Leyton Wall

Displaying wall entries 61-70 of 1004

kellyerin87 said …
So, nobody kill me. BUT... What do you think about starting to include the banner, in the monthly theme changes? I've just noticed that a few of us have been making/submitting more banners lately, and it's just kind of a shame for them to go to waste, and just sit in the 'Image' section, since our banner never even changes anyway! I thought we didn't really have any banner makers here, but apparently we do! And we could still give the OPTION of keeping the original banner each month? Thoughts? Posted over a year ago
leytoner21 commented…
Agree,agree,agree !We should have matching icon-banner.Our banner is one of the best though but we need a change& YEAH we can give the option of keeping the original banner each month so no problem :D over a year ago
Leytonfan4ever commented…
It's going to be pretty hard/sad to let go of the banner because its been our spot banner for as long as I can remember, but I think it is time for a change :) over a year ago
othobsessed92 commented…
I would LOVE a monthly spot banner change! I adore our current banner but something new is never a bad thing! over a year ago
Irreversible said …
I know I haven't really contribute to this spot since I'm a major BL fans but since you guys are so nice, I was thinking of doing some LP request for you guys. A moment, an episode. Just tell me (: Posted over a year ago
kellyerin87 commented…
Ahhh! Icon requests?? over a year ago
leytoner21 commented…
Icon requests?sounds cool! over a year ago
Irreversible commented…
I got the request of some of you & sorry that I still don't have them. I have been quite busy but I will try to get them done as soon as possible ( over a year ago
tvfan5 said …
Tweet from Chad:

ChadMMurray Chad Michael Murray
Return to oth? I don't know. Maybe next season for u guys. I Love that Lucas is missed. Give mark Schwann the credit. He built him.
Posted over a year ago
kellyerin87 commented…
Dude something's going on lol. He sure is talking about returning an awful lot. He has to be planning on it, for him to be teasing us about it this much. I can't see him saying all this stuff, then being like "Nope, sorry! Not gonna happen!" lol. And no, Chad... FYI, Mark deserves ZERO credit these days over a year ago
leytoner21 commented…
Holly that's a good thought.I want him to come back with Peyton!Alone?!WTF! over a year ago
tvfan5 commented…
That would be absolutely crazy if they surprsied us. CRAZY. It'd be cool but without Peyton? FML. over a year ago
kellyerin87 said …
1x07 just kills me.

No Brooke, hunny... Lucas wasn't looking at you. It's NOT "so on tonight".
No Brooke, hunny... Peyton doesn't want Nathan.
No Brooke, hunny... Lucas doesn't want you, or "naked you" in your jacuzzi.

Embarrassing lol <333 Posted over a year ago
georgiapeach91 commented…
LOL I know! Way embarrassing over a year ago
dalma commented…
leytonfaan_18 commented…
Defo one of Brooke's worst episodes! over a year ago
leytonfaan_18 said …
I second Holly and Ada below.
Happy Easter to my LP Family XD Posted over a year ago
leytoner21 commented…
Happy Easter too.:D LP Family :D♥ over a year ago
othobsessed92 commented…
Happy Easter <3 over a year ago
nikibella commented…
Happy Easter XD over a year ago
leytoner21 said …
LOVE YOUU! Posted over a year ago
leytonfaan_18 commented…
You too, love you twinny♥♥ over a year ago
leytoner21 commented…
loves you too♥ over a year ago
xoheartinohioxo commented…
Happy Easter! <3 over a year ago
energizerbunny commented…
Happy easter ♥ over a year ago
xoheartinohioxo said …
Happy Easter everyone! LP+S are out hunting down Easter eggs right now, what about everyone else?! Posted over a year ago
leytoner21 commented…
Happy easter <3 over a year ago
leytonfaan_18 commented…
Stuffing myself with chocolate right now, lol. Happy Easter Holly♥ over a year ago
xoheartinohioxo commented…
I'm working on it! over a year ago
KathyHalliwell said …
Just rewatched 6x01. I miss them so much ;(
Anyone knows some great fan fictions? I really need a Leyton fix right now. Posted over a year ago
tvfan5 commented…
Awwww</3 I miss them too :( I don't know any FF's really :/ SOMEONE HERE HAS TO! over a year ago
Leytonfan4ever said …
Leyton recycled BL lines.

^ Well.. that's a first. Any lines come to mind? Posted over a year ago
kellyerin87 commented…
"Pretty girl", and the whole "who he wants next to him when his dreams come true" crap. Neither of which really count, IMO lol. But um... nope, can't really think of anything else! over a year ago
Leytonfan4ever commented…
Oh "Pretty girl"? That's it? Lol. I even forgot Luke called Peyton that. over a year ago
NateHeartSerena commented…
Brooke also called Felix 'boyfriend'. So that obv wasnt special to just Lucas. over a year ago
kellyerin87 said …
Lucas: Peyton’s car.
Keith: Yep. I remember when I sent you on that service call. All you had to do was fill the radiator. You could have done that on-site.
Lucas: Yeah, I know. I just wanted to see her again. Posted over a year ago
mooshka commented…
Gaaahhhhh,,,, LUUCAS <3 over a year ago
leytoner21 commented…
loove<3 over a year ago
leytonfaan_18 commented…
<3333333 over a year ago
kellyerin87 said …
So, apparently they're tearing down the rivercourt now??? SERIOUSLY?? No way. I refuse to believe this.

oth-819-sneak-peek-brooke-haley-lydia-where-not-look-freedom Posted over a year ago
Leytonfan4ever commented…
What!?! The rivercourt???? The only thing left from the REAL oth?!?! Dude. If that happens, this show officially sucks. over a year ago
kellyerin87 commented…
I just can't see it really happening. I don't know how they could possibly pull that off. Because I know the city of Wilmington would never tear it down, since it's such a major tourist attraction. So it's not like they could actually SHOW it being torn down on screen, or anything. UGHHH I dunno over a year ago
mooshka commented…
There are just too many important scenes that happened on the river court... they can not tear it down. over a year ago
kellyerin87 said …
Jamie: Hey, look! *pulls out Peyton's 'It's you' drawing from Sawyer's memory box*
Lucas: Wow. Now that was a really important night.
Jamie: Because you won a state championship?
Lucas: Yeah. But um... that was also, the night that I realized I wanted to marry Peyton.

