Horror Movies Horror Lovers Forum

jlhfan624 posted on Apr 19, 2009 at 01:10AM
Jason got a hold of this forum and now we are dead.
last edited on Dec 26, 2010 at 01:33PM

Horror Movies 16477 replies

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over a year ago Paramore-CSI said…
yah me 2
over a year ago brittlegirl94 said…
He is, and oh he does that too! Every time I take a shower he has to be in the room or else he'll whine; and he licks the water ha!

Awesome, and me too. Right now I'm re-watching Spiderman and I need to sleep so I took 2 and It's taking effect. Oh the same, I had a really rough day today and now I can sleep it off. Sleeping FTW!

Oh man that sounds bad - I hope things work out Heather! I'm Lucy btw. :)
over a year ago jlhfan624 said…
I love taking Tylenol PM's and staying up as late as I possibly can. It's fun to try to fight the urge to sleep off :)

And thanks, it's okay now :) I got the sign I needed so I'm good! Nice to finally know your name too!
over a year ago Paramore-CSI said…
yah I like that name Lucy its awsopme
over a year ago jlhfan624 said…
Do you think we should put our names in the first forum? Guys when you comment, leave your name so I can add it to the name list! :)
over a year ago Paramore-CSI said…
heyy yah sure
over a year ago jlhfan624 said…
OK I added some people's names up there. If you are commenting in this thread a lot and I somehow miss you just let me know and I will add your name :)

What are you guys doing?
over a year ago Paramore-CSI said…
Nothing really like nothin
over a year ago jlhfan624 said…
Well that doesn't sound very exciting lol I'm just listening to music and posting on IMDB. I love those boards, the people can be so great :D
over a year ago Paramore-CSI said…
yup they can
over a year ago jlhfan624 said…
Do you post on there often? What's your username, maybe I've seen you :)
over a year ago Paramore-CSI said…
no id
over a year ago jlhfan624 said…
Have you guys seen this? LOL
over a year ago Paramore-CSI said…
yah I have its good
over a year ago brittlegirl94 said…
Yeah It is, I was reading the past comments and saw your name was Heather so I knew. Thanks, I really like my name too! A really awesome fun fact about me is that my parents named me JUST "Lucy" So It's my full name, not Lucille or Lucinda! =D

Hmm.. I've tried IMBD but I'm a hardcore Wikipedia fan, I love the layout ha! That is a great idea, and I also like your idea for movie of the month too! Maybe we could all suggest a movie and then let everyone decide in a pick which one is movie of the month. Just suggesting ha!

over a year ago Paramore-CSI said…
yah that would be awsome Lucy
over a year ago jlhfan624 said…
big smile
I thought about the pick idea but I think it would take up too much room in the picks section to be honest, and some people might even pick after we've already decided on a movie and it would mess things up. I think we can all just come up with a decision in here, it works out just as well.

Wiki? I didn't know they had forums lol I don't go on there much. IMDB is a god-send!
over a year ago brittlegirl94 said…
True, true. I agree. So how should we decide in here? Can we get a movie ready for July? :)

Oh my bad; I didn't mean forums (even though they may have them) I just meant I like the layout of a Wiki page. I tend to do research because I'm a *cough* movie geek.

So what are you guys doing?
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago jlhfan624 said…
Oh ok! I was gonna say "I have to check out Wiki forums!" lol I'm addicted to forums. I love IMDB ones though even though we don't have avatars, which is usually a big requirement for me. These guys are so easy to bond with :D

I have a movie planned for July but I'm going to wait to tell everyone until the 1st :) Because I'm mean that way lol But the other times we can just discuss it and come to a multiple decision, maybe we'll even have one person do it a month or something too.

I'm listening to music. I love her. <3 You?
over a year ago Paramore-CSI said…
love that song
over a year ago jlhfan624 said…
Have you heard anything else by Angel City? She's one of my favorites.
over a year ago brittlegirl94 said…
Yeah, I totally goofed! Me too; Fourms are pretty fun, and Avatars FTW! I change mine ALOT on other sites.

Grr that is mean, ha! Kidding, but I hope It's a good one! One more week! :) Yeah, maybe someday we can hold a contest to pick 12 people to each have a month to pick a movie and post in here alot or something.

I was just adding various videos from youtube onto the True Blood and Flight of the Conchords fanpops like this one. She is pretty good. :)

over a year ago Paramore-CSI said…
no I havnt
over a year ago jlhfan624 said…
lol That's a really cute video. :) I've heard of them before but they aren't really my style haha But I like that video, it's clever.

I also have to do the FOTM for June but nobody has really been participating except in this forum! You guys should post some stuff :)

I also change my avatars way too often on Fanpop. Everyone has to know me by my username and not my pic because it changes so often
over a year ago brittlegirl94 said…
big smile
Yeah, I know!! I'm a pretty big fan of them because I think their very funny. Yes very clever :)

What is it? I'll sure Participate!

