House M.D. What roles do we play in the House MD Spot? CAMERON NOMINATIONS ARE OPEN!!!!

oldmovie posted on Feb 21, 2009 at 06:56PM
I'm proud to say our spot is one of the more active and fun places to be on the whole of Fanpop, I know I spend the majority (if not) all of my time on this spot and its partially to do with the fact that there's something always going on. So I thought why not add something to that activeness.....another EVENT!!!!

I got this idea while looking at nandacavalieri's icon which reads "Sluts for the spot" and while I have absolutely no idea what that means, it made me think about people's roles in this spot. And I thought why not make them official (obviously just for fun)? Every regular user plays an essential role in the spot, and while sometimes they are over shined by users that are better known, never-the-less I think every fan adds something unique and special just like the characters of our favorite show do.

So let me explain my idea:
Fans will vote on what roles other House MD fans play in the House MD spot according to the PPTH doctors and patients. But it won’t be ordinary picks like:

Who is more like Wilson?

But more along the lines of personality characteristics that are exhibited by those characters:

Who is the advice giver of the spot (Wilson)?

For each character 3 characteristics will be named and for patients 2 or even 1 because we know less about them. The patients will be brought in once the other characters’ qualities have been exhausted.

Character traits- What people will vote on (please give suggestions in this forum, for now this will be open and if I see a better choice I will put it up)

-Realist (By kellinator)
- Genius

Administrator: link
Idealist: link
Mother: link

-Unphased/Not easily suprised (by kellinator)
- Self Confident
- Smart (By numbers)


Advice giver: link
Charming: link
Open minded: link

-Creative (by ApplePie1890)
- Good looking (this will be debated because pictures will be needed)
- Independent (need help)

-always around (lol jokes)

-Comic relief (by kellinator)
- Unique

-Mr/Mrs Stability, good head on their shoulders (By Kellinator)
-Takes no crap

Patients and other re-accruing characters will appear later once all of these positions have been filled.

To make this as fair as possible, nominations will be taken in every week for one character’s set of traits. So to re-phrase, you can nominate the users you feel fit this trait/s for one week and then that character will be closed and the picks will go up. Try to be as varied as you can with your nominations because once a user has won a category they can no longer win any other traits. Also since a user can only win one trait, if you think a user is better suited to say a Wilson trait than a House trait, don't nominate them because they might win. Basically, be smart with your nominations.

-A user can be nominated as many times as possible before they have won a trait, but after that they are no longer allowed to be used in the event because users can only win one award. In the case of a user winning two traits in one round they will be asked which trait they prefer to have and the other will be given to the runner up.
- No, I repeat no hurtful words about users
- No bitter feelings about losing or least showing it on Fanpop. Nobody wants to hear about how it was rigged against you.
-If possible shipping must be kept out, I have already violated this rule (see Taub’s trait #1) but try to just leave it out, its rather tiresome for other shippers to have Huddy winning everything all of the time.
- No asking people to vote for you
-suggestions for traits must be kept to pg-13
-anything else I come up with that I deem as important

Applepie1890 has very kindly offered to make personalized icons for the winner of each section.

What I need you to do:
Yes I need your help; these things are what I need your help on:
-Suggestions for personality traits for the characters think you have a better one than the ones listed…THAN SAY IT.
- Nominations, I want lots
- Users that would be willing to make artwork for prizes
-Suggestions for patients to use

I hope everyone enjoys this Event! I also hope everyone participates.



link ] velvet_fox [/url]

link ] velvet_fox [/url]



link ] blaukat [/url]


link ]Biathine[/url]
last edited on Mar 11, 2009 at 04:33PM

House M.D. 354 replies

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Showing Replies 1-50 of 354

over a year ago kellinator said…
I love this idea! I am willing to help with anything you need help with :)
over a year ago EverybodyLies said…
I agree with k. I'm all for it. (:
over a year ago cocacola said…
oohh, this seems neat! I know I've given advice to people before, like I remember once I was talking to THC and she said she was having trouble with her fics and I told her that maybe she should maybe act out the characters...of course I don't know if she actually bothered to do that but whatever.

I may not submit a lot of content here, but I always like to help out a friend. :)
over a year ago x5mp1xp1nx22x said…
yeah this is a great idea.

i dont really know where to start though, they are ALOT of people that could fit into so many of these roles.
over a year ago oldmovie said…
Thanks for the responses guys and the willigness to help. Here are the things I need help with now, and will need help with in the future. If people wouldn't mind taking up positions, it would really be helpful.

