House M.D. "Getting To Know People"

house_amy2 posted on Jan 21, 2009 at 08:26AM
I'm relatively new to the House MD spot. But in the short time I've been here, I've met a lot of great people.

I've just set up this forum post to "get to know" everybody on the House spot.

Just give a little introduction of information about yourself and information about your House related interests (Your ships, Favourite character, favourite actor/ actress on the show.... ).


House M.D. 120 replies

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Showing Replies 1-50 of 120

over a year ago house_amy2 said…
big smile
I'm Amy. 14 years old. From Sydney, Australia. I want to study medicine when I'm older. XD.

I love House, its my favourite tv show. At the moment I ship: Huddy, Hameron, Chameron and Foreteen. My favourite character is CUddy. My favourite actress on the show is LE.
over a year ago Biathine said…
Okay ... so I'm Biathine but most of people here call me simply "B".
I'm 15 and from Czech Republic (middle europe):P

I support Huddy, but my main love is Wilson and House/Wilson friendship, Wilson/Cuddy friendship and everything that's connected with Wilson (DUCK!!!!!!XDDDD)
And I also love rsl and Hugh Laurie as well.:P

over a year ago PotterGal said…
Hmmmm...can i do it in bullet point form? I'm too lazy to type out a paragraph. LOL.

Name: Evie
Age: 17
From: Malaysia
Awesomeness Level: Pretty much right up there. ;)
Fav. House character: Cuddy! (My love for her has no boundaries)
Fav. House actor: Hugh Laurie. (He's amazing! I saw him in "Blackadder" and "Jeeves and Wooster" before House and i really liked him there too)
Fav. House actress: Lisa Edelstein (she keeps stealing my heterosexuality. Really, she should stop doing that)
Fav. House ship: House/Cuddy of course. They are THE ONE for me.
Fav. House friendship: Wilson/Cuddy. Their scenes. AMAZING.

Yeah, that should be enough for the general overview. :D
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago ApplePie1890 said…
hey I'm ApplePie1890 everyone calls me AP . i'm 18 i'm from syria(on the mediteranian;) ) and i actually study medecine :D

House MD is my TOTALY FAVORITE SHOW !!!!!!!! i'm a big Huddy fanatic and i support chameron and foreteen :)

my favorite characters besides house are cuddy and wilson..

my favorite eps : Fetal position (big surprise:P) and ugly ( hmmm maybe because of certain final scene XDDD ) i also luv Let them eat cake and joy to the world and last resort and the itch and *keeps talking until everyone else fall asleep * :P
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over a year ago Biathine said…
big smile
*wakes up* um ... do I know you ? ... Yeah! You're my mommy!! XD *HUGS*

(Excuse me random burst of enthusiasm :P)
over a year ago ApplePie1890 said…
hehehe ya i think i've seen u somewhere before :P *hugs back daughtie*
over a year ago ApplePie1890 said…
u have to excuse us Amy :P Bia and i r a bit emotional about the whole family thing :P hehehe
over a year ago Biathine said…
big smile

(Yeah, sorry Amy :P I'm little hysterical :P )
over a year ago ApplePie1890 said…
the damn electricity was dead for 30 minutes >:( !!!! and yesterday when i was about to watch Painless the ADSL went dead !!! and for like 4 HOURS !!!! THIS WAS TORTURE !!!!

(very important story but i thought i'd share it with ppl who can understand, mu mom kept laughing at me yesterday :P)
over a year ago Biathine said…
*hugs mommy*
*gives her giant duck*
I can totally underestand you. The same happended to me and I was crying so hysterically, that my mom thought that my boyfriend broke up with me :P
over a year ago ApplePie1890 said…
*wipes tears* thnx honey *hugs Duck* :P
we seriously need therapy :P !!!!!!
over a year ago Biathine said…
Yeah ... I think so! sis already sugested House rehab! XD
over a year ago x5mp1xp1nx22x said…
im Ali, just call me that or Numbers :-)
im from the crappy state of Iowa, but just moved to the next crappy state over...Nebraska! and i HATE WINTER! lol im 20, work in a hospital as a electrocardiogram tech. i do 12 lead EKG's and watch the rhythms for patients in our ICU and the rest of the hospital. (i love ALL THINGS CARDIAC RELATED!)

im, and always will be, a Hacy shipper. Fave is House, 2nd place shipper for me is Huddy. Hugh's my fav actor too. I love the Hilson bromance!
over a year ago mimika_s said…
I never get bored doing that!!
Name: mimi
Age: 18
From: Greece
Fav. House character: Chase
Fav. House actor:Jesse
Fav. House actress: Jennifer
Fav. House ship: Chameron
Fav. House friendship: House/Wilson or Wilson/Cuddy
over a year ago pollyloveshouse said…
Chello my children =D

