Lost The Life and Death of Jermey Benthem - 5x07

marissa posted on Feb 26, 2009 at 07:11PM

I loved this episode!
My head is still spinning, I think.

So, now the ultimate question of the episode:
Ben or Widmore?

Peronally, I don't trust either of them.
One minute they both seem or sincere, the next they're doing something dasterdly and evil!

And poor Helen! I was really bummed out to find out she died - she was one of my favourite flashabck characters!

And I have a question: did Flight 316 crash on the smaller Island where the Hydra is? Because I thought I saw Caeser reading a book with the Hydra logo.

On that note, what do you think of Caesar and Ilana?

And where did Frank go and why did he take the boat? Was he the one shooting at Sawyer and the gang before?

Anyways, what did you guys think of the episode? Any thoughts? Predictions?

Lost 3 replies

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over a year ago Earthgirl13 said…
I'm with Widmore. After Ben killed Locke, it was just that much harder to trust him. Plus, Widmore's face is easier to look at. Ben's eyes are really creepy. I don't think they crashed on the smaller island because of the boats. Remember Sawyer and everyone saw those boats? That was on the island.
I'm suspicious of Caesar and Ilana.

over a year ago marissa said…
I think I'm on Ben's side again.
I've been flip-flopping ever since he was Henry Gale!
But here's why:
I think (and hope) Ben killed Locke because he had to. Locke was going to kill himself because he had given up - he lost his faith in the Island, in the O6, everything. And Ben knew Locke couldn't die like that because it "wouldn't work" or something.
Maybe Ben knew that Locke needed to die with his faith or believing that the work he had to do was important. But he still had to die. Maybe these are the "rules" he mentioned to Widmore or something.
After Ben got Locke to see the light again, Ben knew that was the time Locke had to die, so he killed him. Not because he was mad at Locke or anything, but because it was the only way to save Locke/the Island/ the people left behind.

I also don't think Widmore is all bad. I think he wants what's best for the Island, too. Both men have the same goal - the protect the Island, and both men believe that, in trying to save the Island, the other is actually destroying it.

If only they could just work together!

Anyways, that's what I think. Locke is just a pawn in this big, drawn out "war" between Ben and Widmore over who gets to save the Island.

...or they're both completely evil and we're all just being fooled again.
over a year ago TmoVie_obsessed said…
I have no idea who to believe, since I spent all last season thinking that Widmore was evil (thanks to ben). now i have no idea, but I do agree that they both want what they think is best for the island.

i'm wondering why ben killed locke. it really seemed like ben was going to help locke and it wasn't until locke mentioned Eloise Hawking that Ben decided to kill Locke, but why?

the plane is on alcatraz island i think, but I think that it's in a different time then when jack, kate, and hurley are. Where Jack and the others are Jin came out in a brand new Dharma Van, which makes it seem like they are back in dharma time, but the people from the plane are right next to the hydra station and the dharma initiative doesn't seem to be there, which makes it seem like it's in a different time, maybe post-dharma?

this is all getting way too confusing for me....