I love how when Lucas thinks back on that night, it's so clear that PEYTON was his real triumph, not the championship <33 Posted over a year ago
leytoner21 commented…
SO TRUE<33 over a year ago
123Naki456 commented…
ahh <33 over a year ago
mooshka commented…
<333 over a year ago
energizerbunny said …
Peyton: I'll be seeing you.
[Walks Away]
Lucas: Peyton! It's you.
Peyton: What?!
Lucas: When all my dreams come true, the one I want next to me. It's you. It's you Peyton.
(Kisses Peyton) ♥♥♥ Posted over a year ago
kellyerin87 commented…
<333 over a year ago
tvfan5 commented…
I'm pretty sure that "I'll be seeing you" is one of my all time favorite LP quotes. I just love it and it foreshadows their entire relationship. <3 over a year ago
mooshka commented…
AMAZING! over a year ago
Leytonfan4ever said …
Jacob & Bella fan? Vote :D
link Posted over a year ago
Leytonfan4ever commented…
Gosh, I'm such a wall hogger. I gotta stop posting :/ over a year ago
georgiapeach91 commented…
Voted!! You are definitely not a wall hogger, lol. Way too many BL fans on that spot, weird. over a year ago
tvfan5 said …
Chad on twitter on being in Wilmington right now: "Alas, it's not for an OTH reunion this time... But possibly season 9 if it's in the plan? U guys will be the first to know. Enjoy ur day!"
Posted over a year ago
Leytonfan4ever commented…
Omg! I really hopes he comes back!!! Now, all we need is HILARIE! over a year ago
kellyerin87 commented…
AHHHHHHHH! I wonder if Hil would come back, if Chad did? Ugh I almost don't want them to return to this shitfest though. I'll be damned if they return, only to have screentime stolen by Clay and Quinn. And I'm really not even wanting a S9... but I want LP! All kinds of mixed emotions right now lol over a year ago
georgiapeach91 commented…
OMG I'm kinda excited! The only reason we should get a S9 is if CHil come back. And I need Hil too, not just Chad for this. But I do want OTH to just end over a year ago
Leytonfan4ever said …
Anyone watch Ghost Whisperer?
I swear the couple Jim & Melinda remind me of LP so much (minus all the BLP drama)<3
The way Jim will do absolutely anything to protect/defend Melinda. How much they both LOVE each other and will do anything for each other. I also love how secure they are with each other. They really do remind me of LP.

If you've never seen the show, you should. It's amazing. It's such a toughing show <3 Posted over a year ago
leytoner21 commented…
I'm watching Ghost Whisperer,it's an amazing show.Now you say about LP yeah maybe♥Jim always protects and he loves so much Melinda! over a year ago
dalma commented…
I completely agree, they're so alike♥ over a year ago
mooshka commented…
I love Ghost Whisperer and Melinda and Jim, but I never really connected them to LP... interesting lol. over a year ago
tvfan5 said …
500 pages on the LLT. I THINK A CELEBRATION IS IN ORDER! Posted over a year ago
leytoner21 commented…
YEAH ;D LLT love you girlies♥ over a year ago
leytonfaan_18 commented…
Wooooo LLT kicks ass<33 over a year ago
mooshka commented…
Yay! over a year ago
Leytonfan4ever said …
“Their relationship intrigues me, too. And never say never. I think when you cross paths with someone in an impetuous, passionate, aching sort of way - whether it actually becomes something or not - there are always embers that remain. Maybe air catches those embers and sparks them to life again. Maybe not. I think Lucas and Peyton have much to learn about each other and whether it is to be romantic or not, they will always be in each others’ lives in an important way.” -Mark S. Posted over a year ago
tvfan5 commented…
FOR. THE. WIN. Seriously, where the hell is THIS Mark!? over a year ago
leytoner21 commented…
FTW! over a year ago
123Naki456 commented…
I loved THAT Mark ! over a year ago
mooshka commented…
<3 over a year ago
Leytonfan4ever said …
Peyton: Look it’s just a game, who cares if the entire school, most of your friends and half of the town saw you suck?
Lucas: So you have clearly come to cheer me up…

Lol. I really LOVE S1 LP ♥
Posted over a year ago
leytoner21 commented…
when everything started♥ over a year ago
leytonfaan_18 commented…
Hahaha love that♥ over a year ago
mooshka commented…
They were amazing. over a year ago
Leytonfan4ever said …
“For me the seeds were already planted for him to pick Peyton, in the pilot. In the first episode, now fans of the Brucas relationship would feel as though I am discounted the energy that they had, which I’m not. But you know when Lucas is on the river court, at the end of that pilot, you know, I think we feel like this is the girl that is his soulmate. You know that pilot ends with him saying, “I’ll be seeing you.” - Mark S.

"Lucas settled for Peyton." <---- Lol Posted over a year ago
tvfan5 commented…
<3 a;slkdfjasf over a year ago
123Naki456 commented…
fuck yeeah! over a year ago
leytonfaan_18 commented…
<3333 over a year ago
kellyerin87 said …
Ugh. Is it crazy that it's JUST now hitting me that we're never going to see LP again? Or little Sawyer? I guess last night's episode just finally smacked me in the face, with the realization that Mark is just... over it. He's had numerous opportunities to give us a LP mention, or flashback... but he's passed every one of them up. Chad/Hil clearly aren't returning. LP is officially in the past... nothing more to look forward to. GAH. That hurts. Posted over a year ago
delenadarti commented…
wow... over a year ago
georgiapeach91 commented…
I know what you mean. Because while LP and Chad/Hil have been gone I know we all had a slight glimmer of hope that they would have one last return. over a year ago
rorymariano commented…
:'( over a year ago
KaterinoulaLove said …
8x18.Just watched it.Erm..It was ..Good.It could have been perfect,though.All these flashbacks from the start made me wanna cry and ,yes I'm gonna say it,MOURN for OTH.And then I saw it.Those beautiful blond hair ,and in a glimpse of an eye,all gone.
We had Jamie talking about pregnancies and having worries about his mum,but wtf it was THE BEST opportunity for some LP.Jeese I am so so so dissapointed.SO MUCH.Peyton had the most dangerous and complicated pregnancy but not mention at all.So yes.TY Posted over a year ago
KaterinoulaLove commented…
I wanna be fair..So I'm not gonna only talk about LP.NH flashbacks were amazing and Brooke and Julian 's not getting the baby was so heartbreaking.Brooke is amazing.She didn't wanna ruin Haley's hapiness and yes.She so has my admiration for that.I totally respect her more than I ever was. over a year ago
rorymariano said …
Die-Hard <3333 Posted over a year ago
tvfan5 commented…
NOSNDNAS!!!!!!! over a year ago
123Naki456 commented…
Cooongrats <33 over a year ago
leytonfaan_18 commented…
Congrats Amber! over a year ago
tvfan5 said …
Ohhhh, hey Mark, thanks SO much for those LP flashbacks in tonight's episode! OH WAIT. THERE WEREN'T ANY. But you were totally right...those fans that have been with the show EVER SINCE season 7 TOTALLY deserved those season 7 flashbacks. My mistake for thinking that those of us who have been with it since it was the REAL OTH (EVEN AFTER OUR COUPLE LEFT) deserved something. I'm angry. Posted over a year ago
tvfan5 commented…
My favorite part: the part where they showed Brooke and Haley talking for the first time, and right when Peyton would come on they cut the flashback. WOOHOOOOOO! BEST FLASHBACK EVERRRRRR! over a year ago
energizerbunny commented…
That's just outragous.It can't be justified! over a year ago
KaterinoulaLove commented…
I am so dissapointed.They could have shown a LOT OF L And P .They had A LOT of opportunities.It was an episode concetrated on PREGNANCIES! JESUS! HELLO!? Peyton's regnancy was dangerous,and complicated but still happened.give us a break. over a year ago
mooshka said …
YAY I GOT MY DEDICATED!!!! Posted over a year ago
rorymariano commented…
It's about time! Congratulations!! <33 over a year ago
energizerbunny commented…
Congratualations!! XD over a year ago
mooshka commented…
Thanks over a year ago
Leytonfan4ever said …
Non-LP related.