I am Polly
I live in London
I hate it here! =D
I'm about 165, I lost track after about 80...
My favourite show used to be House, promise, just got overtaken lately by How I Met Your Mother =P
Favourite character is Kutneeeeeer! =D
Favourite actor is Kal Penn =D
Favourite actress, Olivia Wilde
Favourite ship is Foreteen or Thutner
Favourite friendship is Kutner and Taub! Major LOLs *salutes*
over a year ago huddyislove said…
This is great!!
So I'm huddyislove (duh ;P) but ppl usually call me HIL
My real name is Sylvia and I come from Serbia (SE Europe,part of old Yugoslavia)
I'm 15!
My fav. episode: Airborne and LET THEM EAT CAKE! :P
My fav. ship: Huddy :D,B/B
over a year ago x5mp1xp1nx22x said…
big smile
LOL polly...authentic and unique. I LOVE it!
over a year ago Olivine said…
My turn :)

I'm 19, I study genetics and i'm probably the laziest person ever :p
Oh, and I love photoshop. (Can I call myself the photoshop whore of this spot? XDD)

My favourite House characters are Wilson, Kutner and Thirteen, I also like Cuddy, Cameron and House a lot and the persons I don't like are Foreman and Chase. (I don't care very much about Taub xD)
My favourite ship is THUTNER, but I also like Huddy, Hameron, Wameron and Wilteen. :)
What I don't like is Chameron, Foreteen and Wuddy.
I don't care about the actors so much, I'm sure they are all nice

Other tv shows I watch regularly are Private Practice, CSI:NY and Desperate Housewives. <3
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over a year ago Miss_Cinic said…
Name: Chiara
Age: 18
From: italy

Fav. character: House(and also cuddy)
Fav. actor: Hugh Laurie. He's the best for acting skills, charisma and everything. I think he's brilliant!

I really love LE too!She's funny and really good in expressing Cuddy's feelings.

Fav. Ship:HUDDY!!!! XD

I like wilson/cuddy/House circle of friendship.

I really love metaphors,and Houseisms (last one that made me die was the W-H-O-R-E one...;)

I think that Kutner and taub are fantastic together (like Mickey Mouse and Goofy, you know)
over a year ago misanthrope86 said…
big smile
*copies PotterGal*

Name: misanthrope86 / Missy (because I am too paranoid of the internet to give my real name!)
Age: 22
From: New Zealand
Awesomeness Level: Off the charts baby! (Nice inclusion PotterGal! LOL!)
Fav. House character: All of them, but I extra-love House, Wilson, Thirteen and Foreman.
Fav. House actor: Hugh Laurie and Kal Penn
Fav. House actress: OLIVIA WILDE!
Fav. House ship: Foreman/Thirteen
Fav. House friendship: House and Wilson

Non-House-Related Facts That May Or May Not Interest You:

*I have a degree in psychology and I am currently doing my Masters in psychology.
*I also love other tv shows, like 'Chuck', 'Scrubs', 'Family Guy' and 'Boston Legal'
*I am actually a heterosexual woman, despite my brightly burning desire to marry Olivia Wilde.
* My favourite animals are cats (big and small) and bears. I also like monkeys.
*I love Oreos.
over a year ago pollyloveshouse said…
LMAO Missy! Loving the mention for Oreos! XD
over a year ago mrshouse62689 said…
Fast facts about mrshouse (or MrsH, if you're short on time):

Location: North Carolina (USA)

Age: 19

Favorite Character: House, and I'll defend him to the death in any argument. :-]

Favorite House Actor/Actress: Hugh Laurie and Lisa Edelstein

My OTP: Huddy

Favorite House Friendship: House & Wilson

Other tidbits:
-I hate it when people say the words "choose" and "slice". But typing them is fine. O_o

-I also love the CSI shows, Family Guy, and Scrubs

-I'm in college under Animal Science, but I'm about to switch to Agriculture Business Management.

-I love pickles (one of the things me and House don't agree on).
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over a year ago housecuddy4ever said…
*also copies PG**is to lazy to type*
From:USA(some random state I can't remember the name of :P.It was mentioned in the epi Birthmarks)
Awesomeness Level: I don't the middle decide ;)
Fav. House character:Cuddy,Cuddy,Cuddy..did I mention Cuddy?:D
Fav. House actor: Hugh Laurie *drools*
Fav. House actress:Lisa Edelstein *drools even more*
Fav. House ship: Huddy.I also like *clears throat*Every other House MD ship :D.But Huddy is my main ship.
Fav. House friendship: House/Wilson :)

Other Useless Information
-I'm planning on becoming a doctor.It sort of switches from lawyer to doctor.But I'm sure I'm becoming a doctor.Or lawyer...or doctor.Or something.

-I drink alcohol and...I will share some with you.LOL!

-You can call me hc4e or Lisa or...CAR!or Cari.Doesn't matter.

