House M.D. How you know your adicted to House

HouseJr posted on Nov 18, 2008 at 09:05PM
It's storytime again!
Okay so today I was doing something that made me think "wow I'm really into this House show, like completly crazy about and adicted to it" so then I thought "I wonder how many people on fanpop do things that make them think the same thing?" So I decided to make this board and what you can do is make replies telling about times when you thought "OMG I'm so adicted to this show" by something you did, said, or thought. I'll start with today's event that gave me this idea.

So today at school I had this really long boring standerized test(you know the ones where you have to sit in the same room for hours answering questions on a scantron and catching a nap in between?) well anyway I took my nap after I was done with the first part and when I finished the second part I just started doodling. At first it was regular things, I was trying to remember how used to draw stars. I then I got to hearts that's when it got crazy. I doodled a heart, turned it into a cupid heart(with an arrow through it) and the above I wrote "I" and below I wrote, wait for it, "House!" I just got wrost from there, here's the rest that I wrote, in bubble letters on my paper: Wilson(a doodle heart)Dara(my real name), House(a doodle heart)Dara, House MD, Huddy forever, and last but not least House+Cuddy= Huddy forever XP

So now it's your turn, get ready, get set, GO
Expose your crazy House fanitude!

House M.D. 131 replies

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