Help vote for a NEW Brathan spot look.. ?

The spot NEEDS a new look. Posted over a year ago
rorymariano commented…
Done :) over a year ago
energizerbunny commented…
Done! =) over a year ago
leytoner21 commented…
Yeah=] over a year ago
kellyerin87 said …
So... apparently we're getting some flashbacks tonight, and they're spending some of the episode taking a trip down "memory lane". *fingers crossed* that we see atleast some LP <3 Posted over a year ago
Leytonfan4ever commented…
Hmm maybe I should tune in then. If we don't get at lease any flashback!Leyton then I hope they mention them in some way. over a year ago
tvfan5 commented…
See, I was excited because I heard "flashbacks", but then I read an interview with Austin Nicholls and he only mentioned Naley ones. I don't know. I just don't want to get my hopes up only for them to be squashed. AGAIN. over a year ago
tvfan5 commented…
SO FUCKING RIDICULOUS. I'm so angry right now. over a year ago
LPxCBxDE said …
hope you aren't angry at me for proposing the idea of our icons to the CB spot!

*ducks and yells don't hate me* Posted over a year ago
kellyerin87 commented…
Haha not at all! over a year ago
tvfan5 commented…
Go for it! over a year ago
rorymariano said …
Watching 4x05 on TV right now. This has to be the best protective Lucas episode <33

Especially love this:

Detective: You carried her out....Peyton Sawyer. You are the one who carried her out of the school.
Lucas: Yeah.
Detective: Okay. We'll bring him in.
Lucas: So you believe me. You don't think this sounds crazy?
Detective: I didn't say it didn't sound crazy. But that look in your eye tells me that you believe it. Posted over a year ago
123Naki456 commented…
Love that scene <33 over a year ago
leytoner21 commented…
lovee it<3 over a year ago
mooshka commented…
Love it! over a year ago
123Naki456 said …
link Nominate LP Posted over a year ago
leytonfaan_18 commented…
Will do :D over a year ago
tvfan5 commented…
Already did it baby! over a year ago
tvfan5 commented…
BB AND LP over a year ago
Leytonfan4ever said …
So.. just curious. How long are we going to use these icons before we go on to another theme? And how long do these themes last? Posted over a year ago
123Naki456 commented…
I was wondering that too. over a year ago
tvfan5 commented…
I caved. over a year ago
Leytonfan4ever commented…
^ Or maybe we can use them this whole week then move on to another theme? over a year ago
Leytonfan4ever said …
You know.. I really LOVE our banner, it's beautiful!

BUT am I the only one that's jealous of other spots having fun trying out new banners? It's just... sometimes I go to different spots and see what's new and they always have amazing banners that I get jealous of. Like the BB spot. It's so stunning to look at. Also, when we have amazing icons, but people don't pick them because it doesn't match the banner. It just.. sucks, yknow? Don't get me wrong though, I'm NOT complaining about it. Posted over a year ago
Leytonfan4ever commented…
Like I said earlier, I LOVELOVELOVE the banner. I even love that other spots are jealous of it. And I'm defiantly not complaining about the banner. I just needed to rant. :) No worries. over a year ago
KathyHalliwell commented…
Well, now that we're already talking about BB, anyone seen this video before? link It's really cool. ♥ over a year ago
tvfan5 commented…
^^epic much? I have seen that. It kills me<3 over a year ago
rorymariano said …
Just started 6x17. *Reaches for tissues* Posted over a year ago
mooshka commented…
Such an emotional episode! over a year ago
leytoner21 commented…
yeah:( over a year ago
leytonfaan_18 commented…
AWww:/ over a year ago
big smile
leytoner21 said …
Got my dedicated medal =] Posted over a year ago
rorymariano commented…
Congrats! ♥ over a year ago
dalma commented…
Congrats, Ada! <3 over a year ago
leytonfaan_18 commented…
Wow congrats twinnyface XD over a year ago
xoheartinohioxo said …
It's officially "Best Reasons To Ship LP" icon day!! Everybody rocking their BRTSLP icons?!? Posted over a year ago
rorymariano commented…
Wouldn't miss it! ♥♥ over a year ago
georgiapeach91 commented…
Hell Ya! over a year ago
Leytonfan4ever commented…
WHOO! XP over a year ago
kellyerin87 said …
I just love watching old OTH episodes, now that I know how things turn out lol. Every time I see an old LP scene (even when they're just friends), in my head I'm singing:
"Yooou're gonna get maaarried... LaLaLa... Yooou're gonna have a babyyy... LaLaLa" lol <333 Posted over a year ago
Leytonfan4ever commented…
LOL! Totally! Especially, looking back and seeing them encourage each other to make it work with other people and in my head I'm like thinking "Encourage all you want! You guys are gonna end up together anyways!" Hhaha. over a year ago
tvfan5 commented…
Hahahahhaa I totally do that too! over a year ago
mooshka commented…
I always do that! Espeacially in season 5... over a year ago
123Naki456 said …
Thank you Kelly for beautiful icons. LP icons day FTW ♥ Posted over a year ago
kellyerin87 commented…
Anything for this spot! I'm glad everybody likes them :) over a year ago
Leytonfan4ever said …
Brooke:... I wanted you to say there is no one else you could ever be with, and you rather be alone then without me.