-I think this is it :D
over a year ago misanthrope86 said…
Oreos rock!
over a year ago house_amy2 said…
Lol mrsh, I love pickles too!!!! I wish House liked them...
over a year ago pollyloveshouse said…
I feel like adding useless info aboot meself, it looks fun =D

Potentially Pointless PLH (alliteration, oh yessssss...)

*My cat has a hole in his ear
*My glasses case is amazing and has pigs on it (link!)
*I am allergic to chocolate, and discovered this the day after I went to Belgium... You all know what's in Belgium ;]
*I have a scar on my right arm named Dwight which I got by breaking my arm. Twice.
*I have also broke my toe by kicking a cushion...
*I bite my nails
*I am bisexual, my friend tells me this is unfair because I get double the opportunities
*I have a multicoloured iPod sock
*I am meant to be writing an essay right now
*I have a bright pink cow which I made last year called Sally who is sitting on my desk
*My dad wrote a few episode of Doctor Who, and knew Hugh Laurie! XD
*I am running out of pointless things to tell you
*I love the monkey emoticon =D

EDIT: I hate my grammar being wrong and was forced to fix it... I'm not procrastinating that essay at all...
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over a year ago HouseJr said…
Okay well, I'm HouseJr, everyone calls me JUnior :)
My real name is Dara

I'm 14
I'm from the old US of A, Florida to be exact
I consider myself pretty awesome XD
I just love the trio (House, Wilson, and Cuddy)
HL and LE for favorite actor/actress
I'm for three ships, Huddy being my most prominent, but I also enjoy Foreteen and Chameron
And House/Wilson friendship rocks! They complete each other! (And I probabley just completely freaked everybody out with that statement XD)

I'm a Freshman (woman?) in a medical magnet so I have my sights set on the medical field (I want to be an ER doc) mostly because ER used to be my favorite show before I discovered House, I also watch Scrubs and anything they put on Disney channel XD

Is that it? wow, that took awhile XD

PS I also love the monkey emote!
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over a year ago Evrythingmaters said…
WOW im loving the glasses case PLH!!!

My turn! :)

Fanpop names: Em or Mars
Favourite character: Cameron
Favourite ship: Hameron
Favourite actress: Jennifer Morrison
Favourite actor: Hugh Lauie
Favourite episode: Do i really have to choose?? Well I love One Day One Room, Accpetance, Maternity and any episode that has a lot of Cameron in it!

Real name: Rachel
Age: 17
Location: Top secret! But it's in England... somewhere... :D
Future profession: Doctor!!! of some type.. (hopefully!) im trying to be optimistic atm!

I doubt that anyone cares or will remember but other random stuff about me:
*I cant spell to save my life
*I name my scars depending on where I got them! I have a Switzerland scar, an Austria scar, a Minehead scar and a 'walking to school in year 2' scar! I love them all!!
*I cant understand why people are scared of spiders so do a lot of rescueing them from being squished
*I hate having to grow up and move on
*I miss my old school and friends sooooo badly
*I love reading everyones comments on this thread!
*I have just realised im actually quite boring!! lol
*Im a fish eating vegetarian
*Im a Christian and proud!
*Im really happy that Cake and Sprinkles are my lovely sisters and Melon is my awesome Grandmother and aR is my amazing Hubby... and that im related to so many wonderful people, in ways that i cant work out, on this spot! :D
*Im going to go now......

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over a year ago pollyloveshouse said…
Thanks you guys, it's like my most prized possession! XDD

You know Mars, for the life of me I can't work out how you go the 'walking to school in year 2' scar'!! It's a dilema on the scale of the pineapple!!
over a year ago HouseJr said…
XD Fish eating vegetarian, there is no way that statement doesn't sound funny XD

I guess I can add rondomness about myself too
*I have only one scar and it doesn't have a name
*I where glasses that are awesomely red!
*I'm so lazy I haven't taken down our Christmas tree yet
*I'm a very good procrasinator, some times I even wait till the last minute to do something and it still turns out okay XD
*My dog is crazy and I'm crazy because as an only child he's the closest thing I have to a little brother, so I call him that
*On monday I had a 12 hour marathon of House in which I watch 17 episodes (including Painless) and now when ever I watch an episode I get sleepy
And the finalally
*On here I'm a female father of 2 at 14 which makes me 2 years younger than my second born XD

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over a year ago pollyloveshouse said…
LOL my cat is basically my little brother! XD

Dudette, you need to name that scar, pronto! It ain't s proper scar without a name!

