House M.D. I had an interesting thought today in regads to Huddy and Hameron

oldmovie posted on Oct 31, 2008 at 12:03AM
NOW...before I start, this is not an excuse for anybody, including myself, to bash any ship, or to bash any person who wants to come in here and discuss this. I just had this little brain-wave while sitting outside a dressing room waiting for a friend to try on a dress...anyways sorry you don't care about that, onto my thought.

I have noticed that Huddy and Hameron are complete opposites of a ship. Here are the "clues" I guess you could call them to why I they are opposite:

1) House is Cameron's boss, while Cuddy is House's boss. House is the dominant character in the Hameron relationship (power wise) whereas Cuddy is the dominant character in Huddy (again powerwise).

2) Cameron pushes Hameron relationship, House pushes Huddy relationship. FIRSTLY THIS IS NOT A BASH, I'M JUST POINTING OUT FACTS. Most of the Hameron moments result in Cameron talking to House about something, trying to edge him on, I mean she kissed him and asked him for a date. In the Hameron relationship, Cameron is the driving force, or the female is the driving force. Whereas in Huddy, House is the driving force, or the male is. The only reason, most of the time, Cuddy goes to see House is either to give him a case or to tell him off about something. Thier "social" visits are because House has come barging in her office or apartment.

3) Cameron wants the relationship, Cuddy is scared about the relationship. Cameron wants the relationship with House, she asked him for a date. Cuddy on the other hand, seems almost frightened of being close to House (the new promo seems to hint towards that).

4) Hameron tends to be about Cameron examining House, whereas the Huddy tends to be about House examining Cuddy. Cameron likes the probe House, find out more about him. She asks personal questions about him and has been scolded by Chase or Foreman on several occasions for doing it. House does the exact same thing to Cuddy, only his are less, how shall I put it, sugar coated.

So those are the biggest points I could think of, I just found this interesting. What do you all think about this, anything more to add? Or how about similarities....I personally couldn't think of any except the obvious things like "they both care about him". But I must repeat before thi discussion, I repeat, NO bashing! From both sides. I want an interesting conversation please..oh and limit the cap locks on your answers, it can be kind of painful to read sometimes.

House M.D. 84 replies

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over a year ago youngblood said…
i personally think that Cuddy has a reason to be frightened by her relationship with House( i luv them though). in her view(and i don't blame her)he could so easily hurt her if she gets to close to him. almost every relationship he ever had or still has has been severed in some way or another, and he has already hurt her with that "Suck as a mother" thing. it's no big suprise that she wants to keep some emotional distance within both of them, to prevent probably both of them from being hurt. again, this is my opinion of Cuddy's point of view
over a year ago oldmovie said…
I agree, House isn't exactly soft and cushy with Cuddy, he says a lot of hurtful things to her. She doesn't want to risk being emotionally vulnerable in front of him because of what he'll throw in her face. But also because Cuddy is looking to move on with her life, signified by the baby, and is probably looking for someone to settle down with and frankly House isn't really a settle down type of guy. She probably fears any relationship with House because she doesn't see it going anywhere, or at least in the direction she wants.
over a year ago babybell said…
i agree with om... which basically means that whom you ship is about who YOU are. You have a certain way of thinking if you ship huddy, and a certain way of thinking if you ship hameron, and sub consciously, you pick the ship that is.. either more like or within your mind set. So each are a certain type of person... you could say that maybe huddies are more tradionalist, wanting the men to do the pushing, but thats not exactly what im saying, because thats a very base level thing... its more sub consciously that a certain type of relationship appeals to your way of thinking.
over a year ago oldmovie said…
Woah BB, that was deep and probably what I should have wrapped my forum up with, very psychological.
I think the way people ship probably is rooted in either the type of relationships they value or the kind of relationships they would like to be in, which is kind of the same thing repeated twice.

I like Huddy because of the intelligent banter, the sexual attraction, the fun little things like the pranks and then probably the way House always analyzes her. For sure Huddy is a "funner" ship then Hameron. By funner I just mean a lot more jokes come out of House and Cuddy moments then Hameron, which by no means is understating this seriousness of Hameron. I tend to like ships that banter, like Ross and Rachel, Booth and Bones etc. I like couples that keep each other on their feet and that liking is probably rooted in some desire to have a similar relationship at some point in my life.
over a year ago babybell said…
dude.. i have soo many stories to tell you about the type of thing me and HBB had going on, but yeh, banters kinda the kinda thing that i would like to have.. its kinda fun being kept on your feet, and i find it really annoying when people just complement you all the time, which is kinda like hameron... since she had such an open affection for him, it was one huge complement, and since in my own life that annoys the shit out of me, it annoyed me in the show... where as when its kinda banter keep you on your toes thing, i really get a kick out of doing that with a boy i like, so.. that kinda responds to the whole huddy thing as well.
over a year ago misanthrope86 said…
Agree with your analysis oldmovie. Well said.