Lucas: A while back I.. I had a dream.. that something happened to you. It got me thinking about my life without you.. I... I can't LIVE that life.

Lucas DID say that! He just said it.. to a girl he REALLY CAN'T LIVE WITHOUT<3 Posted over a year ago
leytoner21 commented…
AGREED<3 over a year ago
123Naki456 commented…
HA! Peyton is number one for him <3 over a year ago
mooshka commented…
LOVE! over a year ago
Leytonfan4ever said …
Because Peyton doesn't have to ASK Lucas to save her. He just does. <333

Thanks for the icon Kelly :D Posted over a year ago
kellyerin87 commented…
Ofcourse! One of my favorite reasons, BTW :) over a year ago
mooshka commented…
So sweet. over a year ago
tvfan5 said …
Spot icon themes = EPIC WIN. Posted over a year ago
othobsessed92 commented…
AGREED <3 over a year ago
leytoner21 commented…
AGREE<33 over a year ago
mooshka commented…
YUP! :) over a year ago
kellyerin87 said …
Just got messaged by Fanpop that my "Two BLP moments in 3x13 that almost made me punch my TV screen" pick was reported as "Broken content" by TWO people. TWO! Things I'm certain on:

a) These were BL'ers... yet AGAIN.
b) I'm done being friendly.

UNBELIEVABLE. Why the fuck can't they just STAY OUT. I am so done with them, it's not even funny. Posted over a year ago
georgiapeach91 commented…
SERIOUSLY? It's our fucking spot. They have their spot, we have ours. You have been beyond nice. Don't take the pick down, and if it gets deleted, I say make it again. Haters who are bitter need to stay and their own spot and be bitter. OUR spot in no way affects them. over a year ago
kellyerin87 commented…
^ Haha... you're right! I really don't usually get that angry, except for when I'm really pushed to my limit. Which in this case, I definitely AM. over a year ago
xoheartinohioxo commented…
Ughhhhh. I'm sorry Kelly, i don't get it... I don't get why some people thrive off of drama and petty bullshit. It's sad that people can't just stop with all the bullshit, but I think we've all come to realize that there are just some people on fanpop that can't quit. over a year ago
georgiapeach91 said …
Is tonight when we're going to be changing our icons to the Because icons? Hahaha I'm so ready for it Posted over a year ago
kellyerin87 commented…
Yep! Tonight! I'll probably go ahead and change mine in a little bit :) over a year ago
georgiapeach91 commented…
Awesome! I'm thinking about changing mine when I get back from dinner, lol over a year ago
georgiapeach91 commented…
YAY!! Ok, doing it now :) over a year ago
rorymariano said …
Peyton: "Why have you been so weird lately? You're like off in the garage and you're....you're making me a present! Are you making the baby a present? Is it a present for me AND the baby?"

The way that Hilarie says that is just so funny, and then Chad makes this face like 'Wow, she's really going crazy.' Lol :P Posted over a year ago
mooshka commented…
hahahah "Crazy people shouldn't be left alone." over a year ago
tvfan5 commented…
<3 over a year ago
leytoner21 commented…
haha XD over a year ago
TheBoySawAComet said …
vote :D

link Posted over a year ago
dalma commented…
Already voted :) over a year ago
rorymariano commented…
Done <33 over a year ago
mooshka commented…
Done! over a year ago
leytoner21 commented…
Of course,already done;)<3 over a year ago
kellyerin87 said …
How close are we, LP'ers? Are we the closest OTH related fanbase, on fanpop? Vote <333
link Posted over a year ago
mooshka commented…
I think we are :) You know for some one who joined this spot pretty recently I feel really close to everyone. over a year ago
tvfan5 commented…
No question over a year ago
georgiapeach91 commented…
Hell ya! And it's not even a question over a year ago
Leytonfan4ever said …
Lucas: Just let me hold you for a couple more minutes. That's what's going to fix me.

Peyton: Luke.. I always feel better when I get to talk to you. I love you. Thanks.

They heal each other.. <333 Posted over a year ago
kellyerin87 commented…
YES THEY DO! Lucas: "What about you? Can I help you?" Peyton: "Yeah... Remember when your mom was in the hospital, and you asked me just to lie with you, and heal you? I think I could use some of that healing, before tomorrow." <333 over a year ago
mooshka commented…
Aww that LOVE! <3 over a year ago
carambolas commented…
over a year ago
mooshka said …
Okay so I was watching random OTH scenes on Youtube and one of them was the 5x06 scene were Naley and Lincus are having dinner. And it just pisses me off! Lindsey was mad because Peyton said she didn't like her in priavacy to Haley... But Lindsey is talking about kicking Peyton's ass in front of a whole bunch of people, who happen to be Peyton's friends! GAHHH that just bugs me. Lindsey just happened to over hear a private convo. It's not like Peyton was going around telling everyone. Posted over a year ago
mooshka commented…
Sorry just had to rant. over a year ago
kellyerin87 commented…
True, true, true :) over a year ago
carambolas commented…
Yep, Lindsey acted like a bitch and no one ever called her on it..it just pissed me off so much! It was okay for Lindsey to act like that but the moment Peyton says/does something a bit bitchy, she´s like the worst person in the world. over a year ago
rorymariano said …
I'm watching Friends and Ross/Rachel are talking about what they want to name their baby. One of the names that Rachel comes up with is Sawyer, and I was thinking how cool it would be if two of my favorite couples had named their baby Sawyer, lol. Pretty random, I know :P Posted over a year ago
mooshka commented…
That would have been awesome! over a year ago
leytonfaan_18 commented…
Would have been great. RR<33 over a year ago
kellyerin87 said …
Just have to say... it gets pretty old hearing the same (irrelevant?) arguments against LP over, and over. "She's the one, I feel it". Destiny shot. "I'm the guy for you, Brooke Davis". "Who's standing next to you?" "Brooke".

