House M.D. Oh my god! Awesome! (SPOILER)

Immunity posted on Sep 11, 2008 at 04:12AM
There has been something right in front of our eyes and yet we didn't see it. (Or if someone noticed it he/she didn't share)

Anyways there has been a scene, a VERY short scene in one of the House promos, were a patient grabbed hold of a brunette woman.
See here: link
(at 0:18)

And this brunette woman I think is Thirteen!!! I saw some pictures of it, where we can see that she is wearing a lab coat and a stethoscope.

Soo, if we look at the newest House spoilers now, which say that there will be an aggressive patient who gets violent with a lady -> it could be this scene! 13 is the lady he attacks.

There was also another new spoiler which could fit:

Apparently JS was on E!News with Kristen, and he said there would be an episode this season involving a hostage situation. Apparently there is a patient who wants a diagnosis, and wants it now.

JS also teased that someone might get killed.

Just speculation, but I'm very excited about it now :D

House M.D. 93 replies

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over a year ago Immunity said…
and here are the pictures I found:

By the way I just took a look at the official House Fox site and her name is REMY again ;D
Be quick and look at it before they change it again.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Anusha said…
OMG!! I didn't notice that before and I think its 13 too. If you look at 0:14 and then 0:18 it does look like 13 and she is a doctor that would explain why she was there (when the patient grabs her).

Also to think about it aggressive patient attacks the lady OMG Immunity it could be 13 it fits!
over a year ago house_whatelse said…
I have to say it is Thirteen the photo definately looks like her.

Oh and I wrote a Norman about Thirteen's name change because it keeps bothering me.
over a year ago PotterGal said…
Wow, i didn't even notice that before! Good catch! Do you have a link to that interview with JS btw? A hostage
over a year ago Immunity said…
I found that JS spoiler at house of whining and searched for the original for about 20 minutes but couldn't find it yet.. :(
over a year ago adyingsomething said…
Ok I really want to see House now!

over a year ago amberRocks said…
I know its mean but I really want someone of the cast to die!
over a year ago Immunity said…
maybe nurse brenda gets killed XDDD
over a year ago EnjoyHuddy said…
wow!!Great news but do we really want another member of the cast to die??
What is it?? The "Tv-show-has-to-remove-some-character­-bu­t-t­hey­-do­n't­-kn­ow-­how­-to­-do­-so­-th­ey-­kil­l-t­hem­&qu­ot; year???
over a year ago amberRocks said…
high 5 EnjoyHuddy!
OMG you putted it so well!
over a year ago salemslot said…
completely agree with you,guys!But,I don't see anyone dying this year,this is supposed to be a happy-go lucky season *takes a deep breath to deal with it*
over a year ago Immunity said…
I'm pretty sure no one will die.
1. Amber just died
2. JS wouldn't have said if someone of the main cast died
maybe the patient dies...or a nurse...whatever XD
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over a year ago amberRocks said…
Yes but the point is that now we have the possibility that someone of the cast might die!
Well thats something!
I'm 70% positive that it won't and 20% that it will and 10% that thata a foiler.
over a year ago salemslot said…
That's good for you,Immunity!But,at least one patient dies in every season with the exception of s4 where 2 people died.
Nevertheless,this year will be tough for 13
over a year ago EnjoyHuddy said…
*fives aR back!!*
Finally someone that understand what I say!!
No , seriously, somebody has problem to understand me with my horrible english !!lol
well salemslot, patient are different than characters...Characters are the most important thing on the show...
They can kill someone if they want to, but then they have to live with that horrible sense of guilt that all the fans of House all over the world are against you and want to kick that big ass of yours at any moment!
Oh and 13 can't die because I so love her!
Maybe she will just show the first symptons of the disease and she will leave, but not die...
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over a year ago amberRocks said…
Also I just thought of that he might not be talking about a patient!
Patient are always on the verse of dying!
Thats the show for gods shakes!
It might be a cast member!
Ok this is so exciting!And I don't think its 13 or house...
over a year ago amberRocks said…
And hey they killed amber but I don't see them feeling guilty or care about fans anyway...
over a year ago EnjoyHuddy said…
could it be Cuddy ??O_O
there were some rumors about her leaving the show if she gets pregnant and about the contarct for only another year!!
Please disagree with me cause I don't want her to leave!!I don't want to think about it!!
over a year ago EnjoyHuddy said…
Anne Dudek's pregnant...maybe she was already pregnant when they were making that episode so...
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over a year ago salemslot said…
I think we should start perceiving 13 as a patient(forgive me,Immunity!),she's kinda like a walking bomb.The disease,if she has it which I doubt,will interfere with her medical abilties as the disease starts to progress.But,she's not going to die THIS SOON,hopefully(you never know what is hidden in DS "twisted" mind).Then again,who saw Amber's death coming?
over a year ago salemslot said…
Obviously it's not House or Wilson(3-year contract).It would be too predictable if it was 13.Hopefully,if someone has to die,I vote Taub!If they even consider killing off Cuddy,then aR will have a partner in crime concerning DS "loving"*sarcasm*
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over a year ago amberRocks said…
well not me!I'm still arguing about the episode!*cough*salemslot check the articles*cough*

I think they are gonna trick us into thinking 13 but it will be someone else!
over a year ago EnjoyHuddy said…
I think they 're gonna trick us into thinking 13 but it will be one!
I think this one sounds better, doesn't it??
over a year ago amberRocks said…
wishfull thinking...
Sorry mimi for that but I think that chase is a possibility.

