House M.D. The Great House MD Debate!

TheHiddenCane posted on Aug 27, 2008 at 01:57PM
As the title says, this is the Great House MD Debate!
Why do we need one, you ask?
Well, all have opinions and we all watch the same show so we have a certain opinion on every character, every plot and sub-plot and every ship... even if it's subconscious.

We're on one of the most intelligent spots here and there's always enough fuel for discussion:

take season 5 for example, we're all excited and about it and all thinking of the spoilers and how those fit in...

so what will it be?

- Chase's quest for screentime?
- Foreman's attempt to become less asexual and more interesting?
- the fact that Huddy is on the horizon?
- what light still shines for Hamerons?
- the lost friendship of House and Wilson?
- Wilson's new-found dark side?
- House's new-found humanity?
- thirteen's huntingtons?
- rumors of Wameron?

and this is a debate so discussions may go back and forth because it would be interesting to see different opinions and arguments in favor of or against certain subjects... just keep it healthy and most of all fun 'cause that's why we're here, so don't slay each other.

and it doesn't have to be all that serious... nothing wrong with a little fluffyness.(got CF's word bug:P)

sometimes you read something and you just need to vent...

go ahead, that's why we have the great House MD debate!

House M.D. 147 replies

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Showing Replies 1-50 of 147

over a year ago amberRocks said…
Wameron is the greatest news of the day for me!If anyone wants to debate for that I'm open!!!
over a year ago babybell said…
LOL aR, high five!!!!!!!!!!!!! although doesn't it annoy you at all that they asked for hameron news and he gave wameron which means hameron is like,... non existent as far as the spoilers can see?
over a year ago amberRocks said…
I am in a wameron fever right now!
I want this to happen so much!
As for the hameron we knew that it is not a possibility in season 5 so I'm enjoying my other favourite ship!
over a year ago babybell said…
loool cool, for once i will enjoy a ship with you instead of.. well throwing up all over it, * raises a glass*
To Wameron!
over a year ago amberRocks said…
To wameron!
over a year ago Chandlerfan said…
NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!! I really don't want Wameron =/

OK, I'm done venting!

Hi everyone =] *hugs*
over a year ago amberRocks said…
*hugs chandlerfan*
over a year ago babybell said…
* raises glass to Chandlerfan ( so she feels better)*
Its okay Chandlerfan, because Wameron means... well , it basically means no hameron for a long time, so... you could be happy about that,ehy?

over a year ago amberRocks said…
hey it doesn't mean that!Ok maybe a little...
But don't start bashing hameron!
Instead just cheer for Wameron!
God I am happy!
over a year ago Chandlerfan said…
lol BB, I guess that's true... *feels a little better*

Yaaay for no Hameron!! XD
over a year ago TheHiddenCane said…
Wilson's dark side?

I understand why he acts like that towards House...

but I hate it!
with everything Wilson has tried to accomplish with House in the last few years on terms of humanity, House standing there on his doorstep as vulnerable as he can be should be the crown on his work... and what does he do in celebration? He hurts House... shows him that he was right all along and that showing humanity only gets you hurt: That's a major relapse! Wilson should know better than that!

So, in the end, he spends close to 4 seasons hammering on House's lack of humanity... finally gets what he wants and throws it away; sends House back in time to be a distrusting hermit again... how is that not frustrating!

I think he's being cruel... and a jerk.
over a year ago amberRocks said…
If wilson's dark side means sleeping with cameron I like it!
He will be better!
And then chase will kick his ash and will not be so better...
over a year ago TheHiddenCane said…
that was my personal vent:P
Hi guys!
and I don't know what to think of Wameron...
last season was a disaster because of Amber and Wilson and House jealousy towards it and in the aftermath you bring in Cameron!? how is that not gonna create another disaster?:P House would be twice as jealous, I think.
over a year ago amberRocks said…
On another note Cameron is a beoych!
over a year ago TheHiddenCane said…
yes, I agree with that:P
she always annoys me...
over a year ago Dutch_House_Fan said…
I don't like the idea of wilson and cameron together at all!
over a year ago Chandlerfan said…
Yaaay for anti-Wameron, DHF! lool!
Wilteen FTW, I won't accept anything else. =P
over a year ago TheHiddenCane said…
I second that CF!
YAY for anti-Wameron!
over a year ago Dutch_House_Fan said…
I just want house en wilson to be friends again very soon... I don't want a dark wilson.. I just want a cute wilson :P
over a year ago Chandlerfan said…
Yaay another anti-Wameroner! XD (OK, seriously I need to stop making up words)

