Justin Bieber Rumours!!

JustinBiebz posted on Apr 12, 2010 at 11:37AM
hey guys, its Justin here. Just to clear these rumours up: 1.) i am NOT gay, i love girls 2.) i did not tell oprah that i was a bisexual, so idk where that came from? 3.) i am NOT dating Selena Gomez, Jasmine V or this Bonnie girl, i am single and ready to mingle. 4.) i WOULD date a fan, cause nobody can help who they fall in love with, right? yeah so guys add me if u wanna chat! i promise i will try to answer all my fans. i dont like being called a poser, cause im NOT one! i love my fans, and i love haterz cause they make me stronger!- Justin Drew Bieber. x

Justin Bieber 235 replies

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Showing Replies 101-150 of 235

over a year ago kkglee said…
hi people!! anyone on? i'm sooo hyper!!!! because i don't have french today!!! YAY!!!! haha ok sorry just had to let that out :)
over a year ago EmyLay said…
hey guyz
some of u might hate me 4 this and u can comment agrily idc but justin is NOT on this site. facebook, yes. myspace, yes. twitter, yes. fanpop, no. he might in the future but most likely hes not now. every 'justin' has got banned at least once so there isnt a justin bieber on this site. sorry to break ur heart but hes not. this is a fan site for justin. u dont c miley on hers and taylor on hers. im just saying tht there isnt a justin bieber on this site.
over a year ago kkglee said…
awwwww :( i mean oh well. that sounds pretty accurate, so believe you:)
over a year ago georginaluvsjb said…
justin aint a poser! omg he is cute and i luv him who doesnt..?
over a year ago georginaluvsjb said…
this is 2 u justin bieber u r not only cute but ur music makes me feel on top of da world u r a wonderful singer and dont let haters get u down i believe in u and so do all of yer fans! luv ya x
over a year ago georginaluvsjb said…
tahts if the real 1 is on ere :(
over a year ago kmyer said…
Emily, the actually IS a fansite for Demi Lovato that she has an account on, and she told me she doesn't have a fanpop. And she is real because she gave me her number but i forgot it but my friend called it and she called back, so ask Daycup352 about the Demi fansite, k??
over a year ago kmyer said…
U KNOW WHAT EVERYBODY!?!?! It Doesn't Matter Anymore Because Kidrauhlbieber AND JustinBiebz Have Been Banned From Fanpop. There Is No Point Of Arguing About It.
over a year ago supermac18 said…
EmyLay has spoken the truth! Amen!!!
over a year ago kmyer said…
over a year ago elisa2464 said…
i cnt believe there is no justin bieber on this......that suckz =( but atleast we have friends on this site
over a year ago justinbieber57 said…
"jb" answer me a q, where was ur "One Less lonely Girl" vid filmed, ik it all lol
over a year ago elisa2464 said…
this isnt the real JB
over a year ago zanesaaomgfan said…
over a year ago GirlEma said…
Guys kidrauhlbieber is deleted his account.He said it.He was not reported.
over a year ago kmyer said…
where did U find that out girlema????? Justin told ME on link and JustinBiebz is gone anyway
over a year ago dezz02 said…
hey justin hit me up im like you bigest fan n i would love to mingle with u and mabey even be you next girl friend message me if u wanna talk
over a year ago EmyLay said…

And guys, JUSTIN BIEBER ISN'T ON THIS SITE and when did i say anything about Demi Lovato so where did you get that? so all u guys who got on here for JB...LEAVE!

