House M.D. The NEW There's no I in TEAM game [choosing teams]

x5mp1xp1nx22x posted on Feb 10, 2009 at 04:15PM
so i was tryin to think of a new game...and i wanted to do something with teams.

so this is what i came up with...

There will be teams consisting of 2 people...those members will name their team and choose and icon that will represent their team...

then those teams have to come up with a House-ism of their own (NOT USED ON HOUSE) each week. (it doesnt have to be original) (use emails to communicate idea's then submit your teams entry in this forum). there WILL be a theme each week. and a deadline for entries.

at the end of that week, we will have a pick to see what House-ism people like most, and the members of that team will get a prop.

so first thing's first...lets get some teams!
second thing's second...Email me your team name and link to your team icon (you can make a team icon if you want to)

Round 1 winner: The "on speeeed" team for: Everybody wants to go to heaven; but nobody wants to die.


[CURRENT] round

good luck and have fun!

The "on speeeed" Team: Numbers, Twiny, Fashion_life
The Candy Canes: b, Chilli, fargo
The "Cuddy Likes Us Better team": Amy, crashthebest__x, Smiley
House's Heads: SP,Cokey, Joyce
The Patch Adams Wannabees: om, Rick, cake
The Ducky-lings: EH, Jr, k
The Octobers: Hippie, huddyislove, AP

NEW:::::begin choosing new teams please
once new teams are established, we will begin an ALL NEW GAME

New Teams:
Myself(numbers) and my Twiny! (x5mp1xp1nx22x and RP_Puzzle)
"on speeeed" team

b and Junior (blaukat and HouseJr)

devers1218 and Squibblings
House's newest ducklings
last edited on Apr 20, 2009 at 05:27AM

House M.D. 200 replies

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Showing Replies 1-50 of 200

over a year ago x5mp1xp1nx22x said…
who wants to be on a team with me??
over a year ago RP_Puzzle said…
big smile
over a year ago x5mp1xp1nx22x said…
big smile
yay, we need one more person twiny!

and more people to form other teams xD
over a year ago Fashion_life said…
I would like to participate, sound like fun!!
over a year ago x5mp1xp1nx22x said…
you wanna be on our team or you wanna start a new team??
over a year ago Fashion_life said…
Can I be in your team?
over a year ago x5mp1xp1nx22x said…
yeah you got it

so we got our first team!! yay!

now other people,,,FORM SOME TEAMS!!
over a year ago blaukat said…
I want in =]
over a year ago x5mp1xp1nx22x said…
ok b, find 2 more people to be in a team with, then brainstorm names and icons
over a year ago blaukat said…
alright angiii7, we need one more person ;)
over a year ago fargo1 said…
i'll be on someones team.:P
over a year ago x5mp1xp1nx22x said…
big smile
ok, b, angiii7, and fargo are a team.
you guys come up with a name and an icon that represents your team...(do it though email)
then when you decide a name and icon, you can post the name on here and either post a link to the icon or email me a link to the icon

we still need more teams...
over a year ago house_amy2 said…
Can I be in another team? XDD
over a year ago x5mp1xp1nx22x said…
yup, now you need two more people to be in a team with amy.
over a year ago crashthebest__x said…
I kinda want to be on a team, but we'd lose.
over a year ago Ellen-smile said…
I'll be on a team! This sounds like a ton of fun. :]
over a year ago Sweet_Pants said…
big smile
I want to be on a team too. But im like totally suckish, yah know?!
over a year ago x5mp1xp1nx22x said…
ok Amy, crashthebest__x, and Smiley are a team!

you guys need to come up with a team name and a team icon.(email each other to collaberate) email me the icon link and either post your name on here, or email me that too.

ok SP and Cokey, you guys need one more person.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago cocacola said…
I wanna join!! :D
over a year ago heeeresjoyce said…
Me! Pick me! :p
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Sweet_Pants said…
big smile
lols, i guess all 3 of us together?!
over a year ago x5mp1xp1nx22x said…
ok SP,Cokey, and Joyce are a team

you guys need to come up with a team name and a team icon.(email each other to collaberate) email me the icon link and either post your name on here, or email me that too.

as soon as everyone gives me their team names, we will start the first round...
over a year ago heeeresjoyce said…
SP, CC - why don't we use the chatroom?

