Someone Prettier!

2. She May Be Smart, But There's Always Someone Smarter!

3. She May Be Funny, But There's Always Someone Funnier!

4. You May Think She Has It All, But In Reality You Have It All-You Just Don't Know It Yet!

If That Didn't Help Listen To This-
I Think You Can Do Better Than Her! She Thinks You're A Creppy Little Boy Who Is Stalking Her! Trust Me, I Know The Signs, I Am Girl! Now If You Leave Her Alone And Then She Starts Flirting With You, Don't Fall For It! She Just Likes Your Attention! Trust Me-I've Done It Before! Cruel, But It's How Girls Are!

I Really Hope You Stop Liking Her! She Sounds Like A Complete Bitch!

If You Really Thinks It's Love Then-
1. Act Confident!

2. Show Off!

3. Laugh Louder!

4. Make Yourself Look Hot Daily!

It's What A Girl Wants! But Most Importantly-Be There For Her When Her And Her Boyfriend Break Up! Because They Will Break Up-This Isn't Twilight!

I'm Giving You This Advice Because You Seem Nice! And Honestly, If You Do Get Her, It Probably Won't Work Out!

Sorry If I Sound Like A Complete Bitch! I'm Just Trying To Talk You Out Of A Mistake That You CAN Prevent!
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posted over a year ago 
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