People seem to forget that Lucas took ALL that stuff back. And that he seemed to jump to those conclusions, before he really knew what he was talking about, and REALLY tested the waters with Brooke. Those really just never seemed like legit/valid BLP arguments to me lol Posted over a year ago
kellyerin87 commented…
I just can't see any of those as being legs to stand on, considering the outcome of those statements, and how Lucas simply changed his mind. It happens. What matters is how he feels AFTER he's given BL a real try. And after he did, his story completely flipped... along with hers! over a year ago
mooshka commented…
Some people... over a year ago
tvfan5 commented…
Destiny shot is my favorite "argument" <3 <3 <3 HAHAHAHAHA SO CLASSIC. RIDICULOUS. over a year ago
Leytonfan4ever commented…
Lol. I've seen these lines before.... recap! "She's the one, I feel it."... "Cause I feel it in my heart." || Destiny shot... "You said we were DESTINED to be together." || "I'm the guy for you Brooke Davis." ... "I guess I was wrong, I'm NOT the guy for you Brooke Davis." || "Who's standing next to you.. Brooke" .... "Hey Peyton! It's you! When all my dreams come true the one I want next to me, It's you. It's you Peyton." ..... I would LOVE to see them use the line "You're mine forever" Lmao. over a year ago
Leytonfan4ever said …


Gosh.. I miss them! I love these two episodes!
Btw, CMM was seriously good-looking in 6x14<3 LOL. Just had to point that out. Posted over a year ago
Leytonfan4ever said …
Peyton: Omg, the magazine has been dead-on. It has predicted pretty much everything... I just wish it would have warned me about this.
*hits Luke then starts cracking up*
Lucas: Okay.. alright... Ok.
*Grabs his phone*
Peyton: What are you doing?
Lucas: Well.. seems I made a huge mistake. I'm calling Lindsay.
Peyton: Fine... If you think that would help.
*Hits Luke again and starts cracking up even more.*

LOL! Love this scene<3 Posted over a year ago
leytonfaan_18 commented…
Lmao I love how secure they are to even joke about it XD Love that episode:) over a year ago
123Naki456 commented…
Peyton's laugh in this scene- priceless <33 over a year ago
mooshka commented…
^I know right! Part of the reason I was laughing so much in this episode was because of Peyton's laugh. over a year ago
tvfan5 said …
I'm in the mood to watch some LP angst. Off to season 5 I go. Posted over a year ago
georgiapeach91 commented…
Yay S5 Angst! So much love <3 over a year ago
tvfan5 commented…
Agreed! over a year ago
leytonfaan_18 commented…
Angssst<33 over a year ago
kellyerin87 said …
Here's the link for ALL of the "Best Reasons To Ship LP" icons! 32 total so far!
link Posted over a year ago
mooshka commented…
Yay! I'm so excited to start using them! over a year ago
kellyerin87 commented…
^ Okay! That's a great one :) over a year ago
georgiapeach91 commented…
So so amazing Kelly! I'm gonna be using the one I requested, hehe over a year ago
big smile
mooshka said …
OMG They are so many amazing "Best Reason to Ship LP" icons I think I may use more than one when our club event starts! Good job Kelly! Posted over a year ago
kellyerin87 commented…
Aww thank you! :) over a year ago
tvfan5 commented…
I know! they're amazing! over a year ago
leytoner21 commented…
Kelly is a gorgeous artist! over a year ago
georgiapeach91 commented…
They're fantastic! I'm excited to use them over a year ago
Leytonfan4ever said …
I'm so tired of reading comments that say "Lucas & Peyton 'SETTLED' for each other"! They did NOT settle for each other. It was ALWAYS going to be Lucas & Peyton. Mark "designed a world where Lucas & Peyton are MEANT to be together". Brooke has said that it "has always BEEN Lucas & Peyton." & "They are suppose to be together it's the way it's SUPPOSE to be." Chad believes that "They are DESTINED to be together." The list of quotes go on.. on.. and on.

FOUR YEARS in the making people! Posted over a year ago
kellyerin87 commented…
Agreed! Twist it whichever way you want. But sticking with a couple that has been planned as endgame since the PILOT is not settling. LP wanted EACHOTHER first. And it was ONLY because of outside influences, that they weren't together from the beginning. They couldn't be together in S1, because of Brooke. Because Peyton was a GOOD FRIEND, and didn't want to hurt her. Therefore a relationship together was no longer a logical option, to either of them. Which led to... them having no choice but to move on to other people... Brooke & Jake. Then LP finally get together, Lucas later proposes, misunderstanding when Peyton doesn't accept the proposal, Lucas' ego is hurt, he leaves. Which leads to... *wait for it*... MORE SETTLING! aka Julian, & Lindsey :) over a year ago
Leytonfan4ever commented…
^^ EXACTLY!! "....the realization that we had ALWAYS been MEANT for each other, and every instinct to the contrary had simply been a DENIAL of the following TRUTH. i was NOW and would ALWAYS be IN LOVE with PEYTON SAWYER." <---- Does that sound like he 'settles' for her??? over a year ago
Laurencia7 commented…
bitterness is a hard pill to swallow, and after all we know they were MTB so nothing else really matters. over a year ago
xoheartinohioxo said …
Also - it looks as if our next icon will be a 6x17 icon, so if anyone has any mottos that would work better with 6x17 than the current ones, PLEASE ADD THEM!!

link Posted over a year ago
xoheartinohioxo said …
Icons with 'Best Reasons to Ship LP' text on them is winning as our next club theme! When would everyone like to actually DO the theme? Posted over a year ago
kellyerin87 commented…
I'm down for whenever, as soon as I have time to finish any of the final icon requests :) over a year ago
othobsessed92 commented…
Sounds great :D over a year ago
leytonfaan_18 commented…
All sounds good :D over a year ago
kellyerin87 said …
So, I've gotten a couple requests to make specific 'Best Reasons To Ship LP' icons for a couple of people. With certain reasons, and pics that I haven't made yet. So if anyone has any other requests, feel free to let me know! Posted over a year ago
tvfan5 commented…
epICONS. haha :P over a year ago
xoheartinohioxo commented…
Could you make some for "Fuck haters, if i wanna ship LP..." with the heartbeat kiss in 6x16, the office kiss in 5x05 && "i think we've waited long enough" kiss ?! ♥ over a year ago
kellyerin87 commented…
^ Aww ofcourse! over a year ago
Leytonfan4ever said …
....And anyone notice how Lucas always uses the word "Promise" with Peyton?
Nothing will happen to you.. I PROMISE."
I PROMISE you that."
etc..etc...etc. Posted over a year ago
kellyerin87 commented…
Honeygrove- Peyton: "I love you, Lucas. And it's a big deal." // Lucas: "I love you too, Peyton. I PROMISE." <333 over a year ago
123Naki456 commented…
They are PROMISED to each other <33 over a year ago
Leytonfan4ever said …
Brooke: I just appreciate it if you wouldn't talk to Peyton today.
Lucas: You're kidding right? This is wedding, we're all in the same wedding party, we're all friends Brooke.
Peyton: I just don't care about prom.
Lucas: Look, Peyton. We DON'T have to SEE Brooke. We'll be fine. I promise you that.