over a year ago supermac18 said…
Okay guys here I go
Stars like Justin Bieber adore there fans
but they dont have time to join every website about them!
And if Justin did make a Fanop wouldnt he tweet about it?
Or have like a twillion fans?
Or make a video about it?
They Would!!
So sorry to burst your bubble
but Justin
or ever had
And sorry to burst your backup bubble,
(if you had one if not your skrewed)
but dont think hes making one
any time soon.
Also, GirlEma, isn't funy "Justin" deleted his account
at the same time EmyLay reported him?
Somebody ate there lucky charms this mornin'.
I think made my point!
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago puppylove101 said…
JUSTIN BIEBER wouldnt be here because he wouldnt want his privacy invaded so there is no justin bieber on fanpop!
over a year ago girlsweet said…
over a year ago girlsweet said…
h!justin bieber you are
so handsome and sweet boy in the world
over a year ago sw8fan13 said…
hi justin im one of ur fanlink
all i can say is..,,,,u drive me crazy
over a year ago girlsweet said…
justin bieber
love u
over a year ago GirlEma said…
We can believe what we want to believe that's it!And kmyer this website is kidrauhlbieber's.
over a year ago kmyer said…
ok.... it doesn't matter anymore, cuz he's gone
over a year ago EmyLay said…

just saying.
over a year ago misstwilight45 said…
hi you r awesome
over a year ago hailey4u said…
yes yes.... people plz stop talking about them!!! both JustinBiebz and Kidrauhlbieber got reported and banned!!!! so lets just keep this discussion a CLEAN and good discussion to talk to Bieber fans...
and if ur going to b a hater just get off of here! you can go to another fansite!!!! just plz i dont want any fights!

-hay hay
over a year ago cindybabe said…
omg i love yew Justin u are so cute like i so will make u laugh nd everything im a outgoing person i love yew Justin and don't believe those people they just hate yew but we love yew
over a year ago GirlEma said…
EmiLay I know because on his website which showed kmyer I'm long time and before he's deleted his account on here, on his website was writing that his account is kidrauhlbieber! I know what I say.Btw on his website he's told me that he's deleted his account kk?Now u understand why I said that this website is kidrauhlbieber's?I hope.And don't shouted on me when u don't know the real true.Thank u.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago lisa12382 said…
if ur not a poser then follow me on twitter lisa12382 remember u said u follow fans:)
over a year ago kmyer said…
hey guys, i might leave fanpop so if u dont want me to.. speak up now, and Hay Hay i message u already about it.....
over a year ago crazygirl1901 said…
thx so much justin u r so hot i would date u so ttyl love your newest fan jamelynn link
over a year ago JDBrocks26 said…
hey guys
over a year ago tyra98 said…
i luv u JB, and i think i'm that fan you would potentionally fall in love w/
over a year ago kmyer said…
WOW, nobody cares that im leaving
over a year ago kkglee said…
I CARE!!!! haha i do:) but i'm chatting you right now so its all good:)
over a year ago Aimanchung said…
ia any1 on?
over a year ago supermac18 said…
Everything from this point on will not consist of the following words..
you guys will talk about talk about your love for Mr.Bieber
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago jblove1034 said…
ok hey guyszzz i am a nice person and open 2 be urr friends but for me 2 belive justinbiebez i gotta see it pleazzzz justinbiebz make a video in the name of kidrauhl on youtube and please say that u are the real justin bieber and show ur face and justy talk to the camera thxxxxx!!!!
over a year ago jblove1034 said…
big smile
omg supermac18 u r awesome
over a year ago jblove1034 said…
hola people wutzzzz uppp!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
over a year ago jblove1034 said…
over a year ago kmyer said…
k ppl, im not leaving... but even if i was gonna leave.. i guess nobody would care accept fpr kkglee and Hailey4u... but i am NOT leaving!
over a year ago justinia15 said…
does justin come frequently ???????
over a year ago ssports16 said…
what up dont u think justin is so nice
over a year ago jazzmine2345 said…
big smile
i didnt listen 2 the rumors!!y would some one do that!?!?! im happy that jb told us that!!!!!
over a year ago jblove1034 said…
big smile
hey people
over a year ago lilrina said…
justin bieber deleted his account k i go on his fansite to talk to him his old account was kidrauhl do stop lieing