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Hottest Actors Question

Post a picture of an actor which is sad.

Aww :(
Post a picture of an actor which is sad.
awwwwwwwwwwwww :(
XxxFUMMxxX posted over a year ago
beautiful,but very sad
rkebfan4ever posted over a year ago
 Barrowmans_Bum posted over a year ago
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Hottest Actors  best answer

rkebfan4ever said:
this is very sad,because it was the speed that killed him:(
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this is very sad,because it was the speed that killed him:(
posted over a year ago 
Aww :'(
victoria7011 posted over a year ago
ikr? when i posted it,it made me cry
rkebfan4ever posted over a year ago
:( He will always be missed x
victoria7011 posted over a year ago
yes he surely will
rkebfan4ever posted over a year ago
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XxxFUMMxxX said:
baby crying
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baby crying
posted over a year ago 
Awwwwwwwww *best&
victoria7011 posted over a year ago
rkebfan4ever posted over a year ago
victoria7011 said:
This is sad! Its sad that someone would actually go and make a hate page..Like cmon, why you hate him? Least he has done more than you..He is making people feel good while you are being a bellend and a knob. Go and do something else rather than spread hate on someone who has saved lifes ya wankers! REPORTED ya piece of shits..Also they are a homophobic page who obviously are making shit statements because hes gay..FUCK OFF AND SPREAD YOUR SHITTY SHIT THAT DOESNT MAKE SENSE SOMEWHERE ELSE LIKE IN YOUR HEAD YA WANKS! Such bellends in this world...Plus he aint a freak. He is amazing! Least he doesn't go round making hate pages..grow up and get a life ya morons!
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This is sad! Its sad that someone would actually go and make a hate page..Like cmon, why you hate him? Least he has done more than you..He is making people feel good while you are being a bellend and a knob. Go and do something else rather than spread hate on someone who has saved lifes ya wankers! REPORTED ya piece of shits..Also they are a homophobic page who obviously are making shit statements because hes gay..FUCK OFF AND SPREAD YOUR SHITTY SHIT THAT DOESNT MAKE SENSE SOMEWHERE ELSE LIKE IN YOUR HEAD YA WANKS! Such bellends in this world...Plus he aint a freak. He is amazing! Least he doesn't go round making hate pages..grow up and get a life ya morons!
posted over a year ago 
that is not only sad,but hurtful.While we are entitled to our own opinions and freedom of speech,but calling people names is WRONG!!!!!!!!! c
rkebfan4ever posted over a year ago
Celebrities are people too under the fame,keep the name calling and gaybashing to yourself!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
rkebfan4ever posted over a year ago
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