Horses My horse journey thus far

k9hatake posted on Aug 28, 2013 at 02:50AM
I am a very fortunate person when it comes to luguries of life. But I'm also a bit challenged. I am very prone to illnesses and other complications. mainly auto immune deficiantcies. I have Hashimoto's hypo throidism, arthritis in my whole left hand my left ancle and both my knees, I have had type 2 diabetes due to my thyroid making me gain weight faster and have gotten rid of it for the most part. I have had to give up so much of what I love. One of them being dance. My parents eventually realized that animals are healers. So after a while my parents said my dad was getting a new higher paying job. This ment life would be easier since we are poor. It would definatly help the animal cost.

We had a small little zoo almost. 3 dogs, 3 guineapigs, 2 toads, 2 turtles, and who could count the fish... It wasn't just my pets. They were my brother's as well. I got a summer babysitting job that payed handsomely. My dad wouldn't take my money for the pets but I wanted to help. So I payed for otherthings. I put half away for me and the rest to whatever we need the money for. Then one day my childhood fantasy was closer than ever.

My dad said he had found a decent and cheap stable in our area. The only in my township. He asked if I still loved horses. I said yes and asked why. He said we would go riding one day. Then he asked while we were riding if I still wanted one.
I looked down at Rust (the horse I was riding) patted him and said "of course I do. I never stopped wanting one." he asked why I never brought it up. I said "because you guys always told me we were to poor and to not get my hopes up." He was quiet after that.

Now I was obsessive. I wanted a horse and wanted one bad. I was at the age now where I could get a real job that paid more a month and had a constant flow of cash. Petco. $450 a month wasn't bad even if it was minimum wage. I quickly climbed the latter from cashier to small animals/aquatics seeing as I knew quite a bit and had experience (plus I just happened to frequent the shop so everyone there knew me). I set aside half of my paycheck for me and the other half to save.

Eventually my dad asked if I wanted to ride again and I said yes and so we ended up going together twice a month. I went 3 times a week. If I was stressed 5. That's when I started acting like a kid and asked everyday if we could get a horse. To my surprise after the first month and a half I was allowed to! I adopted a young stallion named Chance and we didn't realize it at the time but The previous owner had lied to us and didn't warn us of Chance's cancer problem. I noticed there was a strange feeling surrounding Chance one day but felt that maybe it was me since there was nothing visibly wrong with him and he acted fine. It continued and I checked him out. That is when we found the marble sized cancerous lump. The vet told us to quit riding him and do the best we could to treat him. Eventually we had to put Chance down.

Three months after loosing chance we found this fill whose mother had died after she gave birth. They didn't want to take the time of raising a foal 24/7 and were just asking for a small fee for him. When I saw his picture I thought of Chance immediately. And we adopted him and thanks to the help of the barn staff he is now thriving in his new home. We named him Fortune.

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