Haha, that's just like me on a Harry Potter fan site. I was trying to keep that pic on here for awhile of the blonde girl (VMars) with the brown haired guy (Piz) but I decided to change back to "Over the Moon". I like this pic alot, ha RANDOM!
Yeah, I know!! I'm a pretty big fan of them because I think their very funny. Yes very clever :)

over a year ago Paramore-CSI said…
haha i do to much aparently i have icon bipoliar disorder LOL
over a year ago jlhfan624 said…
Fan of the Month, where I make a pick with all the users who have been active in the spot for a whole month and people vote on who they think has done the best job and then they win and get an interview with the last month's FOTM.
over a year ago Paramore-CSI said…
thats cool
heyy who should I have on my new Icon
over a year ago brittlegirl94 said…
LOL. Just changed mine! :P

RIGHT; totally forgot about that for a min. Cool! That's about the same as my idea then. GOSH I'm addicted to this video right now ha!

Who do you like? Like what shows and stuff?
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Paramore-CSI said…
house, all CSI's all law and orders criminal minds other crime shows like numbers and stuff
over a year ago brittlegirl94 said…
Hmm, I watch house sometimes but I don't know about those other shows. It's up to you though. =]
over a year ago jlhfan624 said…
Do you like Law & Order: Criminal Intent? That's the only one of those shows I watch that you mentioned. :)

As for your icon...umm IDK you seem to like Olivia Wilde. Who else do you like?
over a year ago brittlegirl94 said…
Ooh you like Paramore, how about a Paramore pic? *loves Paramore*
over a year ago Paramore-CSI said…
kellan lutz, sric schmanza(spelt name wrong) jannifer love hewitt, christina aqulara, mika a little, emily procter, gwen steffoni lady gaga taylor laughner others but yah

and yah i watch Criminal intent
over a year ago jlhfan624 said…
big smile
Oh Emily Procter! I love her you should change it to her :P YAY another CI watcher :D
over a year ago Paramore-CSI said…
ok i will
over a year ago jlhfan624 said…
Aww Emily! I love her, she's a Republican too which makes her 10x cooler :D What are you guys up to? I'm going to bed soon =( IMDB is dead as hell too.
over a year ago brittlegirl94 said…

My dad just told me I can order My Bloody Valentine *the new one* 3D on demand and watch It! I'm really excited woo! I have some 3D glasses from previous DVD sets so I'm all ready. That's what I'm up to! I'm going to go and watch It, talk to you tomorrow! (Love the new av btw Jackie)
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Paramore-CSI said…
im watching gary unmarried till americas got talent comes on
over a year ago jlhfan624 said…
OMG YAY!!! My Bloody Valentine is my favorite movie of the year so far, I was totally impressed with it and Jensen and the overall EVERYTHING about it! I even had to go buy it when it came out even though I haven't watched it again. I'm afraid of tearing it up lol Let me know how you like it :D <3
over a year ago Paramore-CSI said…
yahme 2
eww i just killed a fly
it flew around for a bit hit the screen and died
over a year ago jlhfan624 said…
lol I hate flies, or anything that actually FLIES. They are creepy =( I had a moth in my room the other day and about had a heart attack lol I'm such a girl when it comes to bugs.
over a year ago brittlegirl94 said…
big smile
Wow, It is Heather? That's so cool! I'll totally know what I thought of It, ask me tomorrow! =DD
over a year ago jlhfan624 said…
Though apparently people are HATING it, especially on the IMDB boards. I don't understand it =( So just if you don't listen to what they say and go into it with an open mind, I'm sure you'll love it :D
over a year ago Paramore-CSI said…
what srry im confused?
over a year ago brittlegirl94 said…
We're talking about the new My Bloody Valentine. I'm about to watch It and Heather really loves it, and honestly I bet I will too, I tend to have an open mind and end up loving a movie. =D
over a year ago Paramore-CSI said…
ok cool
over a year ago islandream said…
I am a stay at home mother of 3 so I watch alot of movies. I'm probably the oldest person on this forum but I do love horror movies and I consider myself somewhat of an expert in this field. I would have to say that any horror movie that makes me question if it can really happen or not and actually scare me is on the top list. I do not get scared easily how about anyone else?
over a year ago Paramore-CSI said…
me neither actually in some horror movies i fell over cuz I was laughing to hard
over a year ago brittlegirl94 said…
big smile
Hey there! OH GOSH I SAW MY BLOODY VALENTINE LAST NIGHT; unfortunately the on demand fell though and I didn't get 3D, but that's alright because I Imagine I'm buying It anyways. You can message me later Heather so we can talk about the spoilers - I Really enjoyed It!

I'm off to the theater to see another movie! Later peeps! *lol*