And babybell! My goodness that was a great analysis of shipping! Excellent ideas!
over a year ago cynthiaTHS said…
Well guys for starters i think that Huddy is the better couple in, my opinion. Also Cuddy is starting to break the ice with that kiss in the episode "Joy". She is starting to warm up to him. i always thought they were going to be together
over a year ago PotterGal said…
I love your analysis OM! I agree with what you say about loving couples that banter. My favourite couples all have that kind of snarky banter that House and Cuddy have (though none will ever be as good as them!): Monica/Chandler, Booth/Bones, Ross/Rachel, etc.
And hubby, wow..i LOVED your point as well! Both you guys just make me smile. :D
over a year ago youngblood said…
lol. maybe huddies can empathise more with House/Cuddy's relationship than House/Cam's. some of us might feel like Cuddy, we've been emotionally hurt before in a similer way Cuddy's been by House or otherwise. She no longer feels as secure with emotional closness to House.Maybe some of us feel like we're being left behind by the people we're close to, like we're being left out, like House feels. And i guess some could empathise with Cameron. Unfortunatly i'm not good with empathising with her. Frankly, i suck at it. She's just to open about her feelings. i'm a bit more like the House/Cuddy relationship. i'm much more closed up about my personal feelings
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over a year ago pumpkinpie99 said…
woooooooow this was brilliant
i loved the fact that u pickied up that cuddy was scared of a relationship with house i really hadn't thought about that, but its completely true!
I also thought it was brilliant how you compared the 2 in the way of who is the more dominant in the relationships
well done OM!!! props for u!!
over a year ago HuddyCrazy1331 said…
So many things to read, and I have read them all! These are all fantastic ideas, and there's so much to talk about, but unfortunately I was born with an extra lazy chromosome, so I'll just say it like this: I have had some of these ideas go through my head and others I just realized as I read this, and I love it how each of us has a piece of the puzzle! OM, I agree with my Hubby, you are deff getting props! (Btw, good call on the Caps Lock, I feel smarter when I write like this XDDD)
over a year ago babybell said…
Im taking you more seriously like this as well xD
over a year ago HuddyCrazy1331 said…
xDD Thank you bb. I feel very intelligent and it seems as if my levels of comprehension have evolved as well as I continue to adapt to this style of writing... xD
over a year ago youngblood said…
lol. u sound intelligent, HC1331! unlike me in some comments. Oh, and ur right OM, it is kind of painfull to read stuff in cap. let. lol, i kind of knew that but never put it that way.
over a year ago HuddyCrazy1331 said…
xDDD Thank you yb. Believe it or not I'm actually smart. *ppl who dont know me well start cracking up* *ppl who were in my classes roll their eyes and start hating me* :P
over a year ago Hameronhearts said…
They are very opposite.
At the beginning of the series, we see Cuddy as a powerful, smart, and somewhat provocative woman.
Then there's Cameron, who is pretty and empathetic to the point of being naive.
Both of them have changed in different ways, but a lot of people still see them that way, and that affects how they think.
When I see House, I see what is and what could be(I know, cheesy).
You can tell that being with Stacy was good for him, and I think Cameron could be the same. What I like about Hameron is that she doesn't want to change him, she wants to just love him, and he has a hard time grasping why someone would want to know him so well. She is open with her feelings, which is something he definitely isn't used to. A lot of House and Cameron's 'moments' consisted of them learning something about the other, usually something unexpected.
I think they are beautiful, and I haven't give up hope.
over a year ago kylaJE said…
I give you props, hameronhearts.
I like hameron, but I think I understand Huddy pretty well.
over a year ago oldmovie said…
I loved that interpretation of Hameron! You explained it so well and actually added depth to your answer, you had me going for a minute and then I was like WOAH I'm Huddy lol. Its nice to be able to discuss this intelligently, I believe that may be the longest paragraph I've seen writen about Hameron. So props to you, like I said I really enjoyed reading that. I hope to see more of you Hameronhearts! Welcome by the way, I don't think I've seen you around before.
over a year ago Hameronhearts said…
Thanks oldmovie :]. I'm new.
It's so cool that different shippers can be nice to each other here.
I used to go to another board, but eventually it became exclusively Huddys who were quite mean. Which was sad, because I don't mind Huddy, and I have no issue with Huddy shippers. They had an issue with us on that board.
I love seeing awesome Huddys here who will listen to everyone and are nice. All shippers should like each other, because we all love House so much!

over a year ago amberRocks said…
Welcome aboard!We are a minority here but noone is going to attack you!(I think)
over a year ago oldmovie said…
I'm sry about that Hameronhearts, no here people get very mad at bashing of ships so you don't really have to worry ;). Most of us here are quite intelligent and have good things to say, no matter from what perspective. So, though this sounds quite vain and aR has already said it, I'd like to welcome you to the House MD spot!
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over a year ago Hameronhearts said…
Thank you amberRocks and oldmovie.
And by the way, there is nothing wrong with being a minority.
Some people don't get why you would still ship someone even if they didn't get together. I think that it's nice to keep the love alive, and not give up on it. If Huddy happens(well it kind of did lol) I will be happy for them. Theres always fanfiction. XD
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over a year ago amberRocks said…
Your are more superior that I will ever be...I will never be happy for huddy in any level...(ok for the huddys but not much!)
over a year ago babybell said…
I love new people that can think lol! Welcome!! Seriously its worth having these kind of discussions!
over a year ago babybell said…
loool thats you can be happy for us at all aR is probably better than i could do ; ) OM for god sake get on msn xD
over a year ago oldmovie said…
BB I'm supposed to be doing work and frankly failing miserably.

