House M.D. Midnyte007 presents "Oh no not another shipping contest"

midnyte007 posted on Aug 31, 2009 at 06:11PM
Since I no longer have a favorite ship on House MD I decided to start a contest to determine which ship I think is the best on this show (and possibly which ship should be my number one).

How the contest will work: The contest will consist of 2 rounds. The first round will last two weeks. In the first round, every ship who wants to enter this contest needs to submit 2 episodes that show why their ship should be considered the best. I am going to be as neutral as possible so I'd recommend that when submitting episodes you basically treat me as someone who has never seen an episode of House. After watching the recommended episodes, I will then narrow down the possible list of winners to 5 ships. This is where round 2 starts. Round 2 will also last another 2 weeks. In round 2, I will visit each of the final 5 ships' spots and discuss the ship with them. This is where you pull all the stops to try to convert me to your ship. I suggest you try to make me feel as welcomed as possible on your spot so in addition to discussing your ship with me, try to introduce yourselves a little so I get to know you all better. It should be noted that the number one thing that will make me feel unwelcomed is bashing.

What the winning ship will get: Besides the pride that comes with knowing that I think your ship is the best (since I realize that my opinion probably doesn't mean that much to you guys so that's not that great a prize lol), I will also sport an icon of the winning ship as my avatar for a week. To make sure that people see my avatar, I will make sure to post on the House MD spot at least once a day every day for that week. In addition, I might also start a game that I've never seen on any of the shipping spots I've visited to liven up your ship's spot.

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