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Hottest Actors Answers

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 Showing Hottest Actors questions (7601 - 7700 of 10971)
Answer: oh I love Brixton
Answer: loved that scene. It was the first time he didn't k...
Answer: CJH
Answer: Gabeyyy
Answer: Ain't he just the cutest!
Answer: so pretty...and the background is nice too<3
Answer: Nick Roux!
Answer: Aston!
Answer: the most amazing blue eyes in the entire world<3
Answer: my smiling sexy Theo James<3
Answer: Lucas looking up<3
Answer: Daniel Ewing with cute pink lips :)
Answer: Kian Lawley
Answer: my gosh, it doesnt suit him, but its nice for itsel...
Answer: pick one (or two...or three...)
Answer: Jensen!
Answer: awesome without a doubt
Answer: Downey ^^
Answer: Misha
Answer: baby
Answer: Glenn McMillan from Power Rangers Ninja Storm
Answer: Joaquin Phoenix <3
Answer: young Jen
Answer: wish that was me he was being naughty with<3
Answer: Bowie in the White House
Answer: my sweetie covering his sexy,kissable mouth<3
Answer: my hot babe with stubble<3
Answer: Jude Law with hair on his arms<3
Answer: *-*
Answer: Jen
Answer: I could watch him all day
Answer: CMM
Answer: Jesse Lee Soffer
Answer: JB!
Answer: Toni
Answer: a beautiful drawing of my handsome Robert<3
Answer: Robert's Twilight co-star,Kellan Lutz with his 2 do...
Answer: J;D
Answer: Zach... *-*
Answer: Dean
Answer: David on the Rolling Stone <333333333333333
Answer: hey Jude<3
Answer: Love his smile :)
Answer: an oil painting of my gorgeous Robert<3
Answer: Manu<3
Answer: Arrow - Malcolm Merlyn!
Answer: David Gandy.
Answer: David Gandy, who is eye candy
Answer: Davy
Answer: Hugh Jackman is really sun-baking hot!
Answer: Zac
Answer: John "So i just bend down and pick up Knobber like ...
Answer: an actor, a singer and some words
Answer: Aidan G
Answer: *dead*
Answer: Stevens
Answer: my gorgeous baby at a Hot Topic signing to promote ...
Answer: Tom Hiddleston kneeling<3
Answer: Justin's close up
Answer: charming Channing
Answer: CMM
Answer: Justin Bieber's cute brown eyes<3
Answer: Jamie''s gorgeous yummy fingers<3
Answer: Channing Tatum <3
Answer: j2
Answer: Potter look
Answer: my sweetie looking down
Answer: Bowie awwwwwwwwww
Answer: Happy Birthday Robbie! ♥♥
Answer: Mr.Barrowman
Answer: babyyyy
Answer: WOW
Answer: Godfrey Gao wearing a hat<3
Answer: Twilight hottie Kellan Lutz and his sexy veins<3
Answer: with or without a cig,my babe is already smokin' ho...
Answer: Jensen <3
Answer: JRM looking sexy!
Answer: Bowbow
Answer: Nico with roses <3
Answer: my young baby
Answer: Matt has gorgeous hair<3
Answer: MB
Answer: Let's Dance
Answer: my Aussie hotty Chris with a watermark<3
Answer: Colton Haynes!
Answer: love them all
Answer: as his cameraman, I'd be dead
Answer: my gorgeous Robert tilting his head<3
Answer: water in the background
Answer: Lucky is only 17
Answer: Josh Hutcherson photoshoot <3
Answer: ;)
Answer: wanna have them^^
Answer: David
Answer: Dave and Lexi <3333333
Answer: Jon Kortajarena
Answer: the BOSS
Answer: Daniel showing an ear<3
Answer: a beautiful,stunning edit of my 2 loves<3
Answer: my sexy British cowboy,who I'd rather ride than any...