I just LOVE how Peyton doesn't even have to ASK him not to see/speak to Brooke.. he just offers. Posted over a year ago
dalma commented…
hahahahah ftw! over a year ago
leytonfaan_18 commented…
Haha. I never noticed that before! <33 over a year ago
mooshka commented…
lmao never noticed that before! LOVE IT! over a year ago
leytoner21 said …

Not a fan of Taylor Swift but THIS song is so leyton-ish ♥ ;-) Posted over a year ago
leytonfaan_18 commented…
"Been here all along so why can't you see?" So LP<33 over a year ago
leytoner21 commented…
"..But she wears short skirts, I wear t-shirts She's cheer captain and I'm on the bleachers"♥ over a year ago
carambolas commented…
Perfect for LP! over a year ago
tvfan5 said …
Even though I've accepted it...it's even more sad now that it's actually confirmed. :( No surprise appearance for us :( Posted over a year ago
ForsakenMoon19 commented…
Figures, the show needs to die anyway this is rediculous!!! I hate what they've done to OTH, nothing but crap!!! over a year ago
delenadarti commented…
sad to watch what used to be an amazing show, die slowly :( over a year ago
leytonfaan_18 commented…
Awww :/ over a year ago
kellyerin87 said …
Random... but did anyone else think it was kind of sweet / a big deal that both Lucas and Peyton acknowledged that the scene they were acting out in 3x21 was a sensitive subject? When Peyton says "You do know what scene this is, don't you?", and Lucas says "No, why? *looks at script* "...oh." I just find it interesting how Brooke didn't seem to care about LP doing that scene, but it kind of struck an emotional chord for both Lucas and Peyton. Anyone else catch that? <3 Posted over a year ago
kellyerin87 commented…
Not to mention that I find it especially interesting, since some people claim that LP didn't love each other, their first time around in season 1. If that's true, then why would acting out an "I love you" scene be so sensitive to them? Just some food for thought :) over a year ago
leytoner21 commented…
It surprised me that Brooke didn't care about putting LP together :) over a year ago
mooshka commented…
^I agree, I think Brooke's anger at the cheating part didn't let her see the true connection Lucas and Peyton had. I think she always just figured that they cheated because they were just horny, but in realty they truly did love each other and really wanted to be with each other. over a year ago
leytoner21 said …
Just saying that our spot is the best in Fanpop <3 Posted over a year ago
rorymariano commented…
Agree 100000%! I love this spot, everybody is just like a family <33 over a year ago
leytoner21 commented…
Yeah.That's bad but it's amazing we love it even more now<3 over a year ago
TheBoySawAComet commented…
<3 over a year ago
kellyerin87 said …
"It's okay to let yourself be happy."
-Lucas voiceover, 4x12 LP coda Posted over a year ago
dalma commented…
over a year ago
mooshka commented…
Leyton only truley are when they are with each other! over a year ago
leytoner21 commented…
Agree with mooshka!;) over a year ago
TheBoySawAComet commented…
happy LP FTW <3 over a year ago
Leytonfan4ever said …

Show some LP support on the spots wall! :) I barely see any on that spot, Lol. Posted over a year ago
leytoner21 commented…
Ok :) over a year ago
kellyerin87 commented…
lol that spot is SO dead :/ over a year ago
leytonfaan_18 commented…
Ha it is isn't it Kelly? Still will show support though:) over a year ago
kellyerin87 commented…
Oh I did, don't worry! <3 over a year ago
kellyerin87 said …
AHHHH! In the process of removing my virus I deleted ALL of my saved LP icons. Atleast 500+

F-M-L!!!!!!! Posted over a year ago
tvfan5 commented…
OH NOOOO :( There's no way you can get them back? :/ They're on this spot though, right? over a year ago
kellyerin87 commented…
Well they were a mix of ones that I liked from this spot, and livejournal... and ones that I made. So they're all still SOMEWHERE on the internet, I just have to start from scratch and go through re-saving them. over a year ago
dalma commented…
Ohh, I'm so sorry! :( over a year ago
LPTLA123 said …
Yay, I got a dedicated medal =) Posted over a year ago
dalma commented…
congratzz! :) over a year ago
123Naki456 commented…
Congraaats! :) over a year ago
LPTLA123 commented…
Thanks! over a year ago
kellyerin87 said …
So... my computer got a damn virus lol. I'm restricted to using my cell phone now, which means I won't be able to continue the 'Best Reasons To Ship Leyton' contest, until I get the virus taken care of. So if anyone wants to take care of posting the pick for the next round, I'd greatly appreciate it! Otherwise, I'll get to it as soon as I can :) Posted over a year ago
rorymariano commented…
I'll do it if you want :) When did you want it up? over a year ago
kellyerin87 commented…
It was supposed to go up yesterday, so just whenever you get around to it, I'd greatly appreciate it! Thanks Amber! over a year ago
kellyerin87 commented…
Yayyy... virus demolished! *happy dance* lol :D over a year ago
123Naki456 said …
Heeey! For the ones who particip Peyton Scott Icon contest, the new round is open! Pls start making icons :)