Now problems:-
- Amount of characteristics for each character
- Better explanation of the event
- Rules (but I can come up with those)
- Which patients to use once characters are done

Later positions :
-I need advice on characteristics
- I'd like to see if we can get someone to make personalized icons for the winners
- Suggestions on maybe future roles of the winners, making the spot a better place etc.
- anything else people are willing to help with to make this event special!

So who wants to help?

over a year ago kellinator said…
For "Amount of characteristics for each character" do you mean having two categories for a character? Like:

Idealistic one (Cuddy)
over a year ago oldmovie said…
Yes exatly like that k, how many do you think we should have for each character?
over a year ago kellinator said…
Hmm, I think either two or three, that way more people have an opportunity to obtain a role.
over a year ago oldmovie said…
That's what I was thinking as well, and a user can only obtain one role, so that the more popular users don't win everything.

Alright I think we'll go with three, Now for actually breaking the characters up into 3 different personality types. *starts to think*

Suggestions are welcome.

I think I already have Cuddy.


But that can be debated.
over a year ago kellinator said…
I agree, one role per user. And I love those for Cuddy. *Starts thinking of other characters*

I have one for Kutner- Comic relief provider
over a year ago kellinator said…
Also, one for House: Realist
over a year ago housecuddy4ever said…
It's an awesome idea almighty OM.
I'm also willing to help.This place is just like PPTH.
Except without the patients,and the romance,and the....this is just one huge family :)
I'm glad you thought of this OM this could help people to get to know each other better and have fun.
over a year ago Ellen-smile said…
Yeah! I'll help with whatever needs helped with. Just assign me something to do and it will be done. :]
over a year ago ApplePie1890 said…
big smile
damn!! I always arrive late :P
Anyway great idea OM :D i'm totally willing to help ...
I suggest for Chase :
The creative one :D
over a year ago ilurvedward said…
you people are so creative!:)
over a year ago oldmovie said…
So updates have happened, I SUGGESTIONS PLEASE GUYS
over a year ago x5mp1xp1nx22x said…
yeah, im headin home from work now, but ill put some suggestions when i get home...

and for the ones up now, are we now nomminating people??
over a year ago x5mp1xp1nx22x said…
foreman: smart
over a year ago kellinator said…
Taub- Mr/Ms Stability (He seems to have a pretty good head on his shoulders and has his life pretty much in order)
over a year ago oldmovie said…
For Number's question, at the moment no nominations are happening I want all of the suggestions completed before we start.

OOOH K I love that one, thank you!
over a year ago kellinator said…
Foreman: Unphased/Not easily suprised
over a year ago Ellen-smile said…
Ooooo can we use Georgia? Preeety please??
Georgia:Fangirl 2 da MAX!

over a year ago AwesomeHippie said…
ok i'm late
but i would love to help
but i see u have the traits down so i'll just wait for your call
over a year ago thirteen_times said…
Um, Amber and Cole
over a year ago house_amy2 said…
big smile
I'd love to help, This sounds like a great idea!!! If we include other people, like Amber, Cole or Georgia that would be awsome.
over a year ago TheHiddenCane said…
DHF is my top advice giver because I run most of my plots by her and she helps me develop them by responding and you could say I am creative. PLH is witty/sarcastic, HC1331 is ALWAYS around, CF is always there for some comic relief (for me, that is, just check the Wilson spot!), I find OM's gift of analysis quite genius and Biathine is simply the sweetest person I have EVER met. That's all I can come up with for now.
over a year ago oldmovie said…
Oops just hold it a little bit on the nominations TheHiddenCane. Before we can start I need to see if any users would be willing to make art, and then the nominations will open for House's character traits and only his to start with.
over a year ago ApplePie1890 said…
Hey !! :D
about the icons OM...u want them personalized to give to the winners right??? if that..then i'm glad to help :D but i can't guarantee the time !! cuz college has been crazy these days.. so if u don't need them right away then i shall be able to make them ( well not all of them !!! ) maybe the Cuddys and the Camerons :D
so tell me if that's okay with u :DDD
over a year ago oldmovie said…
That's wonderful ApplePie1890, make them on your own time. Thank you so much for volunteering, personalized art makes winning all that better.