LOL! Who wouldn't want a cute Wilson!? haha
*goes off thinking about thinking about cute Wilson* *sighs
over a year ago Dutch_House_Fan said…
haha :P stop or else I'm gonna daydream about wilson and house all day.. *sigh* like I don't do that already all day :P
over a year ago Chandlerfan said…
OK DHF, imagine this, House and Wilson show up at your door NAKED! They want to come in for 'coffee'
They start dancing NAKED! =P

OK, now I have the images in my head...
over a year ago TheHiddenCane said…

then we're gonna do a conga-line lol:P
over a year ago Dutch_House_Fan said…
aaah I'm now I see house and wilson dancing in front of me naked xD

hmm cuddy is joining.... GOOOOO HUDDY!!! :P
over a year ago Dutch_House_Fan said…
better close the door of my room...
Can let my brother and sister see I have 3 naked people in my room xD
over a year ago mimika_s said…
chandlerfan,believe me
I am the bigget anti-wameroner here!

and I still don't believe it
adn BB,I am so disappointed at you...
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago TheHiddenCane said…
we're doing a conga-line in here:P

(de polonaise lol:P)
over a year ago Dutch_House_Fan said…
haha :P

I'm dancing with wilson right now...
lool house and cuddy are making out on my bed :P
gotta get my camera!! xD
over a year ago babybell said…
im so sorry, i love chameron just as much, but you have to understand, for me, im just keeping Cameron as far away from House as possible, the actual ship means almost as much as a fish to me as long as Camerons with someone.
over a year ago babybell said…
loool we don't need a camera, soon we will have it on film XXD XXD
over a year ago TheHiddenCane said…
If they try to make Foreman interesting again it will be the death of me!

its okay if it works... but if it doesn't? Foreman is just someone that needs to be there for some reason and if they fail at making him interesting 1 more time he will turn into a prop before our very eyes!

I vent a lot, lol:P
over a year ago mimika_s said…
You know how much I hate hameron,more than you!!
but if I said that I like 13+House or House+anyone,wouldn't you be disappointed at me??Would you like it?
over a year ago cocacola said…
okay, ignoring the fantasies, I prefer Chameron to Wameron, but if it keeps Hameron away then I'm A-Okay, (BB that can be our new motto)
over a year ago babybell said…
Omar Epps is seriously ripped, so if Foremans a prop, hes a very muscly prop. Not terribly good looking, but seriously ripped.
over a year ago Chandlerfan said…
lool! Foreman is a PLANT! (Idk why i said that...)

I've got a whole army of naked Wilson's in my room XD

Yaay mimika! Another anti-Wameroner! XD
over a year ago cocacola said…
I think Foreman's really interesting, but personally I don't think a character needs to be shipped to be interesting.
over a year ago TheHiddenCane said…
nope, it doesn't... but it just seems that they're trying too hard. honestly, the euphoria episodes bored me beyond compare!
over a year ago mimika_s said…
*loves cocacola*

let's make an antiwameron-anti-hameron union!!
over a year ago Dutch_House_Fan said…
yeah I'm with you mimi! ;)
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Chandlerfan said…
yeahh let's do that! =]
over a year ago TheHiddenCane said…
I'm in!
over a year ago cocacola said…
over a year ago amberRocks said…
You people are mean!
over a year ago babybell said…
i feel left out just because i will ship anything that gets Cameron out of the way.... hmmm... i guess i do prefer Chamero though, i just new it would have a fight and... i would SO much rather Wameron than Hameron, but then again i would kill myself before Hameron..
over a year ago Dutch_House_Fan said…
muahahaa :P
over a year ago cocacola said…
babybell, I'm with you *high five*
over a year ago babybell said…
* hides from aR* * looks at the time*
I guess i should be going to bed....
* ignores the fact its 4.40 in the afternoon(
over a year ago amberRocks said…
why hide from me?I knew that you don't like hameron!
But people know that I love wameron and ignore that fact and start bashing it!
Thats not cool!
When I was told by some people that they didn't like what I was saying about Thouse I stopped!
Now I am telling you the same thing!
Back off wameron!
over a year ago mimika_s said…
yes and at anther thread or spoiler you were making fan of Chameron!!
Well,aR I really really like you,honestly,you are my favourite
over a year ago cocacola said…
but amberRocks, this is a DEBATE!! what else are we supposed to do other than shipfight? *hides to avoid future gun shots*