Hetalia Guys, we need to talk..

JungleGhost posted on Jun 16, 2013 at 06:40PM
Okay, so its this thing about "sane" fans that is really bothering me..

Okay, i understand that maybe you dont want to be involved with..for example those extreme fans in the hetalia episode comments on youtube but.. completly discrediting them and call them "the other side" is simply..idk.. mean?

I mean, isnt the "other side" of the fandom still hetalia fans? We dont need to bash them! If you guys really want to make them change, then maybe we shouldnt have the "IM BETTER THAN YOU" attitude just because you are a sane fan. Please, shouldn't we all get along and try to have fun? We are a whole big family after all!

..sigh, maybe you dont get the meaning behind this but whatever..im just really tired of seeing everyone place themselves into groups..we should focus on improving our community.

Hetalia 1 reply

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over a year ago Tinekraut said…
I go for practicality. Whatever will yield better result for the fandom. But let's think some steps ahead. Since we all agree on the need for a better community, isn't it a better deterrence for anyone from misbehaving if somewhat the idea of "categorization" is given out than having it unsaid? 'Cause, as I have observed, it actually has mellowed down in here since the appearance of many criticisms. Such things are actually working. So I hope also you'll understand why it was done. I don't think anything would have changed if everyone just kept silent. There's a value to criticism/complaints as it helps people realize what has to be realized, and it helps as deterrence from misbehavior (in that case, people will try to behave properly to avoid getting labeled as insane, which in turn, should make the fandom somehow mellowed down. That's how it's supposed to work.). Afterall, knowing the mistakes and engendering deterrence (in a proper way of course, in a proper way) are the first steps to reformation.

When we say this part is sane, this part is not, basically we are trying to somehow discern what is right, what is wrong. It's the same thing when we exercise criticism in other things (not criticism in the bad sense) or when we try to point out the mistakes - we try to identify what's right or wrong. Even you, yourself, are exercising criticism on your post, as what it seems, and you even label some certain comment as “mean” when, all along, the commenter was trying her best to maintain the euphemism having in mind some good intention. Hope you won't confuse that as an act or attitude of superiority 'cause, would you rather be not corrected on what seems not right? Even I myself want to be corrected on whatever. Confusing it that way, then you might as well call it an act/attitude of superiority if you say I am wrong about my opinion while you are correct on yours. Everyone is wrong and ignorant, only in different aspects so there's no such thing as "superior" or "better".

I figure you must have read my comment on that link and now you are worrying about anyone getting directly bashed. But I suggest you familiarize yourself first with the character of the members here in this club before you worry and assume some certain people are capable of doing something wrong against anyone or these certain people don't realize the value of good-relations, amity, friendship, or whatever you call it, or perhaps do not know some proper manners in convincing people or these people haven’t thought before of the same course of action being suggested on the post above.

Bashing and criticizing/commenting are different things (in this context) so I hope you won’t confuse the two as well. Bashing is when you try to pick a fight on a particular person. Commenting is when you don’t pick a fight, rather, it is addressed to the general public. In the case of the latter, leave it to the person/s to ponder herself/himself whether they are guilty or not. It’s even up to the person to agree on that idea of sane/not sane categorization. But at least, let the people who agree to it properly (yes, in a proper manner) express their opinion just as how you express your disagreement to it. Afterall, we all have freedom of expression. But of course, no need to get up to anyone, bash her off, take everything personal, and be hostile so as to point out at her/him that “You are not a fan. You don’t belong here.” (or any other form of bashing) ‘cause: a.) it is wrong, per se. b.) It won’t work. No one will be able to persuade that way. Instead it will only elicit pointless arguments and more unwanted conflicts. So naturally that leaves us to resorting to “pacifistic way of contributing to the reformation of the community”. You know what it means; it’s what you are trying to advocate here – getting along with everyone. Well, afterall, who wouldn’t want a fandom where everyone is friends with each other? And who would ever want to be at odds with someone?

Having all of these explained, I hope no one’s getting the wrong idea anymore, and I hope you’ll no longer worry about this matter.

I don’t know perhaps you need some tea. (And if I give you tea you might question my sanity… But… O.. well…) *Hands tea*
last edited over a year ago
JungleGhost commented…
Okay, i must admit that your comment certainly amused me, and i think i understand what you are going for. If i gave the impression that i was judging everyone without learning to understand them, then i am very sorry for that. Though i don't still think that i'll be the one to critizise fans anymore, even if its hetalia. ive been critizised so many times that i cant myself critizise someone anymore..sigh. but still *accepts offer* (Some tea isnt that bad!) Anyway..ill leave the matter then, it gives me such a headache anyway. over a year ago