House M.D. Midnyte007 presents "Oh no not another shipping contest"

midnyte007 posted on Aug 31, 2009 at 06:11PM
Since I no longer have a favorite ship on House MD I decided to start a contest to determine which ship I think is the best on this show (and possibly which ship should be my number one).

How the contest will work: The contest will consist of 2 rounds. The first round will last two weeks. In the first round, every ship who wants to enter this contest needs to submit 2 episodes that show why their ship should be considered the best. I am going to be as neutral as possible so I'd recommend that when submitting episodes you basically treat me as someone who has never seen an episode of House. After watching the recommended episodes, I will then narrow down the possible list of winners to 5 ships. This is where round 2 starts. Round 2 will also last another 2 weeks. In round 2, I will visit each of the final 5 ships' spots and discuss the ship with them. This is where you pull all the stops to try to convert me to your ship. I suggest you try to make me feel as welcomed as possible on your spot so in addition to discussing your ship with me, try to introduce yourselves a little so I get to know you all better. It should be noted that the number one thing that will make me feel unwelcomed is bashing.

What the winning ship will get: Besides the pride that comes with knowing that I think your ship is the best (since I realize that my opinion probably doesn't mean that much to you guys so that's not that great a prize lol), I will also sport an icon of the winning ship as my avatar for a week. To make sure that people see my avatar, I will make sure to post on the House MD spot at least once a day every day for that week. In addition, I might also start a game that I've never seen on any of the shipping spots I've visited to liven up your ship's spot.

House M.D. 84 replies

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over a year ago x5mp1xp1nx22x said…
cool idea cake.

the problem with my ship is its GREATLY outnumbered. AND i dont really hang out in its' spot...

but i guess ill give it a go.

obviously my ship is House/Stacy
the two eps that i fell in love with with them: Hunting and Failure to Communicate
over a year ago midnyte007 said…
Thanks for responding to my thread. Do you have a link to the House/Stacy spot or is the Stacy Warner spot the House/Stacy spot?

Also, I should note that if no other ships enter this contest House/Stacy wins by default.
over a year ago Bery said…
Amber/Wilson is my ship, are you open to ships with currently dead people? xD

And same as for numbs, the Wilber spots has very few fans, there arent many followers
over a year ago midnyte007 said…
Bery, I am open to absolutely any ship as long as you have a good argument for that ship. I also need two eps in support in that ship. The number of fans on a particular ships' spot makes no difference to me. In addition, as with the "Contest for You" contest set up by house_whatelse, you are allowed to advocate for more than one ship.
over a year ago misanthrope86 said…
big smile
No one ever won that contest that house_whatelse ran because she left or got banned from the internet or something.

I nominate Foreman/Thirteen. As for the two episodes.... I'm gonna go out on a limb and suggest season 4 episode 'Don't Ever Change' and, more conventionally, season 5 episode 'Joy To The World'.
over a year ago oldmovie said…
Lol I can't help but nominate Huddy, its the only ship I've ever shipped let's see how this goes.

*cracks knuckles* The most obvious episode choice would of course be 'Under my skin' but I'm not going to nominate it because its obvious. I suggest "Skin Deep" (there's not a lot of Huddy if my memory serves correctly but Cuddy's understanding and indirect approach to dealing with him is a beautiful thing to watch in this episode). The other episode I would recommend is "Insensitive" just because its the height of House's jealously and PG once said that if you don't appreciate the fun sexual tension of Huddy, you can't fully appreciate that ship.

LOL can you tell how badly I want to ramble on and convince you?
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago x5mp1xp1nx22x said…
yeah its the Stacy spot :D
over a year ago Olivine said…
Thutner and Wilteen!!! (also Wilber, but Bery already said that ;) )
I don't think I have any chance with those ships though ;_;
over a year ago Bery said…
^ lol

If you're open to it, then Wilber is totally the way to go!

The first episode I'm submitting is "Living The Dream", in here we got the real proof of how good Amber was for Wilson. Amber, like House, immediately saw through Wilson's perfectly well-adjusted persona and found the deeply insecure and compulsive people-pleasing guy that cant help but give everything everyone else wants. She saw this and didnt let him get away with it, she pushed him to look out for himself, to look after his own needs. The scene when they were about to have sex and Amber notices that Wilson bought the matress she wanted, which he very obviously disliked, and she challenged him for it and made him realize his problem, I think that scene showed the big impact she had on Wilson's life.

The second episode I'm submitting is "Wilson's Heart". Lots of tragedy and the most terrible ending to a beautiful relationship, the writers are sadists lol (which ends up making me a masochist, it's my favourite episode xD). I love the bit when Thirteen and Kutner go through Amber's place and find the 'interesting' video :P , again there's Amber pushing Wilson to do new and fun stuff. At the momment when the team is saying goodbye to Amber and when Wilson and Amber say their own goodbyes, I think we see that Amber changed herself a bit too with Wilson, he got her to be more open hearted, she even let Thirteen hug her lol. That goodbye between the two of them was the saddest most beautiful thing ever, don't know about you but I cry every single time I watch it.
over a year ago midnyte007 said…
Numbers, thank you for that clarification.

