House M.D. Huddy fans we have an issue.

amberRocks posted on Oct 14, 2008 at 08:03AM
Hello there!
Its me!
Well,we are having an issue with one huddy fan(ALYSSAL) that came to the hameron spot and starting bashing us in the picks and I thought that you sould talk to him/her.
This kind of behaviour is not acceptable and I'm well... annoyed.
I won't repeat what he/she posted but let me note that hameron fans never came to your spot and bashed you!
I don't want to fight or anything I really love you guys and I just thought that you should say to him/her and generally to everyone (because this has happenned before by people that I won't name) to stick to their spot!
Thank you!
last edited on Oct 14, 2008 at 08:19AM

House M.D. 78 replies

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Showing Replies 1-50 of 78

over a year ago amberRocks said…
I would like to thank PotterGal for heping resolving this issue!You are really fair!
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago EnjoyHuddy said…
yep, I know I'm huddy and as you know, I don't like Hameron, but I don't come into your spot and start bashing you and everything, cause I really love you guys!;)
over a year ago amberRocks said…
Thank you too!
Apart from that incident now that the huddy arc has come(?),it will be difficult for hamerons in general!
We definately don't need to have also this kind of things!
over a year ago la_nina said…
I don't like Hameron so I never come to Ham spot. As we know, most of Hams are nice. Bashing them is ridiculous and mean.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Fabouluz said…
Huddy forever! :)
over a year ago Legenda said…
Way to go alyssal!!!
over a year ago heeeresjoyce said…
Um, no, Legenda. What ALYSSAL did was not something to cheer for. I'm a Huddy, but going and bashing someone else's ship is just plain mean. People should respect each other's opinions.
over a year ago cocacola said…
who's alyssal?? I think she might be on my friends list but I don't think I ever talked to her...
over a year ago heeeresjoyce said…
A person who was bashing Hameron in its spot. While searching there I found that Legenda has bashed Hameron even more than her. :(
over a year ago cocacola said…
bad newbies... I frown upon you.. :(
over a year ago pollyloveshouse said…
I am in complete agreement here, this kind of behaviour is not acceptable. I had this situation on one of my favourite spots, and I found a nice, polite email sorted it all out, and she's now a good friend so you might want to try that.
over a year ago pumpkinpie99 said…
guys seriously not good
i think aR does have a point, they dnt come into our spot and start bashing us.. do we shouldn't do the same to them!!!! not cool!!!!
*frowns along with CC*
over a year ago amberRocks said…
Another huddy fan (maky) came to our spot and started bashing us!
Congrats!Is this gonna to be a thing?You are now gonna come every day to the hameron spot and start to insult us?
I'm so pissed right now and you know what?
With this behaviour you don't deserve to have hudd at all and I hope karma will be a bitch to you!
over a year ago PotterGal said…
Wait wait wait aR, i realise how annoying this must be but do you really want to take it out on all the Huddies when it's just a few, immature people doing this?
I've never even heard of this is so STUPID (the Hameron bashing in your Spot i mean).
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Legenda said…
Oh come on, ain't we suppose to say what we mean in the comments, or is my English so bad that i misunderstood "comment" whit "say what we want to hear".
over a year ago pollyloveshouse said…
You are welcome to say what you like! But if you don't like something don't go to that spot! Simple as! We don't want to see ship bashing, it's very immature. Let the Hams be happy in their spot, and you can be happy here.
over a year ago babybell said…
theres load of new huddies on our spot and its hard keeping them in control!! ( not that i dont love you guys, or that i dont agree with you, but noooo hameron bashing.....)
over a year ago HuddyCrazy1331 said…
Stop bashing Hamerons pplz!!!! I don't want to fight with my friend just because of this!! We all have our ships and we all deserve to have our own spot! I love Huddy A LOT but no bashing Hamerons!!!!!
over a year ago amberRocks said…
ok I couldn't do this after all!I can't report anyone but please stop bashing us!
over a year ago HuddyHottness said…
I just can't understand why people would want to start bashing...its so immature and nothing to be proud of.

over a year ago babybell said…
nice way of putting it ^^
over a year ago ilurvedward said…
huddyites and hamers have to learn to coexsist! which we usually do quite nicely. i think we all pride ourselves on the fact that the House universe is one that is usually peaceful and loving. therefore, Huddy and Hameron shippers alike need to put aside immature differences and JUST BE NICE!!!! we are not four! (at least i hope not.... that woul;d be freaky!) so let's get it together and just spread love and not hate!!

wow that was a total hippy rant!:D
over a year ago HuddyCrazy1331 said…
LOL!! I agree with you ile!!! ^^
over a year ago EnjoyHuddy said…
again??bashing again?
plz stop it!!!Fanpop is a community where people share their thoughts about something that THEY LIKE, in their own spot...So if you don't like Ham, don't go on their spot and don't start bashing hamers! It's a stupid thing, and as far as we know, hamers never came in the Huddy spot and started bashing us!!
over a year ago Huddyaddict12 said…
haha! agreed ilurvedward, just spread love and not hate!! Besides, i dont get why people bash other ships when they could just go party at the spots they like :]
over a year ago HuddyHottness said…
Well said Huddyaddict.

