Lost "Because You Left" & "The Lie"

marissa posted on Jan 22, 2009 at 05:51PM
(*Spoilers for the first two episodes of seaosn five*)

It's finally happened!
The long awaited season five has started.
So, what are everyone's thoughts?
How did you like the first two episodes? Have any questions? Anything you didn't like?

Personally, I'm a little worried that this whole "jumping through time" thing. I hope it doesn't get too confusing, you know? Hard-core Losties might be able to understand what's going on, but what about everyone else?
I was watching the show with my mom and when she saw the beachcraft land she said, "oh yay! Boone's back, isn't he?"
I tried to explain, but...
She told me not to worry, that they'll probably bring Charlie back, too .... :S

Anyways, I really liked seeing Ana Lucia again (loved the bangs!). And her little "Libby says hey" was so small, but so heart breaking!

And Hurley's shirt was awesome! lol

I think I am gunna miss having the classic "centric" episodes, you know? But I understand how those wouldn't really work anymore.

Also, did anyone else get really hopefully when Sawyer asked Dan for his shirt? :P

And was that Charlie's dad's butcher shop that Ben went into? Who was that lady?

Oh, and the opening! That was great! Classic lost :) Pierre Chang! And Dan! *head spins*

And Dan and Desmond? Awesome! Very cool :) I was not expecting it to be Des in the Hatch. And I like how now Dan and Des will have more to do with each other. I was a little confused when Dan picked him as his constant, but I guess we know now that they'll probably see a lot more of each other in the past.

Now, I do have a question: Will the Isalnd ever stop moving? Or will they be flashing around forever? Will the end up in, like, Jurasic Park or something?

Also, Mrs. Hawkings in that weird underground thing and talking to Ben? Darlton deffinatly have some explaining to do! lol

All in all, I liked the episodes. It was a bit confusing and I felt like there might have been too mnay stories going on at once, but it ended up working well.

And I'm very excited for next week!

EDIT: And Frogurt! :D
last edited on Jan 22, 2009 at 06:05PM

Lost 6 replies

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over a year ago jarik said…
I'm thinking the island went back to the time before the Purge since I'm assuming those people are part of the Dharma Inititive and not the Others.
over a year ago Earthgirl13 said…
The time travel stuff did seem complicated, but I hope they "make it work". I do miss flashbacks, they were so awesome. I did want to see Daniel's chest, more out of curiosity that anything else.
over a year ago Fichy said…
It was as if the whole island--and everything within that certain radius--went into a state of flux, of instability. From what I was able to surmise, nothing will be right again until the Oceanic Six make it back, so the ones on the island might be experiencing those "flashes of time" for a while. Dan's theory of how things cannot be changed by going back in time, since it's in the past, might explain why Ethan never got the chance to shoot Locke.
Both episodes were fascinating, and they made the near 9-month layoff worthwhile (almost!)
over a year ago Pippi21 said…
I don't have time to reply right now and tell you all about how much I loved it (like you Marissa.. :) ) but I just wanted to say I did enjoy so many things, countless.

And, I know: Frogurt!!! lol
over a year ago Giovanni_wasto said…
Ah, whenever Frogurt came on screen, I was just like "Kill him off! Kill him off now!". The Lost writers known how to please me.

Here's my theory on the Mrs. Hawking 70 hours thing. If Ben doesn't get the O6 back to the island and do something to reverse turning the frozen wheel (maybe blow it up) within 70 hours, the "Limitless energy" stored under the orchid will be released and will destroy the world. The sacrifice they all make by stopping this and returning to the island is that they become stuck in whatever time-zone they end up in. I.e. they all become stuck on the island pre-DHARMA. In the end, this will happen and this is how season 5 will end. Season 6 will take place entirely on the island and will tell how the Losties then try in vain to change the future so that they don't end up stuck on the island.

It's a wild shot in the dark, but if all of that happens then remember where you first read it!
over a year ago freckles08 said…
big smile
Lol the best bit was when Rose said to Frogurt "Your either going to help or be quiet" Lol It was soo good LOTS OF TOPLESS SAWYER :D :D Yum Yum Juliet is lucky she has him to protect her lol Awwww how cute is Aaron he is just soo sweet.
Can't wait till Sunday lol