Missy, OM, and Bery, your entries into the contest have been noted. Thank you all for your participation.

Olivine, I am still waiting on your two episode choices for Thutner and Wilteen.

over a year ago Olivine said…
Will tell you the Wilteen and Thutner episodes tomorrow ;)
over a year ago Olivine said…
Okay for

House vs. God
Although it's season 2 and there's no Thirteen yet I consider this episode quite good for Wilteen. It's the episode where House mentions that Wilson loves needy people, he just has to care about women. House also says Wilson gets bored when he has fixed the women, but since Thirteen has huntington's, a disease Wilson can't fix - he might never get bored ;)
The Wilson/patient relationship kinda shows how a Wilson/Thirteen relationship could be - but it would also be a little different. The argument House and Wilson would have because of her would also be more intense- House wouldn't want to see Wilson with a dying woman again. Hehe.

We find out that Wilson thinks Thirteen is pretty- yay for that.<3
Towards the end of the episode they also spend some time together in House's office. It's so cute seeing them next to each other! In this scene Wilson also sees how smart Thirteen is - I bet she impressed him.^^
last edited over a year ago
Okay for 

[b]House vs. God [/b]
Although it's season 2 and there's no Thirteen ye
over a year ago lovehousemd_frv said…
My ship is of course Chameron!
1st Episode
Act Your Age :
She took a flower from a bouquet who stolen the child! because she wanted Robert to be jealous. A Robert's jealous showed that he loved her. And she wanted jealousy because she loved him and wanted to see his reaction. she not Yet know her feelings . Then when the child bit рobert she cares for him (this is normal for Alison, right?XDDD). When Robert gave the flowers said that he knows that she loves flowers. means that they communicate. she felt close. And when he went away she's feeling just grew more and longer

2rd episode
Both sides now:
She went to house to find out what to do. but inside in her heart she knew the true answer. lied because she didn't want to lose him. He went to her and said that he understands.that means he tries to be in her place so as not to hurt her. and this means that he loves her very much. and told her for them and children. So he was ready for a family. it plans of wedding was not canceled because she knew that she wants it more than anything. began to weep with joy that he understands love. not for her dead husband.

sO what you think!have so much Because XD
over a year ago midnyte007 said…
bump. Does anyone else want to enter?
over a year ago Olivine said…
Hm for Thutner I suggest "Wilson's heart", they have some really nice moments there. (when they search Amber's apartment and when Kutner tell her about his parents.) decision..maybe "Here Kitty", just because of the end. After Kutner peed on House's chair Thirteen comes and they kinda look like a couple for a moment. At least I thought so.
over a year ago Evrythingmaters said…
CAKEEEEE!!! CAKEY CAKE!! Where have you been all this time sis??? I was worried!

Can i enter pleasey???
wait for it....
.... Hameron!! such a surprise :D

*is slightly concerned about the serious tone to this thread..*
ummm im sorry for disturbing the peace. >.<

I need to think about which episodes to suggest so i will get back to you as soon as i can. Mostly likely tomorrow. Hope that is ok.

last edited over a year ago
over a year ago midnyte007 said…
Mars, it's good to see you. *glomps back* Of course you can enter, Mars. I will await your episode suggestions.
over a year ago x5mp1xp1nx22x said…
hey cake, there is now a Hacy spot


enjoy :D
over a year ago misanthrope86 said…
Wait, were we supposed to give the reasons why we chose the episodes that we did? I thought we just told you the episodes and then you decided for yourself...
over a year ago lovehousemd_frv said…
I too!But when i see that other's write and i decide to do same!XDDD
But this way i like it too
over a year ago midnyte007 said…
You are not required to give a written explanation for why you picked the episodes you did. You are certainly allowed to give such a written explanation and that may help me in evaluating the episodes.
over a year ago x5mp1xp1nx22x said…
im actually working on an article for my ship

bear with my i prob wont finish it till tomarrow
over a year ago midnyte007 said…
I just wanted to say that I've officially joined all the spots for each couple that entered this contest. If I missed your ship's spot or got the wrong spot, please let me know.
over a year ago misanthrope86 said…
big smile
Ok, I will just give you a little info on the Foreteen nominated episodes then!

'Don't Ever Change' ~ This episode features the scene in which I think we witness the true "birth" of Foreteen. The scene in question is where Foreman and Thirteen are in the MRI observation room and Foreman is the first to acknowledge Thirteen's bisexuality. The exchange is really sweet and, I think, demonstrates the dynamics of their relationship.

'Joy To The World' ~ This episode is self-explanatory. I love how Foreman's secret Thirteen crush starts leaking out, and how Thirteen sort of "discovers" her feelings for Foreman.
over a year ago midnyte007 said…
*bump again* It's been two weeks since I posted this. Any other ships wishing to enter this contest have until midnight PDT to post on this forum two episodes in favor of their ship.
over a year ago RP_Puzzle said…
Lol I don't get how this works seeing as you have seen House and do have a bias on which ship you like, but eh why not enter? XD

I nominate...WAMERON XD


The connection between Wilson and Cameron is awesome in this episode. They've both had similar trouble with spouses and sympathize and learn from each other's experiences. Also in a later episode this comes up again when Wilson loses Amber and they both have similar reactions to losing their loves and how they help each other through it.