link Posted over a year ago
othobsessed92 commented…
Yay! Submitted :D over a year ago
123Naki456 commented…
Thanks :) over a year ago
kellyerin87 said …
Peyton: Lucas! You guys have been together for just a couple hours, and you're in the car with me? Why didn't you tell me? I wouldn't have even asked you to come.
Lucas: Peyton! I made you a promise. Besides, you should be able to turn to me for help. I love being that guy for you.
Peyton: Well does Brooke love you being that guy for me? I didn't think so okay, so call her. Call her, and tell her we had plans, right now! DIAL THE PHONE! Posted over a year ago
kellyerin87 commented…
Yeah... Peyton's such a terrible friend! lol I love how she had to make Lucas call Brooke. He's heading OUT OF TOWN with the girl that makes Brooke feel the most insecure, and he doesn't even think to tell her. Once again, Peyton had Brooke's best interest at heart... unlike Lucas. over a year ago
leytoner21 commented…
Yeah so true . and they say that Peyton's the whore! :| over a year ago
123Naki456 commented…
Yeah, Peyton is always `the bad guy` -.-' over a year ago
dalma said …
I just have to say I love it that everyone here ships BB. <3 :D Posted over a year ago
tvfan5 commented…
FTW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! a;lkwjfl;kdsjfl;ksdfjsdf over a year ago
georgiapeach91 commented…
LMAO yes <3 over a year ago
4ever_and_ever commented…
<333 over a year ago
PurpleMonkey82 said …
Haha, I got an LP medal (:
It's good, but kind of weird! Posted over a year ago
Leytonfan4ever commented…
Wow.. um congrats Lol :) Medals are just appearing out of nowhere! I recieved alot last week and I haven't done anything in months! over a year ago
4ever_and_ever commented…
ummm....congrats, lol :) over a year ago
PurpleMonkey82 commented…
Thanks <3 over a year ago
Leytonfan4ever said …
Okay this is pretty random, but I've been watching reruns lately and soapnet is showing S3 and in E18 (The cabin eppy) when Pete ask Peyton if she has any tattoos she says "Yeah, I have a dark angel between my shoulder blades" and I kind of laughed because I remember that Psycho Derek had one and I thought she was making a joke out of it, but then I realize that wait.. It's S3 and Psycho Derek didn't appear til S4 and it just something I caught and was thinking about... Lol. Random. I know :) Posted over a year ago
leytonfaan_18 commented…
Haha I did that before :P over a year ago
123Naki456 commented…
Never thought of it.. Cool! :D over a year ago
mooshka commented…
LOL interesting... over a year ago
mooshka said …
I just gotta say... I could never understand why BL fans love the Brucas rain scene so much. The whole scene is basically of Brooke begging Lucas to reassure her that he loves her and to say bad things about Peyton. Brooke was the most jelouse and insecure in this scene. And it always felt like Lucas said all those things about her just to get out of trouble... :/ Ya nothing speacial to me... Posted over a year ago
kellyerin87 commented…
I'm not gonna talk about the BL scene itself, I'll just say this... it was scenes like this that made me appreciate LP finally getting together. They were just such a breath of fresh air, by the time season 4 came around. Drama free, insecurity free, triangle free, and just... happy <333 over a year ago
carambolas commented…
Completely agree! over a year ago
mooshka commented…
^Um I don' think so because even after they broke up they had a lot of romantic scenes together. Plus it's ther proffesion so they have to be proffesional and Mark even said they all are proffesional. over a year ago
rorymariano said …
STEPH'S ACCOUNT WAS BANNED! Help get it back please! Posted over a year ago
georgiapeach91 commented…
Ya, it'll be back soon! She just told me on FB, that she wanted me to tell you she's really pumped about you wanting to watch Bones. The link she was trying to give you was what did it. I'm trying to think of a way to tell you thee link. Go to tv - links. eu. But take out all the spaces. :) over a year ago
leytonfaan_18 commented…
Glad you got back Steeeeeph :) over a year ago
tvfan5 commented…
Thanks girls :) over a year ago
mooshka said …
LMAO... I just watched 5x09 and just had to wear this icon! Love P.Sawyer... I just hope no one finds it offensive :/ Posted over a year ago
kellyerin87 commented…
Haha love it <333 over a year ago
tvfan5 commented…
FTW! over a year ago
leytonfaan_18 commented…
Loooveee it :) over a year ago
kellyerin87 said …
It really bothers me when people tag/keyword images incorrectly. Like when you upload a huge batch of icons, and tag them ALL with 'season 1, season 2, season 3, season 4, season 5, season 6'... that's not ideal lol. When I'm searching for a SEASON 4 icon, and I have to search through 50 pages of icons that are NOT season 4, but are tagged 'season 4'... it's not fun lol. Just one of my pet peeves, that I had to throw out there. *rant over* :D Posted over a year ago
georgiapeach91 commented…
Oh Kelly, I so so agree on this. I get very mad about it. It's very hard to sort through thousands of images, and people who tag the seasons, and they're not, drives me crazy. over a year ago
AdaLove commented…
Yeah I see that it is really annoying.It's almost impossibe to find what you 're searching.Everything is tagged so incorrect.II should say I did this at some point but now I think I tag more correctly;) over a year ago
leytonfaan_18 commented…
AGREEED. This is probably one of my bggest FP annoyances. over a year ago
kellyerin87 commented…
It just makes more sense to NOT tag images at all, than to tag them incorrectly lol. I just don't get it over a year ago
tvfan5 said …
THE LP SPOT LIVES! SO MANY NEW FACES (or usernames), but still! WOOHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! Posted over a year ago
tvfan5 commented…
And 6 people on the LLT at the same time. WIN. over a year ago
kellyerin87 commented…
Yayyyyy <3 over a year ago
leytonfaan_18 commented…
Yaaay! :D over a year ago
Leytonfan4ever said …
Anyone ever get curious with this picture? Or was it even a scene they shot? Or was it just CH chilling behind scenes?

link Posted over a year ago
tvfan5 commented…
YES! I've always wondered that... over a year ago
leytonfaan_18 commented…
^ Me too. Such a cute picture though XD over a year ago
mooshka commented…
There are a lot of picutres from the Naley wedding which I never knew were taken... like theres a couple of Brooke and Peyton ones and they were supposed to hate eachother at the time. over a year ago
kellyerin87 said …
Only two more days to submit your reasons! I might have to drop this contest, if it doesn't become more active, people! lol

link Posted over a year ago
georgiapeach91 commented…
No, lol! I'm thinking of a reason, I'll have it soon, haha over a year ago
kellyerin87 said …
He chose to come back for her, instead of staying with Keith... KEITH!

...no biggie ;) Posted over a year ago
tvfan5 commented…
PSHHH..that happens every day...oh wait...no it doesn't! over a year ago
georgiapeach91 commented…
LOL over a year ago
mooshka commented…
Hahah! over a year ago
leytonfaan_18 commented…
Hahaha so true:P over a year ago
othobsessed92 said …

This is what OTH used to be! This is what I miss! I randomly clicked on this today, and I was just so blown by this amazing, amazing scene! Gosh, come back season 6 </3

"I want you to be my wife because I love you" *dies* Posted over a year ago
kellyerin87 commented…
GAH. This is one of my favorite scenes in season 6... it's SO underrated! I love how her head falls, and he picks it up right before he says "because I love you". Such a small, but just incredible scene. Makes me miss them, and old OTH SO much :'( over a year ago
carambolas commented…
That scene is just beautiful ♥ over a year ago
mooshka commented…
AWWW... when I first saw this scene I was so close to tears... They love each other so much! over a year ago
4ever_and_ever said …
I like the new spot icon :) Posted over a year ago
AdaLove commented…
It's great over a year ago
kellyerin87 said …
Voteeee :D

link Posted over a year ago
rorymariano commented…
Voted! <3 over a year ago
leytonfaan_18 commented…
Done :D over a year ago
kellyerin87 commented…
I think it's hilarious how some *cough cough* people *cough* always say how dumb it is that LP are winning. Obviously it's not that dumb, if they win just about EVERY 'epic' pick there is! lol over a year ago
mooshka commented…
haha I was the one that added them so I voted! ^And yes people should know theres something epic about them if they win like every time! over a year ago
kellyerin87 said …
My mom at the end of 3x16 today:
"So (literally a minute later).... what the hell happened? This show used to be good."