And also I can't find the god da*n source anywhere!
over a year ago salemslot said…
You go,girl!(about the article)
Did they really say someone is going to die?I thought that was a rumour!I'm so happy!This "everybody is in love with everyone" situation of s4,quite frankly,is starting to irritate me...
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over a year ago EnjoyHuddy said…
Let's see...everybody has passed the death in some way...look:
Cuddy:she was really sick in "Airborne", even if it was a quite fake.
House: well you know...
Cameron: Do you remember the HIV thing?
Kutner: I'll give you a clue "defibrillators"
13: has huntington's disease
Foreman:he was sick in Euphoria...
Taub: well he has a wife, what do I have to say more?lol
Well, the last but not least characters are Wilson & Chase
(okay okay) and Taub.
Wilson if not gonna die because he's already involved with all his problems after Amber's death.The last choises are Chase and Taub.
What do you think?
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over a year ago salemslot said…
Taub,pleeasssse,Taub!!!There's no point in having him on the show when there's Foreman!But,a hostage situation!Bitchin!Why do I have a gut feeling Cuddy will be the hostage and that's why will have the Huddy kiss?*starts slapping herself,wake up,this isn't OTH*
over a year ago amberRocks said…
Oh crap!If DS is gonna make chase happy (with the cham epi and stuff) and then kill him I will not know what to do!!!
over a year ago salemslot said…
You won't know what to do?What about poor,mimi?It would just kill her!Let's cross our fingers it's not Chase.
over a year ago EnjoyHuddy said…
well sorry aR but if he mkes Chameron happen I'll be very happy, but I could be happier if he makes WAMERON happen!!
over a year ago amberRocks said…
Well I could be happy for that too!
I don't like chameron at all!(I want chse single and all to myself!)
I love wameron!
But thats not the point!Thats not the point at all!
I'll be freaking scared out of my freaking mind if they are happy in that epi!
Because they won't stay for long and death will come!
You know the drill I think...
Perfect happiness in <<lining the dream>>...
what happened after that?
DS became evil!
over a year ago salemslot said…
Took the words out of my mouth,aR!In this case,the motto "You can't always get what you want" fits!But,come on!Not Chase!
Don't forget,Wilson will not be in a relationship in s5!
over a year ago amberRocks said…
Don't say that motto again!
I hate it!
Its like the one that says "a woman can't have it all"
Completely wrong!
over a year ago amberRocks said…
And I will say something cold...
Chase is the only disposable character for DS in the show...
Thats why I'm thinking him...
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago amberRocks said…
But who knows?
Still can't find the source!!!
I don't think its cuddy either...
Maybe she will get preagnant and lost the baby in that situation???
over a year ago mimika_s said…
it isn't Chase
I odn't know how that convo went there

over a year ago mimika_s said…
vouli I love you!!
over a year ago mimika_s said…
well done aR
I had to watch it a cuple of times
the first time I was so excited with Jesse that I heard nothing
But,I don't believe that they would give it to us so easily
over a year ago amberRocks said…
Go to houses house of whining!
Spoiler-only category,last post!
You will find the link to the vid!
over a year ago EnjoyHuddy said…
can you post it in here!By the way, I hope you will do good here cause I'm going onanother little vacation for 4 days.see ya soon I'll miss you :):)
over a year ago PotterGal said…
Here's the link:

And also, i think they cut him off before he gave away too many spoilers but just before they did cut him off he said that the patient would "take a whole bunch of doctors" hostage. So more than one! OMG..that will be so awesome!
over a year ago amberRocks said…
Also one note!
They totally cutted Jesse off before he says more!
Didn't you noticed?
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago mimika_s said…
I don't think they cut him off
Isn't he awesome
over a year ago amberRocks said…
I'm not sure either but thats the impression I got!

And also in an article it says that the psycko guy will attack one of the girls!!!

Oh god what will happen?
And it will be at the second half of the season!
Anything can happen!
over a year ago ZaraShade said…
OMG I don't want anyone to die!

As for the hostage situation...well as long as none of the girls die it's okay.

I can't wait till second half of season omg!!
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over a year ago TheHiddenCane said…
NOOOO... I don't want anyone to die either! It's pretty clear that House, Wilson and Cuddy can't die but I LOVE kutner and Chase and even Taub can't just die like that! they said they had bigger plans for Foreman... how big is death!? and 13?? NOOO... I don't even like Cameron but to ket her die like that is something else! what if its designed to let House develop some "Heroic streak?" what if they keep his whole team (old+new) hostage just so he can fight to save them and thus develop more humanity? just so he can see how much he does need them? DAMN I'M SO EXCITED!! WHEE!!
over a year ago amberRocks said…
Am I the only one that wants someone to die???
C'mon the cast is pretty big anyway!
(But NOT chase!)
They started with blood they should finish it with blood!
over a year ago TheHiddenCane said…
Okay... someone maybe... Cameron or something. I don't know if 13 has an actual future either but NO ONE ELSE!

PS: Why would JS say someone's gonna die if it's HIS OWN CHARACTER? that doesn't make sense to me!
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over a year ago salemslot said…
I'm with you,aR!Kill a bunch of them,whoever except Cuddy and Chase!There will be blood!MUAHAHAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!But,dreams rarely come true!
:( People will start whining if we have killings!Why,I have no idea!This will be a twist for the show!If there will not be killings,at least beat the crap out of them!That would be a dramatic episode,don't you think?DS always knows the best for us *winks at aR*
over a year ago amberRocks said…
Hey remember amber people?She died and people starts sayong that it was the best thing ever or something!
But it is true that other people were really upset!
Anyway Salemslot get real!
Do you really think that DS is gonna think how the fans will feel because of another death?
Since when???He doen't care at all!He only cares about the ratings and believe another death will bring a lot of them!