Hiphuggers Eric & Calleigh: No More???

EC_OLOGY posted on Mar 14, 2011 at 04:00PM
ARE THERE ANY ERIC & CALLEIGH FANS STILL OUT THERE?????? If so, a few Huggers over on the CBS thread are in the process of starting a "Save Eric & Calleigh Romance" Campaign. If you have been keeping up with the romance then you know that it's become a complete mess thanks to the writers/producers. I also know it's become very daunting to see EC as a couple we don't even recognize anymore. EC fans have patiently waited too long and have put up with too much to let the romance fall to the waste side. Do we loyal fans not deserve better? Granted a lot has been going on behind the scenes and that I'm sure played a major role in deciding to break up EC. However, the way it was done is UNACCEPTABLE and a slap in the face to EC fans. Additionally, we EC fans do recognize the fact that the writers went overboard with the romance and as a result offended a lot of non EC fans. However, EC fans recognized and know that CSI Miami is NOT the EC show. We never wanted that. EC fans simply want our couple to be happy and give the fans glimpses into their relationship every now and then. The main FOCUS should be on the crime drama aspect of the show. With balance I believe MOST Miami fans will be happy. Huggers have been quiet lately because we were led to believe that EC would be turning a corner back to their relationship before the end of season 9 but that is not turning out to be the case. As such, we HUGGERS need to STEP UP and SPEAK UP before the EC Romance is truly over. We cannot continue to sit back and take the word of the writers/producers because as we now know they ARE NOT FORTHCOMING nor TRUTHFUL when it comes to future of Eric and Calliegh. We have started a petition and we are contemplating on whether or not to BOYCOTT seeing as though ratings are the only thing that seems to get their attention.

HUGGERS are all over the World Wide Web so we need to try and have one central location so ALL HUGGERS can know and be up to date with our progress. All EC fan sites have their own followers and that's what we need to tap into. So, if you are still out there please hit me up! WE CAN MAKE THIS HAPPEN BUT ONLY IF WE PULL TOGETHER!!!!!!

Save Eric Calleigh Petition

Eric & Calleigh: No More??? Video

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