*hugs her*
over a year ago ApplePie1890 said…
*hugs back*
i'm so excited :D lets go and find some admin cuddy pics :P
over a year ago ApplePie1890 said…
big smile
oh and just call me AP ;) applepie1890 sounds so formal :P hehehe
(omg college really have some neuro side effects :P)
over a year ago oldmovie said…
big smile
LOL I know what you mean, and alright I will call you AP. Well I guess since we have an artist, I can open the event. You say you're making Cuddy icons? Then we'll just have to start with Cuddy because it makes the most sense, and she has priority in my mind :)
over a year ago ApplePie1890 said…
hehehe...of course !! GO CUDDYYYYYY !!!!!!! :D:D

so we need cuddy Admin, cuddy idealist, and cuddy super mom...
so i have some pics hunting to do...OM hand me the gunshot!!:P (dear god i should really stop babbling :P)
over a year ago oldmovie said…
My nominations for Cuddy:



Mother: link
Do you need help AP with the picture hunting, I would be more than willing to help my artist out ;)
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago x5mp1xp1nx22x said…
so do i vote for one or make more nominations??

if i make nomminations here is mine:

admin.:oldmovie xD
over a year ago oldmovie said…
At the moment we're just makinkg nominations for Cuddy, and that will be open for a couple of days and then we vote for each characteristic in a pick.

LOL I like the mirroring nominations Numbers.
over a year ago ApplePie1890 said…
i wanna nominate :
admin:OM :DD oh she's already in misanthrope86
idealist:olivine (since all of her graphics are done with PERFECTION :D)
Mother:PotterGal (mother to all newbies, at least that'the way i felt when i was a newbie :$)
over a year ago greghouseismine said…
big smile
I can be witty and sarcastic too...
over a year ago Anusha said…
woooo this sounds like fun!
over a year ago Anusha said…
big smile
I nominate PG as admin
and well Cuddles as idealist and Olivine as mother XD
over a year ago Cuddles said…
big smile
Sounds like fun, and I would love to participate/help.
So whatever is needed, just tell me ;).
over a year ago oldmovie said…
NUSHI *tackles her* Its so nice to see you!

Oh grehouseismine just Cuddy traits for now, House will come whenever our wonderful icon maker can find time for him :)
over a year ago Olivine said…
big smile
ah i just noticed this forum :D what a great idea, om!! :DD
yep that will be so much fun, and i'm suprised and happy that i already got nominated :)
oh AP you make me blush :) perfection

[Also, if you need someone else to make winner icons, I'm here, offering to make wilson, 13 and Amber icons :p :)]

Ah I'm so happy lool this is going to be fuuuun fun fun :D (what was in my coffee...) xD
over a year ago Cuddles said…
LOL Cami.

I would also offer my help to make icons or something else, because I think three people are too much.
But if you need something else just tell me, if it is not too much work I could also make a video or a fanart, or something completely different.

*lol* I also got nominated...yeah I'm a little idealist...
If you don't need anybody else anymore for prices then I can do sth else as well.
over a year ago Anusha said…
*Dodges OM* XD
over a year ago x5mp1xp1nx22x said…
lol this has absolutly NOTHING to do with anything...i already made my nomminations...but Anusha...I LOVVVVVVE YOUR ICON LOL!!!!(THATS THE OTHER ONE I FOUND THAT I LIKED)

*runs to give props*
over a year ago Anusha said…
big smile
AHHH MY HACY BUDDY!!! LOL I love yours tooooooo!!!! I actually wanted to put the one you have on as my next icon XD
Thanks to Cuddles for uploading it!
*hides from OM* Sorry this has nothing to do with nominations XD
over a year ago oldmovie said…
Wow thank you both Cami and Cuddles for your desire to help. Cami I'll take you up on your offer and ask if you wouldn't mind making some icons.

Cuddles, if you'd like to make videos that's completely up to you, but I'm afraid that will be a lot of work and lol you do have exams coming up.

LOL I knew Numbers was going to flip upon seeing Nushi's icon.
over a year ago Cuddles said…
Yeah...I if you need people to make sth else just tell me.
Or I will come up with some nominations or characteristics if my brain works xD O.o

over a year ago x5mp1xp1nx22x said…
*blushes* yup thats just how cool i am! hehe, is this like a weekly thing, then a pick, then the next week is a new trait series??