Daddy's Boy
Love how Cameron undercuts House with Wilson and how they're both looking out for him. Another example of how much they have in common, a love of House and enabling him XD.

Pathetic, but I am pretty busy lately I'll try harder when my life's running smoothly.
over a year ago midnyte007 said…
The contest has been officially closed to any new entries as of 8 hours ago. The results of the final 5 couples will be posted in 1-2 weeks depending on how much schoolwork I have. The following couples have entered the contest (listed by order in which the entries were posted):

1. Hacy (Hunting, Failure to Communicate)
2. Wilber (Living the Dream, Wilson's Heart)
3. Foreteen (Don't Ever Change, Joy to the World)
4. Huddy (Skin Deep, Insensitive)
5. Wilteen (House vs. God, Ugly)
6. Chameron (Act Your Age, Both Sides Now)
7. Thutner (Wilson's Heart, Here Kitty)
8. Wameron (Daddy's Boy, Spin)
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Evrythingmaters said…
poop I missed it :(
sorry ive been sooo busy!

anyway good luck guys!! im rooting for Wameron now :)
have fun watching cake!
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Olivine said…
hows it going? :)
over a year ago midnyte007 said…
ok guys, after much consideration, I've decided on the final five. The main thing I was looking for in the episodes that were submitted was evidence that your couple cares about each other and almost all the couples did a great job on that front. I also considered the enjoyability of the submitted eps because I did say that you were supposed to treat me as someone who has never seen a House ep before and I think it would be rare for someone who's never seen an episode of a particular show to ship a couple if they don't like the show after watching an episode of that show. Again, all the couples did a great job on this front as well. I've always maintained that season 1 was my favorite season of House, but after seeing all these excellent season 2 eps, I may have to change my mind to season 2 being my favorite season lol. Well I guess I've blabbered on for long enough so here are the list of the top 5 couples after watching the submitted episodes (the couples are listed by alphabetical order):

1) Chameron
2) Foreteen
3) Hacy
4) Huddy
5) Wilber

Congrats to these five couples and thank you to everyone who participated.
over a year ago x5mp1xp1nx22x said…
big smile
YAY hacy!
ps. season 2 is my favorite season :D

so whats the next step Cake?
over a year ago midnyte007 said…
I have now posted a new thread on each of the final five couples' forums titled "Congratulations" to let them know that they made it into the final round and what the next step is, namely, making intelligent arguments for why your ship is the best ship on House MD. If you have any further questions, please let me know.
over a year ago Olivine said…
i knew it :(
over a year ago midnyte007 said…
I'm sorry, Oli. *hugs*
over a year ago Olivine said…
thanks *hugs back* sorry xD just lately i'm getting a lot of "no", "no thanks, your work is good, but not good enough", "hm we chose some people but unfortunately you're not under them"-s ^^°
over a year ago misanthrope86 said…
Did you ever announce the winner of this contest?

I just went through and saw that the Hacy forum only had 1 comment, the Chameron forum had 3 comments, the Wilber forum had 0 (yes ZERO!) comments, the Huddy forum had 6 comments, and the Foreteen forum had (drum roll please!) 28 replies! Ok, ok, so 25 of those replies was my extended blabberings about Foreman and Thirteen, but come one guys! This was a great way for people to talk intelligently about their ship and in fact sell their ship to convince someone else to ship them, and no one took advantage of that!
over a year ago midnyte007 said…
I never announced a winner for this contest because of the lack of participation in the contest. However, I'd like to thank you, Missy, for your contributions to the contest.
over a year ago misanthrope86 said…
You're welcome! I'm very disappointed that people didn't participate in this either. It was a brilliant way for fans to talk about their ship, and yet no one did it. Sad.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago GlassyBlooEyes said…
Are We still doing it O.O? It's February. :D
over a year ago midnyte007 said…
yeah, I'm willing to open this up again if people want to participate in it.
over a year ago Paramore-CSI said…
I am so in
over a year ago huddysmacked said…
I am in too! I mean I'm promoting like help ship month so I'm in!
over a year ago Paramore-CSI said…
yes i will promote now too regi told me about it yay regi
over a year ago Irina92 said…
sure I'm in too!=)
over a year ago misanthrope86 said…
big smile
Ok, guys, lets make sure that people actually participate this time. Promotion, promotion, promotion!
over a year ago housefrk said…
I'm in!
over a year ago Paramore-CSI said…
ok promotian promotian
over a year ago Paramore-CSI said…
so it is only real ships then right cuzz of the episode thing
over a year ago midnyte007 said…
It could be any ship you want, although I do acknowledge that the episode picks makes it harder on imaginary ships to get past the first round.
over a year ago Paramore-CSI said…
can it be fanvids then