Oh and Numbers, how many teams are there gonna be?
over a year ago Sweet_Pants said…

*is extremely nervous*
over a year ago x5mp1xp1nx22x said…
all the teams participate...well if they want to that week.
new teams can be added at anytime, just need 3 people.
you CANT be on 2 teams at once.

have fun pickin names guys :-)
over a year ago oldmovie said…
Oh I'd love to join any team that would take me :)

Great idea for a game numbers, perfect!!!
over a year ago x5mp1xp1nx22x said…

lol you'll haveto start a new team om.
over a year ago crashthebest__x said…
There's a chatroom?!
over a year ago oldmovie said…
LOL Crash, or maybe I'll call you pika :)
Nostalgia kicking in!

hhhmmm I think I will start a new team then!
over a year ago thirteen_times said…
Sounds cool
Can I join?
over a year ago midnyte007 said…
Ok, I'll join OM and TT's team. xD
over a year ago CuddyHuddy said…
I WANT A TEAM!!! Does anyone want to form a team with me? My email/messenger is on my profile page.
over a year ago heeeresjoyce said…
Lol another question: Do we have to make the icon for our team, or can we just find one we like and use that?
over a year ago EnjoyHuddy said…
big smile
I'll join OM team =D
over a year ago midnyte007 said…
EH, I'm sorry. OM's team is full. xD
over a year ago angiii7 said…
i want to participate but i can't ! :(
yesterday at school they gave me a lot of homework and things for like EVERYDAY :(
sorry team
love ya :(
over a year ago blaukat said…
so now we have a spot in our team...
EH, do you want in?
over a year ago RP_Puzzle said…
Hey Ali has F_L picked which icon she likes best? Me, twiny (numbers), and Fashion_Life are the "on speeeed" team XD. We're deciding on an still-frame icon right now, but this is our official one:


I post this here cause I spent an hour making it XD.
over a year ago blaukat said…
big smile
since this is a competition I'm gonna mock your icon and call you the 'jazz hands'team XD
over a year ago RP_Puzzle said…
Lol oh yeah b? Well you don't even have a team name! HA! XD I suggested "Hoes before Bros" but speeeed is fricken awesome too!
over a year ago x5mp1xp1nx22x said…
LMAO....where to start...

ok om, Rick, and cake are a team. get a name for your team and and icon.

since angiii7 has to drop out, Chilli (aka CuddyHuddy) can take her sure to email your new fellow team members to let them know...and get a team name and icon)

EnjoyHuddy is starting a new team, so 2 more people are needed.

for already existing teams:::: (well before i begin our 1st round i have a ? you guys think there should be a theme every week to what the House-ism should be about, or do you think we should just do random??)
over a year ago blaukat said…
I like the idea of havind a theme...
over a year ago RP_Puzzle said…
Yeah same blaukat
over a year ago Fashion_life said…
same here!
over a year ago Sweet_Pants said…
over a year ago fargo1 said…
yeah, me too!
over a year ago x5mp1xp1nx22x said…
lol well i guess thats settled! LET THERE BE THEMES!!!!

so round one begins now: theme is: Funny

so for the House-ism that your team comes up with, it must be a funny one, not serious or whatever else.
It doesn't have to DIRECTLY relate to House, just has to SOUND like something Greg House would say.

example: I tried to walk into Target, but i missed.

my suggestion, everyone come up with 2 or 3 possibilities in the next day or two, and email your team, then choose one and enter it here.

deadline for round one entries is feburary 17th. Along with your entry you MUST submit your team name and icon by then too.

good luck to all!!!
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago cocacola said…
Okay my team! Sp and Joyce! I have an idea for the icon!

over a year ago Sweet_Pants said…
big smile
Cool, i like it !
over a year ago HouseJr said…
Is it too late to join EnjoyHuddy's team? If it's not then we still need one more person :)