I just don't see why people would even bother to bash ships they dont like they should spend time enjoying their own ship...if you get what i mean :)
over a year ago TheIdiot said…
Hameron shippers bashing is, as House would put it, just plain wrong. :)
over a year ago HuddyCrazy1331 said…
Nicely put TheIdiot LOL!
over a year ago cocacola said…
It doesn't make any sense. And amberRocks, you can't blame us for the immaturity that the newbies show. Think about it this way, hamerons in this metaphor are jews. you have people who may not believe in the jewish customs but put aside those things and accept the jews. (the regular huddies) and then you have the nazis and the prejudiced Hitler supporters ( allysal and legenda)
over a year ago babybell said…
yeh but you did just compare huddies to nazis lol!!
over a year ago pollyloveshouse said…
ok........ I don't think that was a great metaphor as you just compared users to Hitler... but I see where you are going.
over a year ago HuddyCrazy1331 said…
I am not a Nazi!!!! Peace with the Jews!!XD No, but seriously, not ALL of us Huddies are bashing you guys. That'd be like bashing my ttly awesome Hameron friend. I don't care if she's Hameron, she's been there for me a lot of times!
over a year ago cocacola said…
I said we're the normal people! We're the ones who HELP the jews!! Its the bashers that are the nazis!!
Is that any clearer?
over a year ago Dutchmoxie said…
It wouldn't be a House spot without some metaphors, right? LOL
No, seriously, bashing ships is just seriously childish. I've been on the receiving end of the bashing with some of my other ships, and it really sucks. I don't like Hameron myself, but people need to at least respect other people's opinions. I am soooo sick of ship wars. They totally ruin the mood on any forum.
over a year ago pollyloveshouse said…
I still don't think calling anyone Nazis is a great metaphor to be honest....
over a year ago cocacola said…
*high fives Dutchmoxie*

and for the rest of you who might have misunderstood my metaphor...:(

Most of the huddies ARE NOT NAZIS. Its the select few assholes we have to worry about!
over a year ago misanthrope86 said…
Just out of interest, have any of you guys come across ship-bashing in other spots? For example, in the Chuck Spot, there has never been any ship-bashing. Does it happen in the Grey's Anatomy Spot? Or One Tree Hill? Or Heroes? Or any other spots that people are involved in?

My only other experience with "ship-bashing" has been in the My Chemical Romance Spot, where people get mad because their favourite band member has a girlfriend or has gotten married *rolls eyes*...
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over a year ago PotterGal said…
Hm, misanthrope86. I actually haven't in the tv spots i'm active in - Ugly Betty, Desperate Housewives, NCIS, CSI:NY, Lost (i mean even the Jack/Kate/Sawyer fans don't bash each other). There's hardly any or no ship bashing at all...
over a year ago HuddyCrazy1331 said…
I haven't noticed anything either. I guess it's just House... lol
over a year ago pollyloveshouse said…
Misnathrope I found some bashing in other spots, but not necisarily "ship bashing". I am an avid fan of Arsenal (football team) and we had a fan of another team telling us all we were dumb and crazy for supporting Arsneal for a while. A nice email sorted it all out :)
over a year ago HuddyCrazy1331 said…
But are we the only show that has ship bashing???? i never paid much attention b4
over a year ago livi_wells said…
I haven't notcied anything in spots other than the house-related ship ones. There was a stupid spot put up a while ago called hameron vs huddy and I think we all boycotted it lol!!! And I would just like to add that while I am a wuddy shipper (please don't hurt me, huddies!) I still go to the huddy spot sometimes(because it's my second fav house ship). However, I don't comment on most things and say huddy is bad or retaliate when people bash wuddy (well they don't bash exactly but they do 'put down' other ships at times). Fanpop is a place of peace.
Has anyone actually sent a msg to this person?
over a year ago PotterGal said…
livi_wells - I did send one to ALYSSAL and she said she would stop and she has. But now there are OTHER people doing it..
over a year ago HuddyCrazy1331 said…
This needs to stop! *hugs all Wuddies and Hamerons and EVERYBODY* We need to get this straightened out before it gets way out of hand.
over a year ago Legenda said…
guys i'm 14 years old, i have the right to be immature
over a year ago pollyloveshouse said…
Newsflash, I'm just as 14 as you are and I can look at the situation with perspective. I don't ship House with anyone, therefore I know what it looks like from all sides, and the Hamerons don't need their ship bashed like this on the brink of the HUddy arc they all know is about to happen, it's pretty unkind. Also, why don't you just look at the positives? Instead of putting down Hameron, celebrate Huddy!! I know there are plenty of people willing to do that with you!!
over a year ago HuddyHottness said…
Omg im only 15 myself and can i just say wise up! so what if your 14 you shouldn't be so immature to start killing peoples fun. So please, it doesnt matter what age you are you should have a bit of common sense and STOP bashing.

last edited over a year ago
over a year ago HuddyCrazy1331 said…
I'm 14 years old too, and I'm not bashing the Hamerons! So don't do it! It's hurtful and it brings up bad things, so stop!
over a year ago Huddyaddict12 said…
i just turned 13 a few months ago and i find this whole bashing thing immature! Why are we all makeing such a big deal over this bashing thing!? its as simple as just STOP bashing!
over a year ago TheIdiot said…
Well said Huddyaddict! :)
(and everyone else)
last edited over a year ago