Lol yes fanfiction, *points above her* this one here would never survive without fanfition...Hot and Bothered comes to
over a year ago babybell said…
or Maladroit xD i read that today, its actually getting pretty good...
over a year ago Hameronhearts said…
Yeah, my love for the show is almost equal to my ship love. Its better to be happy, because you want them to be the same for you.
I love fanfiction. I almost am afraid if I read too much, the characters will get warped in my mind by out of character authors.
So how come people dont have nice, calm discussions more often?
over a year ago amberRocks said…
"So how come people dont have nice, calm discussions more often?"

Thats kind of my fault from the hameron part of the spot!The huddy part of the spot that also fights is pretty big!We are passioned people...
over a year ago Hameronhearts said…
I'm sure its not just you.
Probably because we all love our ships so much and don't get why others don't love it like we do.
It's like a religion[on a much smaller level]; You want everyone else to understand why youre so happy with what you believe, but you can't force them to accept it.
We are passionate all right.
over a year ago babybell said…
too true = )
over a year ago pure_rebellion said…
^^ aR im so happy that your happy for us haha :D
over a year ago amberRocks said…
but I still hate huddy with all my heart!Just to be clear...
over a year ago PotterGal said…
Yay! New people! :D
Hi Hameronhearts! I really liked your comment about Hameron. It's really nice to have people here who can argue rationally about their ship! :)
over a year ago babybell said…
AR we never doubted you and heyyyy wifey :P
over a year ago amberRocks said…
oh thats so sweet!I think that I'm the most hated hameron in the spot...(or is that too far?)
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over a year ago babybell said…
thats to far. i like you. lol.
over a year ago amberRocks said…
I like you too!!!*hugs cause I'm in a really good mood today!*
over a year ago babybell said…
*hugs back*
over a year ago amberRocks said…
wow ok do you want to make-out now?*gigles!*
over a year ago pumpkinpie99 said…
hey everyone
im a bit late saying this but welcome HameronHearts lol ;)
i've got a terrible headache :(
over a year ago heeeresjoyce said…
Sorry about your headache, pumpkinpie99. I hope you feel better. :)

And yeah I guess I'm kinda late, as well. Too busy eating candy. :p But welcome, Hameronhearts. I'm really enjoying the good discussion between the Huddies and Hamerons. :D
over a year ago Sheps88 said…
From a personal perspective, I don't believe Cameron ever loved House. I think it was mere infatuation. Think of it from logical terms: she is significantly younger by comparison to House and also works beneath him as an employee. House has all the right answers. She's attracted to the lull of a sense of security. His age offers wisdom, his medical position offers power, and his knowledge offers security. That's what she has been craving since her husband died. Its not really an attraction to House in essence, its an attraction to what he offers. Whereas Cuddy needs none of those things. I think House enjoys a challenge and Cameron really can't offer it to him. Cuddy, on the other hand, can. She has all the same qualities as House. She offers him not only support, but also structure--something he is in desperate need of--which he himself knows to be true. She is a strong woman who doesn't have any reason to subject herself to him but does anyway because she trusts him, and vice versa. House has enough difficulty keeping himself afloat, and with Cameron by his side, I feel(only as personl opinion) that he would have been swimming for two. But with Cuddy he has a helping hand.
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over a year ago mimika_s said…
I would prefer you use past tenses about Cameron
it is over both sides
over a year ago Sheps88 said…
I can definitely accomodate your request. I prefer to see them in past tense myself.
over a year ago babybell said…
*has finally got back from her nephews*
nahhh sorry aR my wife would kill me....... shame though ; )
over a year ago youngblood said…
ok. i know i kind of neglected this forum for awhile and kind of late to say this like everyone else but HI HAMERONHEARTS! i hope to see u around too! hope u don't bash ships cause i dont either! (and i get kind of angry when people do) and REALLY sorry if i sounded blunt. i really cant help it much... *blushes as everyone stares*
over a year ago Sheps88 said…
There's no sense in anyone arguing over what none of us have any control. We don't know what will happen, but we all have our opinions as to what we would LIKE to see happen. But they are two entirely different concepts and should be treated as such. Its just a TV show, so in reality, its not all that important. And if you pause for a moment and really think, these "chats," dare I call them that, would be as boring as unbuttered toast if we all thought the same thing. Diversity alots us this opportunity to share.The suspense is what brings us to write, the infinite wishing and collaborating. Our ideas and creativity can only generate if we have those to offer us criticism. I say welcome to all--Huddy and Hameron lovers alike. Let's make it interesting.
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over a year ago pumpkinpie99 said…
very well said!!!
over a year ago 221Bs said…
well i think... no i got nothing. you guys make too much sense and erased my POV by the third comment. but I'd like to point some stuff out.

actually i can't.. but power to you ppl, i'll be reading.