Oh, and you do realise that you are going to have terrible luck forever now, with the Christmas tree...
over a year ago HouseJr said…
Really? Oh I guess I could name my scar XD
I'll name him Pox cause I got him from some idoit at my daycare picking off a chicken pox scab!
over a year ago pollyloveshouse said…
Someone picked off your chicken pox scab?! Eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeew. XD

Dwight is the only proper scar I have, I have a load of damaged skin from sports where I've got injured, blisters, etc.. My skin isn't good at healing

(I found a pic of Dwight! XD I was showing my friend my bloodied arm after I got atacked by a plant in Australia, you can see the top of Dwight quite clearly. I cropped out the bloodied arm bit ;] link )
over a year ago HouseJr said…
Dwight! lol ur gonna think I'm insane but when I read u cropped out the bloody part I went *aw man!* In my head XD
over a year ago pollyloveshouse said…
You can see the whole bloodied arm if you like?! XDDDD
over a year ago HouseJr said…
*feels wierd* SURE!!! XD
over a year ago pollyloveshouse said…
It's not too bad in this picture, we cleaned up most of the blood, but i got attacked by a plant that tore lots of my skin off =D


You can see a bit more of Dwight at the bottom too XD
over a year ago HouseJr said…
I think I sometimes worry about killer plants, this has just made it worst XD
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over a year ago Lisa_Huddy said…

well im lisa_huddy... im not really popular here(=P) so i really dont have a nickname... in a fourm once they called me LH

real name:Lizzy
country:USA (in new jersey, where PPTH is! even tho its not a real hospital!)
fave char.:either cuddy or wilson. i also like 13 and CTB(or amber) b4 she died. i HATE foreman
fave actor:robert sean leonard o.O
fave actress:lisa edelstien + olivia wilde
ship:HUDDY! if you cant tell from my username... i also ship chameron and foreteen even tho i HATE foreman
episode:forever, LTEC, JTTW, joy, house's head, wilson's heart

pointless fact: ummm....... idk. i wrote a foreteen fan fic once and nobody read it. lol =]
im in a production of into the woods at my school which i find cool cuz RSL went to a ITW camp wen he was 16 and was jack. btw i dont remember where i found that fact so dont ask
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over a year ago HouseJr said…
OMG fanfic, you just reminded me I was suposed to post the last chapter of my fic 3 days ago! *runs off to do so before people start making plans to murder her, maybe using killer plants XD*
over a year ago pollyloveshouse said…
big smile
LOL sorry Junior! You know velcro? Well this plant like stuck to my arm like that, and pulled off my skin when I pulled away! XDDD

Hey LH! Nice ta meet you! =D
over a year ago Lisa_Huddy said…
oh... cool. i 4got my age.
whoops o.O
im 13... haha
over a year ago Evrythingmaters said…
Youch! that must have been a pretty vicious plant PLH!
and its nice to meet Dwight *waves* XD

lol i cant really remeber how i got my 'walking to school in year 2' scar, but it is a really big squishy patch on my knee!

awww your siblings are pets thats really cute Junior and PLH! My scars are like pets!

Hi Lisa_Huddy!
over a year ago house_amy2 said…
Lol. PLH- what type of Australian plants attacked you???!!! I've been attacked many times by Australian plants. :(
Just thought I'd mention some randomness-
- I don't have any scars :(
- I love vegemite.
- I love NZ
- I nearly killed myself skiing in NZ
- I have glasses
- i can do a flip
- I can name all the bones in the human arm and head

EDIT: PLH- A velcro like plant... What were you doing? Bush walking?
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over a year ago Lisa_Huddy said…
i have a scar from when i was 2.
i fell on the sidewalk rite on top of a rock.
i was bleeding everywhere but i got up and kept walking.
i must of had a b12 deficiency... srry if my spelling sucks
i was just watching insensitive so... i have CEIPA and that kinda stuff floating around my head rite now
over a year ago thirteen_times said…
Name: Rorick
Where I live: A little town called Temuka, which is in New Zealand
Age: 15 at the moment
Favourite character: Thirteen and Wilson
Favourite ship: I can't decide, I love all ships
Favourite actress/actor: Oliva Wilde
Favourite episode: Um, Son of coma guy

Random stuff:
-I'm deaf
-I named my dog Huntingtons after I read a fanfic where Thirteen has a fish called Huntingtons.
over a year ago Lisa_Huddy said…
omg! in my fan fic, 13 had a fish!
i named him Wilt, and named it after her brother cuz i desided 2 give her a brother that died in a car accident b4 she was born =]
over a year ago house_amy2 said…
omg- Lisa_Huddy i remember reading that fan fic!!! About the fish named Wilt!!! And it was after the 14 kiss right!

over a year ago HouseJr said…
Wow, we are some seriouly messed up ppl XD
But even then, that's why we're together!
*ponders last statement* *seriously consider deleting it*
over a year ago pollyloveshouse said…
EDIT: PLH- A velcro like plant... What were you doing? Bush walking? --> Yes =P I don't know the technical name for the plant, but my relatives called it a 'wait-a-while', because you should, you know... wait a while =P