I know, mom. I know. lol Posted over a year ago
georgiapeach91 commented…
So your mom didn't like 3.16? Or am I completely misunderstanding this, lol. over a year ago
rorymariano commented…
I think that her mom meant that the show used to be good (like 3x16 was good) but the new episodes are not good. over a year ago
AdaLove commented…
It's so obvious that OTH sucks now. over a year ago
beccaxBLx said …
I am a BL-er but i have big soft spot for LP so i decided to join!
Great banner, icon and spot in general Posted over a year ago
rorymariano commented…
Thanks! Welcome to the spot <3 over a year ago
kellyerin87 commented…
Yay!! Welcome! :D over a year ago
AdaLove commented…
Welcome! over a year ago
LPTLA123 said …
omg, i love leyton <3 Posted over a year ago
kellyerin87 commented…
DITTO <333 over a year ago
tvfan5 commented…
ME TOOOOOO :) over a year ago
leytonfaan_18 commented…
^ What Ada said ;) over a year ago
AdaLove said …
ADORE THE NEW SPOT LOOKS♥ like totally amazing!! Posted over a year ago
mooshka commented…
Its gorgeous! over a year ago
LPxCBxDE said …
Love the spot look <3
Only this can suit my OPT <3 Posted over a year ago
dalma commented…
I was about to say the same. :) over a year ago
leytonfaan_18 commented…
The spot look is gorgeous :D over a year ago
AdaLove commented…
IT.S JUST WONDERFUL! ♥ over a year ago
Leytonfan4ever said …
LslklfklEdjkksYdjjhshsTdjghbdOjhbvfsNjbvjvb <33 LOL.
Hoping someone gets it :P Posted over a year ago
kellyerin87 commented…
LEYTON <333 over a year ago
leytonfaan_18 commented…
OMG YES! Took me a while lol over a year ago
georgiapeach91 commented…
Hahaha I looked at this a lot longer than I should have, and then I just read Kelly's comment over a year ago
xoheartinohioxo said …
LP Award icons are uploaded! I'll be linking everyone to their individual icons, but you can also find them through this filter:

link Posted over a year ago
kellyerin87 commented…
YOU. ROCK. ....PERIOD. They're amazing <333 over a year ago
leytonfaan_18 commented…
^ I second that! They're epic :D over a year ago
xoheartinohioxo commented…
Awwww *major blush* Thanks guys ♥ over a year ago
rorymariano said …
Yay! New spot look is gorgeous <3 Posted over a year ago
mooshka commented…
Love the icon! over a year ago
georgiapeach91 commented…
It's beautiful <3 over a year ago
tvfan5 commented…
I didn't see the pick where we voted for this month's hahaha over a year ago
kellyerin87 said …
I just realized that our icon hasn't been changed yet, to the one that won for the 'rivercourt' theme! The motto changed, but the icon didn't. Anyone know how to fix that? lol Posted over a year ago
xoheartinohioxo commented…
I just noticed that too. I messaged both the icon & motto to Dave, idk what happened. over a year ago
4ever_and_ever said …
Wouldn't it be great if at the end of the show they atleast show leyton :) Posted over a year ago
kellyerin87 commented…
I'm atleast hoping for some flashbacks to the earlier seasons. I'll be so sad if they're just forgotten about in the end :( over a year ago
georgiapeach91 commented…
They better! I would be beyond upset if they didn't. Ya, even flashbacks would be good at this point. over a year ago
mooshka commented…
If they show everyone but Leyton I'm gonna be soooo pissed! over a year ago
mooshka said …
Okay, weird but do you guys ever wonder where Leyton are at the moment and what in the world they're up to!? LOL Posted over a year ago
123Naki456 commented…
LOL! Totally :D over a year ago
kellyerin87 commented…
Oh you know... off living their happy little lives <333 over a year ago
4ever_and_ever commented…
Yes! over a year ago
dalma commented…
Yep. :D over a year ago
Leytonfan4ever said …
Drama. Drama. Drama.

That's all I've been seeing lately. :/ Posted over a year ago
kellyerin87 commented…
Right? Will it EVER end?? :/ over a year ago
georgiapeach91 commented…
No, the drama will last until the earth ends, lol over a year ago
tvfan5 commented…
LOLOLOL maybe even after that, Rach. over a year ago
georgiapeach91 commented…
Haha it will be the big debate in the afterlife over a year ago
Irreversible said …
Hey guys~ I just wanna tell you that I admire your fanbase & I admire the support that you have for my friend Holly even though she is a hardcore BL fan. You guys are pretty cool.
I know we had our problems in the past & I called you guys immature for using those icons which was totally wrong with me 'cause I actually see a lot of BL fans doing the same thing & not thinking to be immature at all. It's just fun. I get it (: Posted over a year ago
mooshka commented…
Thanks for understanding! over a year ago
xoheartinohioxo commented…
Love you twin <3 over a year ago
georgiapeach91 commented…
Thank you so much! I know that means a lot to all of us over a year ago
mooshka said …
Aww... you guys I just gotta say this is deffinetly one of my favorite spots on fanpop! Posted over a year ago
mooshka commented…
If not it might actaually be my favorite! :) over a year ago
kellyerin87 commented…
HANDS DOWN <3 over a year ago
4ever_and_ever commented…
Yeah, it's definetly one of my faves :) over a year ago
kellyerin87 said …
*sighhhh*... bye bye April Fools Day! It was fun LP'ers! THANK YOU to everyone who participated.. the LP spirit was amazing! Can't wait to unite again lol! You guys rock <333 Posted over a year ago
mooshka commented…
LOL it was fun, we should deffinetly do something like this again! over a year ago
tvfan5 commented…
FTW! Even though I do have to say that I am beyond happy to be back to my traditional B&B icon<3 That was great though! over a year ago